#[Khurt]Thanks [asuh]. Removing the 960px declarations ( or putting them back to default of 670px) makes the page width 670px. I want a page width of 960px.
[asuh] joined the channel
#[asuh][Khurt] right, and I think you’ll have to put it inside of a media query so that it doesn’t affect your site on smaller devices
chrisaldrich joined the channel
#GWGI just finished resigning my position in the WordPress project
#[Khurt]The only thing I changed from the original was the value of the width declarations. Now why I need the media query. Don’t understand what any of that means.
[asuh] joined the channel
#[asuh][Khurt] yeah CSS can be tedious for those not used to it. You’ll have to update the CSS a little more for this to work as you’re hoping. I know you were hoping that a width change would fix it how you want but you’ve exposed an edge case that others haven’t come across or reported yet
[tantek], sebsel, sebsel_, metbril, [jgmac1106], [relapse] and [Khurt] joined the channel
#[Khurt]I actually don’t see any scrollbars of or overflow. I saw images that are too small.
#Loqi[John Regan, Danny Van Kooten] Description
An easy-to-use WordPress Plugin to add custom CSS styles that override Plugin and Theme default styles. This plugin is designed to meet the needs of administrators who would like to add their own CSS to their WordPress website. Styles c...
#[jgmac1106]Had anyone tried a css override plugin for mf2 on a theme?
[schmarty] joined the channel
#petermolnarI wouldn't use 960px any more; units like ch or em make much more sense these days
[tantek] and [jgmac1106] joined the channel
#[jgmac1106]@petermolnar would take rewrite of [Khurt] theme, and [Khurt] this is why I add a page builder to SemPress or 2016-IndieWeb
#LoqiIt looks like we don't have a page for "that css/mf2 thing" yet. Would you like to create it? (Or just say "that css/mf2 thing is ____", a sentence describing the term)
#GWGI am trying to figure out what else to POSSE to
[schmarty] joined the channel
#[tantek]I think that's not worth worrying about theoretically at this point. Wait for someone to specifically *ask* for a POSSE destination to be supported before figuring it out.
#GWGI'm trying to figure out what else I might want to POSSE to
#GWGThere is only one thing, but I mostly want to pull my stuff out, not put it in
#[tantek]If you're not already on a social network and actively using it, then don't bother worrying about POSSEing to it.
#[tantek]If you're not active on any social networks, then you're done, there's nothing else you should feel like you might want to POSSE to
[nick] joined the channel
#GWGIndienews is now not showing as an option after the next update
#GWGI've put Indienews into a separate plugin, but I'm not posting it to Github right now, just putting it on my own site.
#[Khurt][petermolnar_] I understand how font size relates to px and em but not sure I understand how em relates to image sizing.
[jgmac1106], [tantek] and [asuh] joined the channel
#[asuh][Khurt] when I look at this page on my phone’s browser, the top images are too wide for the screen because of the rule `.single-column #page { width:960px }`. A media query added to that fixes it.
#[asuh]In plain English, this says “Hey browser, only apply this rule that says the page should be 960px wide when the browser has a width of 960px or above.”