#@girlonthenet@KathRella It’s AWFUL! And now when I go to edit a draft (of which I have over 100) it just shows me a ‘block’ that says ‘this block cannot be displayed.’ So without reverting, nothing I’ve done is accessible to me. (twitter.com/_/status/1099699863632166912)
#dougbealSeems to indicate dysfunction at Automatic, this seemed entirely predictable from architecture and bug reports
#petermolnar> dysfunction at Automattic - there's no dysfunction there, they made a decision, that is to ignore the existing community and embrace React, because React is the Future. This might be -chat topic though.
#GWGpetermolnar: It crosses major boundaries of topics
[Rose] joined the channel
#[Rose]According to a guide I just read, in settings I should be able to enable Markdown on WordPress, I can't see that option anywhere. Does it require a plugin?
#LoqiMarkdown lets you compose posts and comments with links, lists, and other styles using regular characters and punctuation marks. Markdown is used by writers and bloggers who want a quick and easy way to write rich text, without having to take their h...
#[Rose]Jetpack supports Markdown, so... I guess I'll install it!
#[jgmac1106]Make sure you test Jetpack... Can break lots of things at minimum do not use share buttons
#[jgmac1106]Certain themes Gravatar can mess with your h-card
#Loqi[Riad Benguella] Description
Averroes is a markdown editor capable of understanding and updating Gutenberg blocks using markdown.
Write Posts in Markdown.
Edit Posts in Markdown.
Tweak the blocks in Gutenberg and continue edition in Averroes.
How can I co...
[Rose] joined the channel
#[Rose]Hmm, I just want to be able to use Markdown when I send blog posts in via an API, I'll rarely use the actual editor I suspect.
#jgmac1106surprised there isn't a markdown micropub client, that was the thing, once I was using indigenous I rarely touched the editor to publish
#dougbealIdeally the post would be stored in markdown as well
#dougbealotherwise you wouldn't be able to edit a post with the client
#[Rose]Yes, if I have to edit it in the editor later I'd like it to be in Markdown - hence looking for a plugin on the WordPress end instead of just converting Markdown to HTML before sending it to WP