#wordpress 2018-12-11

2018-12-11 UTC
no..just trying to recreate [johnjohnston] workfolow..it would work for us but not the masses
miklb has 20 karma in this channel over the last year (24 in all channels)
[miklb] Ah, ok, I misread your comment regarding changing the class names. Also json-ld != microformat and I would argue not removing microformats if you want to add JSON-LD
Haven't seen Miklb in ages
I ran up against Semantic Linkbacks during theme work today -- there is a filter to switch back to the default (built-in WP) html5 comments, but nothing that helps me switch back to _my theme's_ comment walker.
This is not a complaint :)
I'm sure I want functionality from the plugin, also that I don't want to rebuild all of that effort from GWG and pfefferle
I'll dive into it later on, but for now it's getting disabled
cjwillcock: There are changes I wanted to make in that area.
The plugin design is something we've talked about changing
I'd support that early in new year
support / participate
cjwillcock: There was the idea of changing it to custom comment types.
[asuh] joined the channel
cjwillcock: I think we ran into the same problem and I created an issue here: https://github.com/pfefferle/wordpress-semantic-linkbacks/issues/158
[asuh] #158 How to override comments walker HTML formatting
asuh: exactly the same situation
plugin seems to be ideal in the absence of a theme developer, to bend the theme
maybe a semantic-linkbacks-pro? ;)
I’m sure there’s probably a way to allow overrides of the plugin’s comment walker or vice versa, I just haven’t really looked heavily into solving this issue
i only reviewed the plugin and that comment walker enough to see that there is _alot_ going on there.
same here, it's mid-to-low priority for the moment
strike that ... it's low
exactly. I want customization control but I have more important things to design
I have an idea on how to handle
[chrisaldrich], [jgmac1106], ben_thatmustbeme, [tantek] and [johnjohnston] joined the channel
[jgmac1106] thanks, TextMate works fine for me except for post kinds. I don’t know if anything is changed in XML-RPC afaik MarsEdit and micro.blog use it to post to WordPress. I can use AppleScript too and handle post kinds. TextMate just does everything else really well. DND images and upload for example. I can kick Gutenberg into the long grass too.
What do you mean "except post kinds"
Does anyone use the Feed Importer for Micro.blog plugin? https://wordpress.org/plugins/feed-importer-micro-blog/
[Michal Lichwa] Description Feed Importer for Micro.blog fetches an RSS feed for Micro.blog and publishes entries to your WordPress site as a stand-alone post (status). In order to use this plugin, a valid username and a Micro.blog Feed is required. Features: Mult...
It looks like a PESOS solution, though one likely owns both domains.
I looked at the tool and saw two template files. Is it a matter of making one workflow for each kind?
No [chrisaldrich] especially since the activity pub stuff....and I always POSSE but could be way to Pesos some comments I leave there and not on my blog bc @ mentioning PITA
[Michal Lichwa] Description Feed Importer for Micro.blog fetches an RSS feed for Micro.blog and publishes entries to your WordPress site as a stand-alone post (status). In order to use this plugin, a valid username and a Micro.blog Feed is required. Features: Mult...
ok, I added "https://wordpress.org/plugins/feed-importer-micro-blog/" to a brand new "See Also" section of /Micro.blog https://indieweb.org/wiki/index.php?diff=54590&oldid=51218
... And why not grab the h-feed.... #justsayin
Wow Loqi, that was an odd reaction... how did that happen?
[jgmac1106] I mean I can’t use post kinds if I am posting via TextMate. I imagine it could be done by someone who knew some ruby. I tried copy-paste-edit some code in the bundles in a fairly random fashion. Nothing broke but nothing worked either.
Watching State of the Word
tantek and [asuh] joined the channel
[jgmac1106] I made a reply post to your article four days ago of a LiveJournal export tool I’ve used and contributed to but I’m not sure if you get the webmention https://asuh.com/reply-export-silo-into-wordpress/
I don’t think I’ve used the reply post kind before so I’m sure I need to tweak something
tantek joined the channel
[Micah] Replied to Gonna take a communbity to hold that back scratcher: @Tumblr to the #IndieWeb by Greg McVerry Import–needs rock solid LiveJournal-clone and Tumblr support if your site is to serve as an archive. I don’t know if there even is a working ...
or it’s not clear what I missed
[cleverdevil], [tantek], ben_thatmustbeme and [asuh] joined the channel
oh, i see the webmention now, neat
Interesting, however, that there’s an excerpt of the original post at the top of that reply webmention. I guess it’s sending everything from the reply kind on my site, which includes the title and excerpt. That seems ripe for optimization to send less data back to the source
ben_thatmustbeme and [eddie] joined the channel
GWG: is the wordpress webmention plugin supposed to return super detailed debug information including a PHP array dump?
