#wordpress 2018-11-06
2018-11-06 UTC
jgmac1106 joined the channel
[jgmac1106] [Khurt] if you were still relying on the mf2 stream, I did recommend it to you before it was useable. It just worked on your site.

jgmac1106 and [Khurt] joined the channel
[Khurt] If the problem is mf2 then an easy fix would be to … stop doing webmentions?
[Khurt] Deleting my test post (and the evidence of the problem). Gotta clean up the blog.
[Khurt] If there is no reliable way to get microformats 2 markup in themes, am I stuck making a choice between doing IndieWeb in WordPress with IndieWeb theme or no IndieWeb?
[Khurt] I think I’m too frustrated. Disabling Webmention plugins and mf2 and all the other IndieWeb stuff. I’m spending too much time troubleshooting with low ROI.
[Khurt] I’ll keep an eye on developments and perhaps try this again in the future.
[jgmac1106] joined the channel
[jgmac1106] [Khurt] understood, I myself am going with just a few static pages and going back to Known for my social stream...I have never been able to send a webmention

[jgmac1106] For the longest time (I guess still) had just a WordPress site and used Known so the IndieWeb stuff would just work

[asuh] joined the channel
[asuh] Understanding WordPress Indieweb UX has been an interesting experiment where I felt similarly. I've been lucky that in customizing my own theme from scratch I've incrementally gotten the various plugins to work as I expect. I don't think I've tried sending a Webmention but I've definitely received them

[Khurt] [asuh] from my perspective, any theme that isnt’ IndieWeb Twenty Sixteen.
[Khurt] All of the theme I tried do not support microformats. I tried using mf2 plugins to fix that but … doesn’t work.
[Khurt] I use Organic Themes.
[Khurt] Currently using the Organic Photographers Theme: https://organicthemes.com/demo/?demo=photographer-theme
[Khurt] [jgmac1106] I had Webmentions working very well initially when I was using the IndieWeb Twenty Sixteen theme. Tried Jekyll but it’s not suitable for me. Too much friction to posting.
[kevinmarks] and [asuh] joined the channel
[pfefferle] joined the channel
[pfefferle] [Khurt] but I can see a valid entry on Webmention.rocks from one of your sites!?!

[pfefferle] [Khurt] most of the webmention tests has nothing to do with mf2, so the theme shouldn‘t make a difference

[pfefferle] good morning

[dave] joined the channel
[pfefferle] [Khurt] the plugin is Build without any mf2 requirements and should work fine with every page... the only difference is, that the comments will look like the old trackbacks/pingbacks...

[pfefferle] [Khurt] let me know if I can help you with debugging the webmention plugin

[pfefferle] The webmention plugin is fully functional without mf2 and without the semantic linkbacks plugin

[pfefferle] Perhaps I should add this to the faq of the plugin

[pfefferle] No idea

[pfefferle] Perhaps in the help of the plugin?

[pfefferle] Do you guys read the plugin help on the top Right of the Settings Page?

[asuh] joined the channel
[pfefferle] Hmmm

[pfefferle] ☺

[pfefferle] Any idea how to promote this?

[pfefferle] Ok, will have a look how to trigger the „open help“ with a button

[pfefferle] It is only a „question“ you got my +1

[tantek] and [schmarty] joined the channel
[pfefferle] Ok, I am curious

[pfefferle] Only for the icons or will you try to bundle the plugins?

AkyRhO Good morning Indieweb
[pfefferle] We also discussed that 😉

[pfefferle] txl?

[Rose] joined the channel
[pfefferle] are there no UI/UX people interested in IndieWebPress?

[schmarty], [tantek], [abhi], [markmhendrickso, [Vincent], [aaronpk], larry, [eddie] and [jgmac1106] joined the channel
[jgmac1106] Finding a UX person that also knows WP been tough.

[jgmac1106] Happy to help. [chrisaldrich] and I gonna tackle the Getting Started page, but the FAQ and read more on official WP.org pages more important

[jgmac1106] I made how to tutorial screencasts for both theme varities can update those as well. Modular one for every plugin

[tonz] and [Khurt] joined the channel
[Khurt] [pfefferle] the content of the webmention does not have it across.
[Khurt] [pfefferle] I would appreciate help in testing.
[Khurt] [pfefferle] I usually read the plugin FAQ.
[pfefferle] joined the channel
[pfefferle] [Khurt] so the webmention works in general, but the content looks like „your post was mentioned on example.com“?

[Khurt] [pfefferle] yes. Example here: Webmention sent from https://islandinthenet.com/reply/ to https://monkeyhill.us/securing-wordpress-web-site/. And some website on WordPress.com don’t even get the trackback or pingback.
[pfefferle] Ok, then it IS a microformats problem...

[pfefferle] But pin13 says your post is ok http://pin13.net/mf2/?url=https%3A%2F%2Fislandinthenet.com%2Freply%2F

[pfefferle] Hmmm

[tmiller] joined the channel
[Khurt] [pfefferle], [sknebel] yes. No content.
[dave] joined the channel
[Khurt] Heading off for the long commute. Be back around 8:30
[kevinmarks] joined the channel
[pfefferle] [sknebel] that doesn‘t matter, as far as I know it should take the p-name as fallback

[pfefferle] [sknebel] ah, I see... it was the p-name of the h-cite that confused me

[pfefferle] What about a brainstorming wiki page

[pfefferle] cc GWG

dmcweeney joined the channel
ZegnatAtWork joined the channel
[jgmac1106] Add a brainstorm section at bottom of respective plugin page rather than new page please

[jgmac1106] That would work. I would add WordPress in title for discovery

GWG Can now be /kind/photo/2017 or /kind/photo/tag
[jgmac1106] Wow!!! awesome. Check that out [Khurt] getting closer on galleries... Have yearly archive views of photos

