2018-09-24 UTC
sonne_, rdorsch6, Shred00, spridarn12, tantek__, AkyRhO, Guest94007, none_____, bebarker, deinspanjer15, j6mes6, ceemel, jeremych_, zproc23, coyotebush14, moss5, GlennS, redfish23 and [jgmac1106] joined the channel
# 10:41 Loqi [Zeega] Zeega: Zeega is the easiest way to create and share interactive videos.
[schmarty], [jgmac1106], [kevinmarks], Xunie23, Piotrek29, SynSynack18, matthewprenger19 and jackjamieson joined the channel
# 17:01 GWG jackjamieson, Parse This is now in composer
noway9618 and jackjamieson joined the channel
# 17:04 jackjamieson GWG - Thanks! That's great. I was just adding it as a submodule, but composer will be simpler
# 17:10 GWG I am having trouble with the submodule version,. maybe I am better off with composer.
# 17:15 jackjamieson Hmmm, just tried to add it and it installed into a wp-content/plugins/parse-this folder instead of into /vendor
# 17:31 Zegnat autoload doesn’t change anything about installation location. It tells composer which files to consider when someone tries to use your class.
# 17:31 Loqi Zegnat has 4 karma in this channel over the last year (156 in all channels)
# 17:32 Zegnat If you include vendor/autoload.php in your code (which I am guessing WP does not?) you need autoload. If you are just using composer as a way to fetch files and keep them updated, but include the file through your own include code, no need to have that as part of the JSON file
# 17:32 Zegnat is happy to help with composer, as he knows nothing about WP ;)
# 17:49 jackjamieson GWG: I think the default install path is determined by '"type": "wordpress-plugin"'
# 17:55 GWG I will likely do that as well. It works as a library or a standalone plugin
tantek__ joined the channel
# 18:06 jackjamieson GWG: Sounds good - I'll play around with your updates today or tomorrow and will let you know how it goes
AfroThundr21, Headline2215, [jgmac1106], [Rose] and brokaw joined the channel
# 19:16 GWG jackjamieson, keep me posted. I need to fix some issues and push them. I think the get images function may be going too far
dougbeal|imac and rootnode joined the channel
# 19:28 jackjamieson GWG: Ooh, interesting. Images have sometimes parsed incorrectly for me in the past (e.g. some of tantek's photo posts) so I'll see if get_images improves things. Either way, I'll let you know
# 19:30 GWG I wouldn't. It is for local posts
# 19:35 GWG Parse This includes local and remote mf2 parsing tools
# 19:42 jackjamieson Got to run for now - I should have some testing notes for you sometime tomorrow
brokaw, timwr27, [schmarty], [jgmac1106], Welcome, rpav14, [eddie], boj, [kevinmarks], spikebike29, drkokandy_, tantek and tantek___ joined the channel