[pfefferle] joined the channel
Not really
Where have you found such a dump?
last webmention i sent
ben_thatmustbeme and [tantek] joined the channel
To which site?
ben_thatmustbeme joined the channel
And you got it as a response to your Webmention?
that also appeared at the bottom
i guess he's running a custom version
Then maybe debug data from the site owner
Oh, found something
Will have a look if I released that version
Otherwise there is a var_dump in semantic linkbacks
Thanks for the ping
aha that looks like it
It is not online 😞
Will release the latest changes if I arrived at work
[asuh] joined the channel
[pfefferle] re: webmention excerpt and title in comment, is that by design? It seems redundant?
ben_thatmustbeme, [eddie] and [pfefferle] joined the channel
Do you habe an example?
Might be a broken microformats implementation
[asuh] joined the channel
[Greg McVerry] Gonna take a communbity to hold that back scratcher: @Tumblr to the #IndieWeb
[Micah] Replied to Gonna take a communbity to hold that back scratcher: @Tumblr to the #IndieWeb by Greg McVerry Import–needs rock solid LiveJournal-clone and Tumblr support if your site is to serve as an archive. I don’t know if there even is a working ...
your reply-context is part of the “content -> html” of the h-entry
that is why it is part of the comment on [jgmac1106] site
the first part makes sense. so the webmention grabs the whole content from my post?
no, it parses the microformats
is that an implementation problem on my site?
I'm trying to visualize where a change can be made, such as how the parser works
[David Shanske] Yes, to the right of the green things. I was posting it to test some new improvements on my site, but was challenging anyone who noticed to see if they could identify it beyond what kind of conveyance it was.
it works on davids page
but you have to ask [dshanske] about that… I do not use or know a lot about how the post-kinds plugin work
the difference is, that your reply-context is inside the `e-content`… on davids page it is above the `e-content`
my guess is that there's a specific hierarchy to the way the classes are added to the content and i'll have to evaluate what is different from his post and mine
you beat me to it 🙂
thank you!
no problem 😉
[asuh] nice and clean theme btw.
[asuh] [chrisaldrich] seems to have the same problem
thank you, it's been more than a year of polish as I haven't been able to make consistent time to work on it
so this might be a general problem with the reply context
Once I get all the puzzle pieces in place with my theme, I'll try to contribute back as much as possible to a repo and then maybe extend the theme into more looks/colors/etc
from post-kinds
[asuh]++ nice!
[asuh] has 3 karma over the last year
interesting that we both had the same issue but David doesn't and yet we're all using the same plugin
david made some tweaks to his theme
he loads the `e-content` using a filter
right, and I updated the markup myself as well. I'll see how I can match what he's doing.
I'm hoping there's a way to take what I'm doing and make a drop-in-place include for functions.php for theme developers to get their themes updated to be more Indieweb compatible but it's probably bigger than I realize
similar to what the mf2 plugin does, but also includes some of the generic updates I've seen on GWG's twentysixteen theme
[dshanske] #276 Add e-content/entry-content using the_content filter
[dshanske] #279 Add Several Indieweb Enhancements
[Rose] joined the channel
but [raamdev] and I haven’t implemented it, because it might cause some other strange side effects and feels a bit hacky…
[pfefferle] wordpress-reply-context: Adds reply-context to WordPress posts
but this only works with properly implemented microformats
it uses the `loop_start` hook, so it loads above the post
"properly implemented microformats" - that's the hardest thing I've run into trying to create my own theme. I do see documentation but I've still got some things wrong occasionally
yes, it is not that easy…
at least for a CMS like wordpress, where you have to deal with different themes and different plugins
[aaronpk] semantic-linkbacks is updated
AkyRhO, [Rose] and petermolnar joined the channel
pfefferle, I know it seems a bit hacky, but it works better than some other solutions
[Vincent] joined the channel
Besides, isn't it the the same sort of hack Gutenberg does for blocks?
[Rose], [kevinmarks], [tonz], [jgmac1106], AkyRhO and [pfefferle] joined the channel
first: I did not want to sound mean… it is only a differnet opinion
I did not see any similarities to gutenberg, because it also only “writes” inside the content area
my 5 cents: we had to change something in themes to fix the problem… why not define an action between title and content to show the reply-context?
