#[davidmead]Been trying to log into Altogether and Indigenous for a week now and can’t. After using WP credentials I either get ’Could not log in: Cannot read property ‘status’ of undefined’ or timing out. Anyone else having this issue on WP?
#[davidmead]‘Could not log in: Authentication timed out’
[jgmac1106], [tantek] and [eddie] joined the channel
#[tantek]davidmead that sounds worth asking in #indieweb since you're seeing a general (not WordPress specific) UX problem (unclear why login is not working, cryptic error messages / behavior)
#sknebel[davidmead]: you don't seem to have a microsub server announced on your page?
#[davidmead]really [sknebel]? I still have 1 instance of Indigenous logged in (worried if I log out I won’t get back in) and working and don’t think I’ve changed the code. I’ll check. thx
#[davidmead]tantek - i’ll ask it there too. wasn’t sure if it was isolated to WP
#Loqi[cjwillcock] #127 Call to undefined method HCard_User::get_me_list()
#cjwillcockbradenslen: i expect it to go away if you removed that widget from the sidebar
#bradenslencjwillcock: I did remove the hcard widget but the error is still there.
#bradenslenThanks for letting me know about the bug
[jgmac1106] joined the channel
#cjwillcockis there a 'RelMe Widget' on your sidebar? remove that one too
#cjwillcocksorry I can't help much more, just did a quick code review to confirm the specific bug with the HCard widget, but I'm not otherwise familiar with the plugins, etc.
#cjwillcockgreat, I expect GWG will review and repair that bug fairly quickly too so you can put them back in soon. Keep an eye out for another update to the plugin