2018-10-27 UTC
[schmarty], [dmitshur], [Rose], [tonz], [eddie], sebsel, [tantek], [Vincent] and [jgmac1106] joined the channel
# 11:56 [jgmac1106] [tonz] wondering if you tried the OCR plugins as an Evernote replacement
[tonz] joined the channel
# 12:24 [tonz] [jgmac1106] I run the 3.1.1. version, and not sure but it feels like the additional fields in the editor form disappeared with that update. Also noticed that the New post menu is different from the top admin menu bar when looking at it while on the site, or while on the admin dashboard.
# 12:24 [tonz] [jgmac1106] no, haven’t tried the WP ocr plugins.
[sebsel] joined the channel
# 12:34 GWG tonz, go under screen options and click response prope
# 12:42 GWG Maybe I should change it from movable to fixed since somehow it keeps getting hidden
[eddie], sebsel, [Rose], [dmitshur], [frank], [Tilley], gRegorLove_ and [kevinmarks] joined the channel
[dougbeal] joined the channel
# 22:44 [dougbeal] Thats wierd, wp is saying update micropub to 3.4.0, and view details goes to simple location
# 22:47 GWG What is simple-location/micropub?
# 22:47 Loqi It looks like we don't have a page for "simple-location/micropub" yet. Would you like to create it? (Or just say "simple-location/micropub is ____", a sentence describing the term)
# 22:50 [dougbeal] looks like micropub.php from 1.4.3 made its way into the plugin?
# 22:51 GWG I remember going in and manually removing those files.
# 22:51 GWG I guess my svn isn't so wonderful.
# 22:56 GWG It's an automated script I hacked together that pulls the svn, pulls the git, and commits
Christopher1 joined the channel
# 23:10 Christopher1 Hey, I’m trying to follow the tutorial for getting word press set up on AWS. I’m wondering which Amazon Machine Image to choose.
# 23:12 Christopher1 I noticed there are ones that include Wordpress. Which should I choose? What I’m seeing deviates slightly from the tutorial
[kevinmarks] joined the channel
# 23:21 GWG I've never set WordPress up on AWS myself.
# 23:21 GWG What are you trying to set it up for?
# 23:31 Christopher1 A personal website. A blog.
# 23:31 GWG Christopher1: I can certainly help you with WordPress and a personal site in general.
# 23:31 GWG Let's see what I can find about AWS
# 23:52 Christopher1 Thanks, again.