#wordpress 2018-12-21

2018-12-21 UTC
j12t, aaronpk and j12t_ joined the channel
Are you on Slack or IRC? I have a sandbox you can play in
[jgmac1106], [tantek], [eddie], tantek, j12t, AkyRhO, [kevinmarks] and ben_thatmustbeme joined the channel
Okay, bugfixes on reported Simple Location issues, working on the Parse This loader to only load things when needed... lots of little stuff I am hoping to accomplish this weekend
[jgmac1106], jackjamieson, [tantek] and [smerrill] joined the channel
how is wordpress 5.0.2? anyone using gutenberg generally?
debating whether i care enough to upgrade. suppose i’ll have to eventually.
[chrisaldrich] joined the channel
Seems alright generally but I'm not using Gutenberg in production because I'm all in on post kinds plugin
I need a Gutenberg alert
I tried Gutenberg on another WordPress site
I like parts of it and dislike others
geeez, the themes on wordpress.org/themes are basically all the same. what a mess. (sorry, not indieweb related.)
[jgmac1106] joined the channel
I have some bugfixes
I am still stuck on Location. When I have other things I want to do before 2019
It witless be nice to have more kicks condor-esque hermes to choose from. :)
can't wait to start vacation later today
[cleverdevil], [schmarty], cjwillcock, [kodepoeten], [jgmac1106], [kevinmarks], [tantek] and [asuh] joined the channel
GWG: for Simple Locations widget in Edit page, I see a hover action (color change to red) on Timezone. Is there something that’s intended to happen when you click on that icon or label?
asuh, there was. I will take it out
No one used it
I forgot to remove the hint
ok, so just for the Location icon there’s an action on click?
I’m going to submit a PR to your repo for some code clean up
Correct, and great. I did 5 or 6 bugfixes I plan to release, so I will look at adding yours in
What do you think overall? Do you find it useful?
ok, will get it to you in a little bit
I look forward to it
Yes, it’s nice to have available although I wouldn’t use it religiously myself. I like that Location could potentially be ajaxed in, I think it would also be neat to get some of the weather also ajaxed in as well
I have an endpoint setup
So it could be done
I use it on trips
Okay, PR is on your side now
GWG: if something doesn’t seem right, let me know so I can update it
I will dip in this evening
I’m hoping I can fix my Github issue I left. I’m guessing it’s something on my end but I wasn’t able to figure it out before I saw I could improve the widget itself
My design skills leave much to be desired
I am more a functionality person
tttt joined the channel