#GWGjackjamieson, do you want me to have a look at the code to see if I see anything? Or test/install it?
#jackjamiesonGWG, that'd be great if you want. I've got a few things I'll probably finish this week (integrating parse this and a basic UI for managing channels). The master branch is pretty stable I think, though
#jackjamieson(Although it's been a little bit since I've done a clean install, so I might need to tidy up my composer file or something like that)
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#jackjamiesonGWG: I've been trying out the parse-this updates - working pretty well!
#jackjamiesonTwo things I noticed. I'm getting entry authors as mf2 instead of jf2. I added a line to my parser that calls mf2_to_jf2, which works well
#jackjamiesonSecond, in-reply-to is being returned as an array (name,url,type) instead of just a url. This seems to cause Together to crash when previewing feeds. I'll make a github issue with more details
jackjamieson joined the channel
#GWGIt should call mf2 to jf2 recursively, but I'll have a look
#GWGI will be adding proper feed parsing support into it
#GWGBut Together not interpreting more than URL might be a Together bug too
#jackjamiesonThanks - It's possible I'm just missing something re: the author mf2 vs. jf2. And you might be right about in-reply-to containing more than a URL. I wasn't sure whether JF2 stipulated a more minimal format, but it could be a bug in Together, you're right. I'll create an issue and ask
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