#wordpress 2018-10-15
2018-10-15 UTC
[jgmac1106] awesome!!!

[jgmac1106] no worries, was thinking you usually crush it when you do the podcast why not a 2-3 minute update with each release? Could be one way. I will get word out now

[schmarty], [eddie], [Rose] and [pfefferle] joined the channel
[pfefferle] !tell [asuh] the Webmention form loads on the “comment_form_after” action… you build your own theme (as far as I can see), have you disabled or removed the hook in your theme?

[Rose], tonz, [jgmac1106], bradenslen and [pfefferle] joined the channel
[pfefferle] good morning

[eddie], [kevinmarks], [tantek] and [asuh] joined the channel
[jgmac1106] joined the channel
[jgmac1106] @gwg what is the upload media box in the response property box? Does it load for every post kinds? certain ones?

[pfefferle] joined the channel
[pfefferle] [asuh] no, it is part of the `comment_form` function

[pfefferle] [asuh] have you installed the webmention_comment_form plugin?

[pfefferle] that’s good

[pfefferle] have you open sourced your theme?

[pfefferle] hmmm

[pfefferle] have you tried it with a default theme? does the form show on the twenty* themes?

[pfefferle] on a vanilla installition with no plugins?

[pfefferle] this is really weird

[jgmac1106] are we saying the webmentions form hook is not loading on his custom theme? I was manually changing mine before [pfefferle] and @gwg added editing the form natively in plugin

[jgmac1106] and this box is checked, " Show a Webmention form at the comment section, to allow anyone to notify you of a mention" sorry if this is redundant

[jgmac1106] +1 [pfefferle] "this is weird"

[jgmac1106] is anyone using composer in a theme?

[pfefferle] [asuh] have you saved the settings anyways?

[pfefferle] yes, that is really not good…

[pfefferle] good to know

[pfefferle] so the default value is not really active by default

[jgmac1106] we have a few bugs with settings being active by default. Any help you can provide @gwg will be great. Post Kinds won't display be default either until you make a change and save

[kiai] joined the channel
[pfefferle] should be fixed with the next version https://github.com/pfefferle/wordpress-webmention/commit/7dbb68d1788c2a204624953ea0a204de48833974

[pfefferle] release is on it’s way https://github.com/pfefferle/wordpress-webmention/releases/tag/3.8.5

[dave] joined the channel
jackjamieson and jackjamieson1 joined the channel
jackjamieson GWG: Hi, sorry I had to run the other day. Haven't had much time to work on IndieWeb stuff over the past week or so, but this week is looking a little better :)
[jgmac1106] hey your websub yarns stuff [jackjamieson] is awesome, feel free to keep hacking away..will be plenty for you to do when done

[eddie] joined the channel
jackjamieson Thanks [jgmac1106]! BTW I got a lot out of IWC NYC, even just online. Thanks for putting so much work into that! I'm looking forward to getting back to some of what I was working on back then
jackjamieson [eddie] 😄
[jgmac1106] perfect [jackjamieson] hoping I can finagle you into forking independent publisher and fixing the h-card/gravatar issue and some other basic mf2 problems it has...very popular theme....until folks learn its borken

jackjamieson [jgmac1106] In fact, I used independent publisher for awhile and stopped for that reason. I'll focus on some Yarns stuff first, but will take a look at independent publisher when I can
[jgmac1106] Yarns++

[jgmac1106] I am happy to do it with you and working to bring in other WordPress experts (looking at you [mrkrndvs] and [johnjohnston] folks like me just starting to tweak themes and who can do grunt work but need leadership from someone like you

[schmarty] joined the channel
jackjamieson Been a long time since I used that theme (or actually done any theme work) so I'll need to review it a bit. To be honest I probably won't get to it this week, but I'm happy to give it a shot!
[jgmac1106] not this week at all...long term project to fit all our lives, want to get a solid team on it, few minor tweaks and I have notes of all the errors, though I will run through them again sense I actually know some stuff

jackjamieson That sounds great. I'll try to familiarize myself with the theme structure, and any time you want to send me some error notes that would be great
jgmac1106_ joined the channel
jgmac1106_ okay, I will fork the repo, rerun a vanilla install with the plugins, and file issues, may have to rely on my early morning EU crowds to help check my parser conclusions (sorry @zegnat and @sknebel) but I don’t want to rush it at all, want to find volunteers to help with documentation writing, have a process for code review, and hopefully a slow and stable release schedule

[tantek] FYI: My comment on the blog I was helping with last week showed up: https://www.orangemoose.com/blog/?p=126

jackjamieson [jgmac1106] Cool, It'll be nice to get that theme working a bit better with mf2. Glad you're taking charge of this!
[jgmac1106] Probably a semantic linkback plugin improvement..that is how webmention are displayed

[jgmac1106] Thx [jackjamieson] happy to take a gsd role but will need smarter folks like you to help. Will wrangle us up a team

jackjamieson "smarter" I think not, but susceptible to flattery 😆
jackjamieson Going to run for now, and looking forward to making Yarns progress tomorrow
jgmac1106_, [kevinmarks], [eddie], [kiai], chrisaldrich and [chrisaldrich] joined the channel
jgmac1106_ @zegnat won’t happen for sometime, I need to rebuild testing environment, and finish my personal migration….once we start testing I will want second eye’s on what I think is wrong…you and @sknebel always Quickdraw McGraw when I need mf2 help

[kevinmarks], [dave], j12t_, bradenslen, [tantek], [jgmac1106] and chrisaldrich joined the channel