#wordpress 2018-11-07

2018-11-07 UTC
[jgmac1106], [eddie], [aaronpk] and [pfefferle] joined the channel
!tell GWG what about websub?
Ok, I'll tell them that when I see them next
[Vincent] joined the channel
pfefferle, what do you mean?
GWG: [pfefferle] left you a message 1 hour, 3 minutes ago: what about websub?
The polling?
[Vincent] joined the channel
Made a note for him
[pfefferle] joined the channel
Not for polling, but to avoid polling and get the changes by push
I can implement it into the websub plugin, so that you can use it as an api... might be interesting for the microsub plugin
[pfefferle]: Yes, I realized what you meant.
I just discovered an Indieauth problem.
Well, IndieAuth/Micropub conflict
I fixed that before
Apparently that priority shift caused a problem
[pfefferle]: Re Microsub, I think we need an initial stable release
GWG, [chrisburnell], [jgmac1106] and [schmarty] joined the channel
I just released another incremental update to Syndication Links which brings back the global Bridgy options from Bridgy Publish
The only piece not currently implemented is the use excerpt for Twitter piece.
Also the error surfacing
[grantcodes], [jgmac1106], [Rose], [eddie], [schmarty] and [tmiller] joined the channel
Help, please. I can't for the life of me remember where the setting is to display facepiles for Likes and Reposts. For some reason they are there but no avatars are showing. So, either need to disable, or find those avatars.
[calumryan] and [pfefferle] joined the channel
The problem is, that we do not yet cache the avatars, so if a Twitter user changes his avatar after a brid.gy webmention, it breaks on the Avatar in the comments
So it might be this issue
[Vincent] joined the channel
OKm, that sounds reasonable. So, where is the setting to disable facepiles?
[tantek], [Rose], [dave] and [pfefferle] joined the channel
if you have installed the IndieWeb plugin then “Sidebar -> IndieWeb -> Webmention”
if not, then “Sidebar -> Settings -> Webmention”
the setting is “Automatically embed facepiles”
you can enable/disable it by comment-type
and or check if “Avatars” is enabled
might be good to check this first
might be a debug with the default value… will check!
ok, this is another bug with a missing default value!
will update the plugin
Avatars was enabled, but in fact Autmoatically embed facepiles was not checked, and yet they are there. See https://www.eatthispodcast.com/eat-this-newsletter-087/
[Jeremy Cherfas] Eat This Newsletter 087 Remember, remember
I am pretty sure they are not in a template.
[jeremycherfas] can you try to update the plugin to version 3.8.6 before changing any settings?
I fixed the default value
Does it not update automatically? I seem to be on 3.3.10
That is, Indieweb 3.3.10
Webmentions 3.8.5 Same question. Do I download from github?
not indieweb
should be update in a few minutes
[Matthias Pfefferle] Description A Webmention is a notification that one URL links to another. Sending a Webmention is not limited to blog posts, and can be used for additional kinds of content and responses as well. For example, a response can be an RSVP to an event, a...
Yup, I see it now.
might take a bit, because of the wordpress “cache”
but have to release one more version… missed one place
So, should be fixed finally
sebsel joined the channel
OK. Now, with facepiles activated, I see the name of whoever liked etc, with a link to their Twitter home page (but not the like itself). And no avatar.
I also a better formatted link below that, as part of Comments. So maybe I should just get rid of the Likes and Reposts from the plugin.
That is the avatar problem I mentioned earlier
Right. I understand that. So I am wondering, I currently have both Bridgy and Webmentions activated, and I think I want to deactivate webmentions because the display does not work for me without Avatars.
You don‘t have to deactivate webmentions in general... it is mainly a problem of twitter... so deactivating brid.gy for twitter should be enough
In the end I decided to put display: none; on the likes and reposts divisions. I prefer the way that looks, for now.
[eddie] joined the channel
Maybe I should spend time on caching
[schmarty], Samnz, MarcoZDe, voxpelli, mattl, [manton] and [jgmac1106] joined the channel
!tell GWG Not on my account.
Ok, I'll tell them that when I see them next
[dave] joined the channel