#wordpress 2018-11-18
2018-11-18 UTC
[grantcodes] and [jgmac1106] joined the channel
[eddie], [tantek], tantek, globbot, gRegorLove, [jgmac1106], jgmac1106, jeremych_, [kevinmarks], [cleverdevil] and [Csongor] joined the channel
[Csongor] Hello IndieWeb, let me introduce myself. I'm both a designer and developer with 10+ years WordPress experience. I do freelancing (http://metamn.io) and run a small studio (https://morethemes.baby/). One of my works was featured on Brutalist Websites, another in the WordPress.org theme store.
[Csongor] My lifelong hobby is to create knowledge from surfing the web, reading books, listening to music ... you name it. In my head one should be able to acquire great knowledge from everyday learning paired with regular, small efforts.
[Csongor] As an attempt I've created a WordPress theme recently (https://morethemes.baby/themes/log-lolla-pro/) and got acquainted with Indie Web / syndicated / federated content. This idea fits in perfectly to my goals.
[Csongor] On IndieWeb I was welcomed by [chrisaldrich] and [Khurt] and we've immediately come up with an idea: create a WordPress theme for the IndieWeb community using microformats 2
[Csongor] thanks :0
[Csongor] i'll take the next day to dig deeper into mf2 and federation, annotation itself with other technologies popped up recently
[Csongor] then come up with an idea how to implement all these
[Csongor] meantime if the community can put together wishes / requirements / examples that would be perfect
[Csongor] I'm also interested on other platforms especially React as I think it is the future of the UI
[Csongor] I saw recently Gatsby (from the React ecosystem) rolls out theme support for their static site generator. That's great because on back-end they support pulling content from various sources aka some kind of federation I've never seen before on any other CMS / site generator
[Csongor] I can see here some form of federated content on backend displayed as well as a content which can be further federated
[kevinmarks] joined the channel
Loqi React (also called ReactJS) is an open source web framework created by Facebook that can be responsibly used (simultaneous client and server support) yet often abused for js;dr pages and sites https://indieweb.org/React

j12t_ and j12t joined the channel
petermolnar hi, [Csongor], guessing by your name - and your about section-, I suspect there's finally another Hungarian interested in Indieweb :)

[tantek] joined the channel
wagle, [jgmac1106], [tantek], tantek, [Vincent] and tantek_ joined the channel