[pfefferle]: I didn't think it sounded mean.
[pfefferle]: Should the reply context show up in the RSS and JSONFeeds though?
The default Post Kinds implementation, without theme support, has to go in the content. There are alternatives if your theme supports it
the action could also be added to the feed
and or as a separate item
Agreed. Just find it a hard problem to solve.
and as I said, it is cool that you solved it for your use cases/problems
[pfefferle]: I like to keep an open mind though.
the whole mf2 in wordpress discussion is frustrating 😞
[pfefferle]: Agreed
I was just starting to feel happy with PHP and now its...let's slowly replace it all with JS and React
Sorry, watched the State of the Word last night
So, I'm stubbornly looking for server side solutions.
but that is not really something that makes the mf2 issue worse
[dshanske] #85 redesign to coordinate with other mf2 plugins and themes
another solution is to add it to the `loop_start` hook… that is why I added the h-entry to the body in the single view
[pfefferle]: For now, I'm spending the rest of 2018 on some smaller issues
Fixing some bugs in Simple Location affecting my ability to post private locations. Upgrading the parser. Etc
So, anything I say about the mf2 problem right now is me pondering 2019 projects
good luck
[pfefferle]: swentel's Indigenous for Android has really made me more likely to post quick content.
So, I may focus on that experience
I haven’t found a nice microsub reader yet
so I really haven’t tested it
[pfefferle]: I'm only using the Micropub part of it
but how can you read it?
I'm using it to post to my site.
It is both a Micropub and Microsub client. I'm only using the Micropub functionality.
[grantcodes] joined the channel
[pfefferle]: Soon there will be a Microsub endpoint to go with it.
but I do not want to have my feed items in WordPress
I fear that it slows down the site
[pfefferle]: There is always Aperture. There is a WordPress plugin to use aaronpk's server
He also has Watchtower
yes, but he limited the items and does not support opml import yet
[pfefferle]: Either way, I think if we build the plugin, we can optimize it. And if it has to be offloaded, etc.
One thing at a time.
[pfefferle]: How much content would you want to store at one time?
the item limit is only if you want to use aarons aperture instance. also, you can use clients to import OPML
I'm just wondering how many items people have active in their instance at one time.
aaronpk limits it, but assuming there was no limit...
I try to have less than 1000 items active
but do you want to remove read items?
thanks for the info [sknebel]
the limit is kind of his way to avoid that everyone uses his instance instead of working on alternatives or at least setting up their own copy
currently I have 2000+ unread items
[dshanske] and that is more than I have blogposts
but I love the idea of the plugin
For me, unless I bookmark them, yes
perhaps I install a wordpress blog as stand alone reader
pfefferle, exactly
But I will see when the beta is out
is parse this only available from github
The parser is too slow, and that is my fault
pfefferle, right now
I bundle it in Post Kinds but a standalone install overrides the bundled version
I have some ideas of parsing for the webmention plugin
pfefferle PRs welcome
Share your ideas
build something similar for an old project…
does they share the same use-cases?
I do not see the need of *-Feed parsing for Webmentions
but OGP and twitter cards may be a nice fallback
pfefferle, feed parsing is a flag
but it generates dependencies and obsolete code!?!
The feed parsing is disabled by default
wrong word?
like simple pie
It only loads them if you ask for feed parsing
If WP would update the version they use I'd stop bundling
but the files are there
a, simplepie?
no way 😄
No way what?
I have a ticket open for it
But either way, your feedback on Parse This is valuable
It is still very rough
sure, but I am not sure it follows the same usecases…
I think for webmentions we need to parse websemantics of all cases and perhaps add a diffing process… start with mf2 if iteams missing try to fille them with OGP, twitter cards, schema.org/microdata, JSON-LD, …
oh god… your issue is 3 years old…
[jgmac1106] and jeremych_ joined the channel
I have my moments
Parse This is meant to try to Parse anything
But your design is exactly what I built
It fills in missing mf2 with ogp
But not if there is enough mf2
It passes domdocument so it doesn't have to create it twice
I intend to build in a return for mentions
Imagine if Parse This was the plugin that handled all parsing and other plugins simply queried it. It would eliminate a lot of code duplication
Automatic isn't stupid. Their reader experience is almost as good for us compared to microsub/micropub experience.
1,000x better for people who can't connect yet, but it a silo play. It locks you into Jetpack. WordPress.com is still a big ad network.
Disgusts me to see my students blog about eating disorders and get body shaming ads
[jgmac1106]: better, than a filter bubble, where only positive echoes reach anyone, but this is -chat topic.