[Khurt] joined the channel
[Khurt] @GWG [jgmac1106] galleries yay!
kisik211 joined the channel
[jgmac1106] Yeah I will pull out a call for Design/Theme help if you can give a squishy time frame

[schmarty] joined the channel
[jgmac1106] As in date range with no hard deadlines

[eddie] and [kevinmarks] joined the channel
[pfefferle] joined the channel
[pfefferle] nice

[jgmac1106], jackjamieson and [aaronpk] joined the channel
jackjamieson GWG: Didn't have a chance yet, but from here it's an all indieweb afternoon so I'm going to look at it now
jackjamieson Awesome - I'm reading through it now. Looks like I'll be able to dramatically reduce my code, but needs a bit of restructure to do so
jackjamieson I solved part of that problem in Yarns_Microsub_Parser::locate_hfeed
jackjamieson But it always felt a bit haphazard and I'm sure it missed some feeds
jackjamieson i found tantek's site to be good for testing because of its structure - once I could parse that I could cover a lot of other sites
jackjamieson Absolutely, I'm impressed you got so much done so quickly
jackjamieson Ah, I've done some RSS projects in the past, so could remember a bit from those. But I haven't really looked at JSONFeed much at all
jackjamieson I'm going to switch yarns to use your RSS parser and see how it works
jackjamieson Yep, mine was pretty basic so this is a good step forward
jackjamieson Well, it's a big help for me! My development has been slow the past month but can pick up again so it should be relatively swift from here
[kevinmarks] joined the channel
[kevinmarks] what is the format you're parsing feeds into? mf2 json?

[kevinmarks] interesting - unmung turns feeds into mf2 html; I hadn't thought of going to jf2

[kevinmarks] you could do that with 3 passes through unmung which is a bit weird

[kevinmarks] well, unmung uses the feedparser library which parses all kinds of weird feeds

[kevinmarks] then it maps that into an html template

[kevinmarks] feed to mf2 html to mf2 json to jf2

[kevinmarks] escape all the things

sebsel and [Khurt] joined the channel
[Khurt] Ok. [pfefferle] the problem was I was using MF2 Feed. Microformats 2 plugin sends the right Webmention details.
jackjamieson Cool — I figure RSS is always going to lack some of the features of h-feed, but it'd be nice to capture as much as possible
jackjamieson Just testing the new parser now — some hiccups but I think just on my end. I'll let you know if I have any thoughts, but it seems good
jackjamieson Right now just thinking through how to handle post type filtering for rss feeds. It's possible to include or exclude specific post types from a channel, but since there is no post type detection in rss I think I'll just include all rss posts regardless of type
jackjamieson PTD in rss?
jackjamieson Hmmm, I'll check out what xray does then
jackjamieson That'd be a nice feature to have
jackjamieson Hmm, that could be pretty great
jackjamieson Am I correct to presume that some post types (likes, replies) might be harder to detect in rss than in h-feed?
jackjamieson Right, that's what I was thinking, but even a simplified post-type could be useful.
jackjamieson For my use case, my goal would be to filter out checkins and likes from most channels, but I can see that some might want to create photo only channels
jackjamieson In the meantime, I'm just making it so that any posts without a detected type will be categorized as 'articles', which is not great but is a reasonable compromise for now
jackjamieson Otherwise, the RSS parsing seems to work great
[dave] joined the channel
jackjamieson Got to run for a quick meeting, but I should be back online later. Otherwise, my next steps mainly be delegating parsing over to parse-this, but I'll leave the feed detection on Yarns' side for the moment
jackjamieson and [Rose] joined the channel
jackjamieson GWG: Makes sense to me. I presume PTD in RSS feeds would err toward categorizing posts as articles and notes, but maybe be able to catch some others
jackjamieson I haven't really thought through it through in much detail, but just looking at the PTD algorithm now. Seems like it'd be a nice feature even if it's limited
jackjamieson Yeah, I think so too
jackjamieson I've been trying to minimize fetches for the sake of speed, but there's a case to be made for either approach
jackjamieson The main issue for me was when previewing feeds (i.e. in the flow of search for feeds -> preview feed -> follow feed)
jackjamieson Hmmm, my real world use-case for that is in Together, which I'm having trouble logging into right now. (Works on my real website, but not on my staging site so might be an issue of plugin versions). I'll test that and figure out what's up
jackjamieson Accessing the Yarns endpoint directly, it seems reasonably snappy
jackjamieson I'll add some more formal speed tests to my task list if I find any problems
jackjamieson When actually polling for posts in the background, speed isn't such a big issue as long as the server isn't being bogged down
jackjamieson I think I have some half-finished ideas in there (some if branches that don't currently do anything), so it's a bit confusing :/
jackjamieson Yeah, I think so too. Could do a channel at a time, or find another way to break things up into smaller jobs.
[jgmac1106] joined the channel
jackjamieson How about per site instead of per channel?
jackjamieson A channel is a collection of feeds. Each feed from a different site
jackjamieson e.g. I have channels for indieweb feeds, sports, news
jackjamieson Exactly
jackjamieson Thinking this through: Each feed could have two fields 1) '_last_updated' and 2) '_update_interval'
jackjamieson I was thinking this in two parts. 1) a cron runs every five minutes or so which will poll the feed if the time since its last update is greater than the update interval
jackjamieson Upon each update, calculate a time between posts for some arbitrary period of time (maybe the past day, maybe the past week?) and use that to set the update interval
jackjamieson Every time a site is polled and there is no update the interval gets downgraded?
jackjamieson I'll add this discussion to an issue
[schmarty], [jgmac1106] and [kevinmarks] joined the channel
[kevinmarks] PTD in rss/atom could look for as1 markup