#wordpress 2018-12-04

2018-12-04 UTC
[schmarty], [jgmac1106], [davidmead], [cleverdevil], [eddie] and [asuh] joined the channel
Does anyone want a feature for WordPress where /onthisday/12/03 would show you every post made on that day for the life of the site?
I was actually contemplating something like that several weeks ago. I’m guessing you’d just add an archive feature to the actual day instead of just year and month? Or maybe that currently exists?
No. I wrote it last night
[asuh] I think the 12 is the month and 03 is the day. So that url would show all the posts from Dec 3 across all the past years from your blog
[eddie] right, that’s what I assumed
Oh gotcha. I misread 🙂
np 🙂
This format reminds me of what adactio.com does and it’s appealing
So, people would like it?
you have my vote
pino_p, [jgmac1106] and jgmac1106 joined the channel
yes I love that feature
I'm tweaking a bunch of little things. I just updated a bunch of things on my website.
[eddie], AkyRhO, [jgmac1106], jgmac1106 and [schmarty] joined the channel
Deep into minor bug fixes and gap filling this week. Should be able to release some stuff to my website soon. It's hard when the features you want require updating multiple plugins and repositories
AkyRhO, [jgmac1106] and [Marco] joined the channel
so this is new and I want to understand it. I like it but any mention on Twitter of [jgmac1106] is now considered a generic webmention
not sure if that seems correct. Is any mention of me online a mention of my url?
[eddie] joined the channel
That's bridgy. Bridgy converts twitter @mentions to webmention @mentions
So I would not say that "any mention of you online is a mention of your url" but I think some people want to extend their presence beyond their website. In those cases it makes sense that bridgy does that conversion
[grantcodes] joined the channel
weird it just started. If everyone of my Twitter mentions showed on my site I would have thousands
that would be bad
hmmm that is strange
mine has done it for awhile
yeah 10 a day (which is way low but easy math) would mean 3,650.25 mentions
it's not 100%, since bridgy afaik can't ask twitter for "all mentions of user X", so it has to use the search api and hope thats complete
ahh okay thx
[asuh], chrisaldrich, jgmac1106, jackjamieson and [eddie] joined the channel
It's always been that way for me, [jgmac1106]. I get tagged all the time. Fortunately I'm not as popular as you
Hi, jackjamieson
Hi GWG, how's it going?
I'm taking a break
Well earned, I think :)
I'm not sure
Writing training material today
Interesting material? For work?
And more technical
I saw your notice, and I'll likely resolve it tonight
Working on bunch of Post Kinds fixes, and I hop back and forth because I use the Parse This library in Post Kinds
Thanks, I'm trying to chip away at testing as much as I can
cidney joined the channel
jackjamieson, great.
I am trying to meet my end of year challenges
Did you post your challenges anywhere?
Got to run, but I'll be online longer tomorrow. Making good progress on improving Yarns' aggregation schedule
ooh any screenshots to share yet?
[kevinmarks], [eddie], [jgmac1106], [tantek] and [schmarty] joined the channel