2018-12-28 UTC
Asquith, strugee, [tantek], [relapse], [Vincent], [jdpinto1], [jgmac1106], jgmac1106, gkbrk, sebsel and [kevinmarks] joined the channel
[tantek] and [jdpinto1] joined the channel
# 17:41 GWG Everything is JS and business needs
# 17:43 GWG I played with Gutenberg. I am not inherently against blocks, but JS.
# 17:43 GWG And then no resourcing for anything else
# 17:43 petermolnar WP has been going this way since emojis were pushed through instead of being kept as plugin
# 17:44 GWG A bunch of my tickets just got punted again
# 17:44 petermolnar js is the new PHP. This his how Perl devs felt/feel up to this days.
# 17:45 petermolnar my one line patch of a trim function has been in limbo for 4 years now?
# 17:45 petermolnar have you considered putting your energy into classicpress instead?
# 17:47 GWG But I am trying to think about the people in our community
# 17:48 GWG So I would have to develop for both
[jgmac1106] joined the channel
# 17:50 [tantek] GWG, you're likely not the only person feeling this way.
# 17:50 [tantek] It would be reasonable to focus on Classicpress and just punt on Gutenberg
# 17:51 GWG But would that leave newcomers behind?
# 17:51 petermolnar I quit WP for similar feelings, though Gutenberg wasn't even on the roadmap that time
# 17:51 [tantek] maybe you'll have a better chance of getting core changes into Classicpress
# 17:53 petermolnar if you read through some of the reviews on the gutenberg plugin, there's certainly a high amount of disappointed wp community members out there
# 17:54 petermolnar unfortunately any mention of any forks on wp.org forums gets shot down fast
# 17:54 petermolnar (which, from one point of view I understand, from another, it's really not a community/open source friendly thing)
# 17:57 GWG Isn't replacing PHP with JS a fork?
# 17:59 GWG So, we'll see. Maybe I will build a ClassicPress test site and see how things work after I finish my latest Post Kinds release.
# 18:42 Zegnat How is wp.com handling this? Do they force people onto Gutenberg?
jackjamieson, [jdpinto1] and ramin joined the channel
# 20:21 ramin I don't see js as a real replacement for php... unfortunately. just looking at how a simple webspace has a full functioning backend, just by dropping php files in there. with js you still need to develop a backend (mostly separate from the frontend- tho of course there are some experimental frameworks) but they run in node. php has the advantage you don't need to start a server, right?
# 20:23 ramin anyway, this is probably to broad for a wp channel... excited about @pfefferle ActivityPub implementation for wp
[pfefferle] joined the channel
# 20:34 ramin transfluxus auf github. licci.eu :)
[kevinmarks] joined the channel
[tantek] and [asuh] joined the channel
# 21:23 [asuh] GWG are you documenting your JS blockers as Github issues or PRs? I’d be curious to see what’s going on for reference or to give input
# 21:25 GWG [asuh]: This is about the direction WP is going in, not necessarily any specific issue. But I may write a blog post
chrisaldrich and [Khurt] joined the channel
# 23:27 [Khurt] Hello, WordPress IndieWeb. [jgmac1106] I am using SemPress which I modified to have a 960px width. I’m not a CSS expert. I don’t now how to make the featured image and inline image fit this new width. Can you point me in the right direction? e.g. https://islandinthenet.com/carnegie-lake-sunrise/
[asuh] joined the channel
# 23:38 [asuh] [Khurt] It looks like your 960px declarations are causing issues with smaller widths so that there’s overflow and scrollbar on the bottom
[cleverdevil] and [kevinmarks] joined the channel
# 23:45 [asuh] It looks like you need to make the photos `width: 100%` but at the same time you’ll have to remove several of the 960px declarations
[jgmac1106] joined the channel