#wordpress 2018-12-10

2018-12-10 UTC
chapeau GWG. thank you kindly, and you're welcome!
cjwillcock: Do you use Simple Location?
I do not - I think that will help identify the location I post from, right?
I rarely post outside of home (so far)
I am doing bug fixes
It also does weather
does it work worldwide? I have a little weather feature I source from Gov. Canada. But it's just a /now page feature.
I like the weather part. I'll probably use it on that feature alone :)
It uses DarkSky or Open Weather Map at your option
I abstract APIs so you could use anything
[Serena] joined the channel
thanks for that! The Classic Editor works just as advertised!
[Serena]: How is everything working for you?
[eddie] joined the channel
Have I got this right, that I can upgrade to WP5 and install Classic Editor and essentially nothing changes?
AkyRhO, gRegorLove_ and [jgmac1106] joined the channel
Yes and you should... Though I know many waiting a month or two for bugs to be squashed
Also [pfefferle] and @gwg met a few people using the Mf2 Feed plugin... If there are bugs in post kinds for compatibility we should bump those.
[pfefferle] joined the channel
The plugin should work as it is, because it does not yet use the meta data of post-kinds
[pfefferle]: [jgmac1106] left you a message 1 day, 15 hours ago: look what sknebel noted may want to do for themes and jetpack share buttons it seems like themes can override where the jetpack buttons go? https://jetpack.com/support/sharing/#move-buttons
So it simply uses generates feeds for the core Wordpress data
perfect thx, yeah I checked the markup and it looked fine
[jgmac1106] Thanks! But this is still only a temporary thing, because it can get really messy if theme developers have to implement custom code for every big plugin...
I speak about the jetpack thing
I just remembered you two talking about something being off..just want to give out correct info
[pfefferle] okay I will update the getting started page tell people just "no jetpack share buttons" nobody uses them anyways
at least until there is an implementation
Do you think it is okay to tell people "Hey if you are on a theme that doesn't work with IndieWeb you can now use the mf2 feed plugin"
to be honest, I do not want to recommend any microformats plugin… there were a lot of discussions about the whole topic and very different opinions…
that is also why I want to step back a little from the development of these plugins
I hope [dshanske] will take over if he has some spare time
but long story short… if you checked the JSON and it works, you can recommend it to people that are using themes that do not support microformats 1 or microformats 2
respect your wishes the most, your goals, your web. All I no is 90% (made up number) won't abandon a theme they have had for years...mf2 feed, while yes technically not in line with human readable metadata in HTML provided a solution for that use case
[pfefferle] has 31 karma in this channel over the last year (35 in all channels)
thanks 🙂
I think you are right though, themes and not plugins is only way to go
btw. Semantic-Linkbacks also support microformats 1 very well and this is supported by lots of themes, because of the core implementation
We have SemPress, 2016 IndieWeb, [cjwillcock] is building one, and he posts a loit of animation so he may appease art/photo corwd
bunch of us want to touch up Independent Publisher over Dec-Jan (welcome to help if you have spare time)
don’t get me wrong… I still think the mf2-feed idea is the best way to go for now… but that caused a lot of discussions…
between SemPress, ZenPress, Independent Publisher, CJ's new theme, and 2016-IndieWeb we will have five
I currently switched focus a bit and work on ActivityPub… See http://the-federation.info/wordpress and http://fediverse.network/wordpress
jgmac1106 joined the channel
cool lot of activity pub action...let me know when to remove all the OStatus and try what you are building
I build it, to be compatible with OStatus
petermolnar joined the channel
so, you do not have to disable OStatus, but also use AP
...just thinking speed, always want fewest plugins possible
are you Slack or IRC?
Okay I am going to record the mf2 feed plugin tutorial for the rest or WordPress...while we try to build up the theme base
somebody should check if they stripped microformats1 from 5.0...that was in roadmap
was it really on the roadmap? 😳
I thought it was part of the _s theme
WordPress really wants me to also quit!!!
there is an open ticket in _s to remove all microformats
going to continue to support community, but I am done
that is my newwwyear resolution
I know… just listend to your myurlis interview
always interesting to get to know the different motivations and their stories how they got involved in the IndieWeb idea
Only thing that works in WordPress is the mantainers...and watching Automatic control and shape the direction without community input and you realize WordPress is released openly but hard to say its developed openly and by the community. It is a product of Automatic they are willing to share with an open license
really got to go, enjoy lunch
we can get all you PHP folks to hack on Known for me....but I know as soon as I finish I will want to try something else...keep flirting with Perch Runway and seeing if I can learn to spin up a CMS with 40-60% of the plumbing done for me
Will say after working on two Known plugins, the storage seems a bit complicated...seems a few extra steps for each plugin it isn't just form>php>database>render...but I am teaching myself php as I do this so it could be just the way it is supposed to work
I really thought about contributing to known, but is it still active?
yeah Ben and Marcus have been publishing some major releases and hope to get a 1.0 version out soon
and there is the spare time problem again 😉
I would say 3-4 people still actively hack on plugins....that is like a 100% increase over the WordPress crowd
I should search for a company that will pay me for contributing to the open, portable, interoperable, social, synaptic, semantic, structured, distributed, (re-)decentralized, independent, microformatted and federated social web 😄
Do you really want to work for Mozilla?