Happy to have that on record, won’t say more except it should be an easy filter for anyone to include
[jgmac1106] joined the channel
Aperture is storing 1.5 million entries right now and doesn't seem to be slowing down really
that's impressive
what's the database behind aperture?
AkyRhO joined the channel
Emptied once a week?
i actually store entries forever, i only remove the link between an entry and a user's channel that are more than 7 days old
aaronpk: you might want to split passed entries into an archive table in the future, just to make it sure the index column doesn't get too large on the active one
and that your innodb setup has decent memory allocated to it
"past entries" is unfortunately not a trivial concept
but this is definitely not wordpress talk :)
that certainly complicates things
I thought we're in -dev, sorry :D
[tantek] and jackjamieson joined the channel
jackjamieson, how goes the work?
Hi GWG, I ended up spending some time trying to get conditional requests to work - not exactly a top priority but it was bugging me. However it didn't pan out
1. I was only able to get etag and last-modified headers for rss/atom feeds - none of the microformats feeds returned them
2. Even when I added the conditions to the headers in Parse-This's fetch function, the page always returned with 200 OK
jackjamieson, I saw that
Many sites don't send them
I don't want to sink any more time into that right now so I just saved the attempt in a branch and I might look into it further later. Seemed like it's a bit more difficult than I expected, and not all that effective since, you're right, many sites don't send those headers
A fun attempt but I'm putting it aside for now
Websub might be the better long term move
Yup, Websub is a must, and will make a larger difference
pfefferle has a websub plugin. But I think that is a publisher not a consumer
jackjamieson: petermolnar.net is a site that does have e-tag and modified since for h-feeds, in case you need a reliable example
Either way, I still need to optimize the parser
Thanks sknebel, I'll note that for future reference
actually, I should, I just forgot it :D
I'll keep it this way for now
I fully expected it to given its by you, and I tested it before I offered it as an example
jackjamieson, did you look at Watchtower?
sknebel: I never added xml to add cache to it, that's why
so yes, the behaviour is according to config
I assumed the html is static and thus the webserver takes care of it more or less automatically
GWG: I haven't - looking it up now
I was just looking at it
It is aaronpk's solution to the polling problem
I haven't looked at PushPress in a while either, which supposedly has a hub built in
It's an Automattic plugin
Thanks GWG
But neither monitor external sites
There is always superfeedr
watchtower is basically modeled off of superfeedr
aaronpk, having a built in or external server option is probably the best
Works without extra servers but works more effectively with sort of design
I looked at this for asynchronous webmentions ages ago as a design ides
Hmmm, I still have to wrap my head around the best way to implement websub. I think I'll have to settle for adding it a bit down the road
jackjamieson, release a working beta first and improve it later.
Yep, and it's very close to that
I just am brainstorming
Brainstorming is much appreciated! I'm noting it all down
Otherwise, the remaining issues are pretty small
Tell me when I should work on the auth
Actually, you could work on that any time you like. Sorry I should have pinged you earlier - the only holdup on my end was that I wanted to clean up and standardize the code a bit, since it was messy
But I've finished that so it should be easier to work on now
Oh, one quick question - about having Yarns search for rss feeds directly (e.g. what happens when you enter "david.shanske.com/feeds/" in the search) - Did you see my notes about that? https://github.com/jackjamieson2/yarns-microsub-server/issues/23
[jackjamieson2] #23 Search for RSS feeds directly
Yes, I need to make tweaks for that
Okay, I have a solution I could implement in Yarns if you prefer that, but I think it makes sense to do it in Parse-This if possible
Will do
I just fixed a different bug so I can pause the other issue
Cool - oh, I was also going to ask if you have any updates about searching and parsing a site with multiple h-feeds (e.g. tantek.com) - I guess this is waiting on php-mf2 0.4.7, is that right?
[jgmac1106] joined the channel
jackjamieson, I fixed it temporarily by only returning the first feed
And yes, I will enhance it then
Ah, I see - that's a good solution
Though I got a new php notice parsing tantek.com :( https://github.com/dshanske/parse-this/issues/29
[jackjamieson2] #29 Undefined index: children - parse-this-mf2.php line 644
PHP and index checks. Will fix
Thanks - I'll just keep testing - Maybe we can build some unit tests at some point. Yet another area that I don't really understand well, but want to learn when I get time!
jackjamieson, [chrisaldrich], [jgmac1106], [cleverdevil], [tantek], [grantcodes] and [schmarty] joined the channel