#wordpress 2018-09-21

2018-09-21 UTC
[eddie], bl4ckb0ne17, [tantek], [manton] and [asuh] joined the channel
I don’t know how easy or possible this is, and I know there are other plugins that can do this already, but it’d be a good performance win for Indieweb to concatenate and serve bundled stylesheets and scripts based on how many indieweb plugins are installed.
On my site, I currently have four extra stylesheets loading: post-kinds, indieweb, semantic-linkbacks, and syndication-links. The combined weight for all four of these is almost 12KB but I have to spend four HTTP requests downloading each. Seems like, especially for such a small bundle, this could be great served as one file. But that means the main Indieweb plugin would need to be able to dynamically concat and compress based on active dep
[tantek] joined the channel
[asuh]: There are plugins that do that, I think.
[Launch Interactive] Description This plugin merges/concatenates Cascading Style Sheets & Javascript files into groups. It then minifies the generated files using Minify (for CSS) and Google Closure (for JS – fallback to Minify when not available). Minification is don...
To name one
yeah, and I knew about this plugin as well as others that exist, but I thought it could be small overhead to add to the main Indieweb plugin for added performance benefit
[eddie] joined the channel
what are you up to tonight GWG
[asuh]: I just split out the parser in Post Kinds into its own repository because there is interest in using it elsewhere.
And I've been trying to get Post Kinds 3.1.0 ready for release.
Still have some bug reports
nice, and well documented
Which is well documented?
I was just going through the includes files in the Parse This library
Well, it needs more work.
[asuh]: It does have a testing tool built in to see what is parses
fwiw bundling css into a single file is way less important now with http2 becoming more popular.
[aaronpk] agreed, however I’m not optimistic we’ll hit critical mass with http2 at least a couple of years or more
and I’ve also noticed those who have tested still advocate some concatenation. I’m just looking at performance gains and future proofing for a time when there could be 5-10 files loading from the various plugins
or for those files which are just a few bytes, reconsider moving that code back into the view
Sure I just feel like unless you're making several tens of thousands of dollars a month from a website that level of optimization isn't really worth it since it will be solved for you soon anyway
[Khurt] joined the channel
Any suggestions on troubleshooting pingbacks and webmentions?
[Khurt]: If we can't figure it out, there is always next week.
@GWG thanks. Heading off to bed soon but looking for ways I can trouble shoot in the morning and over the weekend.
Tsesarevich24, edr23, granis24, [nealthom], Guest62151, [jgmac1106], lordinvader10 and Dr_Herbalist19 joined the channel
[chrisaldrich] I was trying to play with links manager to spit out the following: <li><a class="u-follow-of h-card" href="$url">$name</a> $description</li> but failed...
wAmpIre15, AkyRhO, [arnefismen], Ogma-22, [eddie], [AkyRhO], Friberg19, [grantcodes], [jgmac1106], Sleipnir, [kiai], rimd2r2, feld21, dragonlor28, [manton], [kevinmarks], Gup23, Hobbit26, tantek, Mad7Scientist29, guy_29, cohn23, TheKit23, inode22, Somni23, tantek__, [dougbeal] and nadare joined the channel