I agree
hmmm, never thought about that! 😉
ouch Loqi, that was mean, I was being sarcastic
perhaps I should talk to tantek one day 😉
https://careers.mozilla.org/ lloks like they are goind heavy into VR with current hires...Dietrich runs up their decentralized browser stuff.....
I still try to convince my employer, that the IndieWeb idea is a strong opportunity for a hoster…
Post Kinds is not Gutenberg compatible, jgmac1106
Yes and from what @pauljacobson told me if you make a few minor tweaks to metaboxes you should be okay
I am working with him to try and document what has to be done... We have quite some time to decide if we go all in on Gutenberg or try Really hard for mf2 in ClassicPress in say good riddance to Automatic and WordPress
jgmac1106, I don't think setting the metabox compatibility flags will do it
But from our convo.. Just a few small tweaks to post kinds...he is using mf2 feed plugin... And his json of standard WP post types looks great
But I will look
I am currently working through the other plugins
Thx, I am just passing along the links
I think Simple Location can work well enough with a few tweaks
Makes total sense... Dig your roadmap, fits your needs
I looked at Syndication Links first
And Indieweb
I looked in order of perceived difficulty
[jgmac1106] oh gosh… haven’t seen, that you released that many tutorials! https://www.youtube.com/user/intertextrEvolution/search?query=sempress
have to link them in the theme readme!!!
[jgmac1106] has 12 karma in this channel over the last year (85 in all channels)
pfefferle, I am not sure about the Microformats plugin
The feed plugin I might do some work on
fine for me
Not sure what order I am doing things. I am also working on the parser for Yarns whenever I get bug reports back from jackjamieson
sorry for queue jumping in the first place and now stepping back 😞
I really want a Microsub endpoint
feature collector? 😉
pfefferle, I have been working on fixing the Post Kinds storage markup since you mentioned it
[dshanske] don’t feel forced!
I read a lot of articles, it is something that I would use
sure, wasn’t meant that serious 😉
Not forced. I just made it part of a bigger piece. Separating the pieces of Post Kinds further
I am afraid of Gutenberg, so I am slowly separating storage of Microformats from rendering
So if I have to change how I display things, I don't have to change the storage part
[pfefferle] give me few days. I am going to move all IndieWeb tutorials off of YouTube and on to Archive.org... Also need to redo the h-card, syndication links and Bridgy tutorials
Trying to keep videos modular to make updating easier as plugins and themes change
this is possible?
Ohh yes... Moved my podcast there yesterday
haven’t heard about the archive video thingy
Added directions to the /archive.org page on wiki..
Video... was always my biggest hangup with open. Archive.org fixes this
My podcast... Also started my IWC tutorial channel
pfefferle, have you looked at blocks yet?
I can't push code...but happy to help with documentation and tutorials
jgmac1106, I am sorry
I just realized every time I change something you have to rerecord
No apologies, necessary. How it works...why I make 10 videos for each theme rather than one long walk through
And the goal is to model how other nontechnical contributors help... So many open source projects fail by ignoring role of nontechnical contributors.... And no one knows how to bring in Designers
Maybe I should do a post on Gutenberg and Post Kinds and why it might not be a quick fix
Content has 1 karma over the last year
... That said a heads up by a day or two before you release updates so I can record or find people to record would be totes awesome
Release Schedules++
jeremych_ joined the channel
You suggest a level of organization that I may not have
I don't always know when I will release
Cool... Then just keep publishing those awesome posts where you describe changes... Not just GitHub change log
I may do that for some of the post kind archive fixed
That's already live
I need more extensive unit testing. I am doing it in Simple Location to track down a serious bug
Someone private location keeps getting broken
So I added a test that should tell me if I broke it
No one will trust a plugin if it keeps showing what you want to hide
GWG is there any difference on the surface with WP5? I don't mind updating, if I must, but I want to keep the classic editor and not have to rethink any aspect of my site if I can help it.
jeremycherfas, so far not for me
OK. Well, I'll probably do a full backup and then take a look.
