#miklbit hangs at the syndication links, that's the error on the Omnibear logs
#miklbwhich is what is also weird. I get passed the auth screen and it acts like everything is ok then hangs at getting syndication links and shows the error in its logs. I thought I linked to that at some point. I could be wrong
#miklbor I am about to actually understand how the auth works :-)
#miklbit shows the token is authed in the admin and Omnibear has a token stored.
#GWGAnd Omnibear had the problem before that it was trying to use cookie auth
#miklbI had cleared cookies, logged out of both the extension and my WP site, and stepped through it with the 1.2 beta and same 403 error. It's not the end of the world for me personally as I've never been able to use it. I'd love to solve it, but it's not a blocker for me.
#miklbbut if it helps the others who have similar error, I'll do what ever I can to help debug
#GWGMy next step is to add the ability to IndieAuth to generate a token so I can do command-line testing.
#GWGBasically, put in an endpoint in the IndieAuth plugin that allows testing the header and such, also a feature request.
#miklbso I just tried disabling the indieauth plugin and authorize with Omnibear and says missing endpoints. So micropub doesn't work as a standalone plugin?
#miklbor am I forgetting a step for using something different.
#GWGI just pulled your site and I see the header as the IndieAuth plugin
#miklbI switched back to triple check. Turn if off, as soon as I enter my URL in OB it throws error saying missing endpoints. Activate Indieauth, it connects right away.