2018-10-26 UTC
[dmitshur] and [dave] joined the channel
# 02:41 Ruxton "*Disabling the REST API prevents content scraping and plagiarism" umm if I can read it i can scrape it, disabling the Rest API doesnt prevent either of those things.
wagle_, [kevinmarks], [tonz], [jgmac1106] and [Marco] joined the channel
# 11:01 GWG Okay, Elevation API is now integrated into the lookup procedure and will add the elevation to posts if not supplied.
# 11:02 GWG So now I know how far above sea level I am at any given time.
jgmac1106 joined the channel
# 11:25 Loqi GWG has 84 karma in this channel over the last year (165 in all channels)
# 11:26 [jgmac1106] I am gonna role back my post kind and see if that fixes micropub for me
# 11:32 GWG [jgmac1106]: What is happening exactly?
# 11:34 GWG And what do you mean by role back my post kind?
# 11:37 GWG That might help me track things down if there is an issue
# 11:37 [jgmac1106] no but will let you knwo if it works for me and then we have two people
# 11:41 GWG But his problem is that the data gets corrupted somehow when he saves.
# 11:42 [jgmac1106] not sure....let me try Quill, Indigenous doen't post but media saves to the library
# 11:43 GWG Always appreciate your willingness to try things
# 11:51 GWG Okay. Dark Sky is now a supported weather provider
# 11:52 GWG Let someone try to deprecate an API now
# 11:52 GWG I was going to add Weather Underground, but they deprecated that a few weeks ago.
# 11:53 GWG Surprisingly easy, as I did that in 15 minutes.
# 11:54 [jgmac1106] so Quill, post fines, I wonder if I am getting a timeout issue with Indigineous'
# 11:58 GWG [jgmac1106]: Use the refresh option
# 11:58 GWG It says "Refresh Configuration" under the menu
# 11:59 GWG swentel put that in more recently.
# 11:59 GWG So, just the fact the endpoint moved
# 12:01 GWG I'm just happy right now that some things are coming together.
# 12:02 GWG Really? I thought I was being lazy
# 12:03 GWG But I still have Auto Add Location and Weather on Micropub post.
# 12:03 GWG And try to figure out why some people have issues setting public or private
# 12:03 GWG That's minimal before I ship and move on.
# 12:04 GWG I'm in Provider mode, as I just wrote a provider registration system that made adding them easy
# 12:04 GWG Based on the kind registration I did in Post Kinds because chrisaldrich kept wanting to add new ones
# 12:04 GWG So, the next provider issue is Syndication Links. Finally finishing the work to give it syndication providers
# 12:04 [jgmac1106] when this is done, happy to help and try to get 2016-IndieWeb in the approved wp.org repo
# 12:05 GWG After I finish making the rounds of all my plugins and giving them love, not sure what I'll do next.
# 12:05 GWG But, just rotating around from one to the next seems to work pretty well.
# 12:06 [jgmac1106] fixing the xml/rss for post-kinds, or doing what ever we need to to get post kinds and mf2 stream working
# 12:06 GWG Oh, yes. Almost forgot about that.
# 12:06 GWG Post Kinds is now spitting out the right data
# 12:07 GWG That was the point of the 3.1.0 update, which was massive on the code side, if not the feature side
# 12:07 GWG So, now mf2-feed has to actually use it.
# 12:07 GWG There's a PR to add support to read it in the mf2-feed repository
# 12:07 GWG I need to review that as pfefferle assigned it to me.
[Marco], jgmac1106, [tantek], [manton], [Vincent], [kevinmarks] and [pfefferle] joined the channel
# 15:02 [pfefferle] it will be a bit more complicated as you are storing as MF2 now and I only implemented JF2 to MF2
[tantek], [Rose], [jgmac1106], [eddie], [kevinmarks] and jackjamieson joined the channel
# 16:29 GWG I wrote the jf2 to mf2 and vice versa code
[pfefferle] joined the channel
# 16:40 GWG I intend to get that addressed. Almost done with location work
# 16:43 GWG Have you been following that? It is Indieweb adjacent
# 16:43 GWG But I did want to get it fixed before I travelled to Germany
# 17:06 GWG I just wonder if I went overboard implementing altitude in my posts just because I could
# 17:10 GWG I had better start displaying it then, I guess
tonz joined the channel
# 17:47 tonz not sure why or what, but it seems that post kinds is no longer changing the wordpress form. E.g. when posting a reply it no longer has a field to add url I am replying to. Similar for bookmark. Reverted to hand coding u-in-reply-to"
# 17:52 tonz confused as to what might be the cause of such sudden changes
jgmac1106 and [jgmac1106] joined the channel
# 18:12 [jgmac1106] There was an update to 3.1.1 but that has been out for a few days.
[cleverdevil], [tantek] and [eddie] joined the channel
# 21:53 GWG Maybe it is hiding the response box again
wagle, [schmarty], [kevinmarks] and [tantek] joined the channel