As long as you install the clasic editor plugin, you can continue till 2022
Either way, I am testing Gutenberg compatibility with my things plugin by plugin
Compatibility being defined as usable, not integrated
Post Kinds... currently not compatible or integrated
Syndication Links and Indieweb, compatible
That's a good approach.
Simple Location, nearly compatible. If I make some tweaks
So, that should give me some wiggle room to decide what to do long term
Long term, I wonder whether WP really is too big to fail.
There is ClassicPress
There is, or there will be?
It's in beta
They are open to the sorts of things that I suggested
I am expecting a lot of changes on the WordPress side too
They are talking about moving from svn to gjt
Bumping the minimum php version
I think I will wait until it is out of beta and then make my moves.
I think ClassicPress may have caused them to pivot on some developer issues
I really have no interest in blocks.
At least, I don't think I do.
jeremycherfas, I may set up a test site
I don't think I do either, but I would like someone to try and talk me into them
Rather you than me.
I have to consider the people we'd lose if we abandoned WordPress
So I need to give it a fair hearing
spieper and [pfefferle] joined the channel
I like the blocks concept from the user perspective
it is really simple and smooth to write posts
much like the medium.com editor
pfefferle, have you given thought to how it might work with mf2?
It's a hard thing for me to envision
not really, and as I said, I do want to step back from the mf2 discussion a bit
but one thought: it might not really help, because in the end it is all inside the p-content, so we have the same issue then now
That is my problem exactly
I experimented with a widget area below the content area, so that you are able to use share links outside the content
And you can also use for example the h-card widget
For example
This felt like the most generic implementation
So we need away to store metaboxes outside of p-content?
spieper and [pfefferle] joined the channel
that would fix the problem of the share-links be part of the e-content
we can set an accept header for wordpress parsers to something like “application/html+microformats” and remove all filters from the content if set 😉
pfefferle interesting idea
> hMeaningless is an easy to implement microformat indicating the lack of semantic markup. Adding class=“meaningless” to any HTML element indicates that the element contains no semantic markup what-so-ever.
or `p-ignore`
[kevinmarks], [eddie], [jgmac1106] and [tantek] joined the channel
pfefferle, accept headers I am told are tricky
[pfefferle] joined the channel
Was not meant that serious ;)
And it does not really solve the mf2 issue
aaronpk does it
Only one little aspect
Nothing may solve it
I know... that is why I started the mf2 feed plugin initially
I believe in that as an option
But Gutenberg may blow everything out of the water
I can't conceive a solution, so I am not yet working on the problem
I'm working around it
But I do not see where Gutenberg makes things more complicated, except the post kinds UI thing
But I don’t see anything that makes the mf2 easier or more complicated
pfefferle, it is a merging of post content and post meta
Not really, you can still use post meta fields
So now all meta ends up in blocks inside content. Where the content filter was putting it in some cases before, so that part isn't a new problem
If you use blocks this way
Yes, but for how long
Ok, but this is a very general question
Nothing lasts forever
pfefferle, I may, as the expression goes, not be able to see the forest for the trees
I see a possible future I don't like and it is impacting my ability to figure out a short term goal
Hmmm, not good
But if you think so, you have to write your own tool from Karatschi
So, I am focusing on what I can do
Every open source tool might change over time
I am making sure any plugin that can work with Gutenberg does
So, that will be everything but Post Kinds
Drupal seems to also implement a Gutenberg similar editor
And try that last
But Post Kinds is the most mf2 heavy
Micropub won't care as it is a posting UI to itself
pfefferle, I have been in this situation before. I will decide how to handle it at some point
Until then, expect stuff from me as if it wasn't something I was worried about
Like Parse This taking on comment parsing
spieper, [chrisaldrich], tantek, [tantek] and [jgmac1106] joined the channel
Did you see the post from @bradenslen this is just Gutenberg Phase One, the editor, Gutenberg Phase Two will require all the themes and metadata updates
I read the post
[johnjohnston] joined the channel
Hi, Does anyone use the TextMate blogging bundle to post to WordPress? I do but it doesn’t support Post Kinds. I wonder if it could be made to. Would need some ruby knowledge of which I have none. https://github.com/textmate/blogging.tmbundle
[textmate] blogging.tmbundle: TextMate support for Blogging
AkyRhO and [eddie] joined the channel
Anything is possible if someone is interested in doing it
How active is the developer?
[jgmac1106] joined the channel
[johnjohnston] that hasn't been updated in 11 years, I am surprised it works with 4.9.8 at all
Sounds like a no
It must be XML-RPC then?
[johnjohnston] Sublime has a WordPress Snippet that is actively updated
And really couldn't we just write the html templates with correct markup, you wouldn't need a postkind plugin,
jgmac1106, you think it is time?