#[grantcodes]The main reason there is no micropub markdown editor is that the micropub spec doesn't specify any way to store or return content in another format
#[grantcodes]You could modify your own micropub endpoint to only ever to use markdown formatted plain text and use a plain text micropub client - of which there are many.
#sknebelI could have sworn I saw a markdown mode somewhere...
#[kevinmarks]going back from html to markdown can be lossy (in principle markdown can contain arbitrary html as html, but the translators aren't perfect)
#aaronpkthe other problem is there isn't just one "markdown" so in practice it's not guaranteed to work everywhere anyway
[Rose] joined the channel
#[Rose]That is an issue. But if the markdown I provide can be stored then that should be returned - and gives the user what they're expecting too.
#petermolnar[jgmac1106]: plain text is awesome, as long as you want a person to read it; if for any reason, you dare trying to process one with an algorithm, you're in a bad place
#[jgmac1106]Ohh yes... I thought Rose just wanted a copy of the Markdown so where for readers...
#petermolnar[kevinmarks]: "An unexpected error occured when trying to contact babelmark-proxy. Reason: timeout, Error status: 0 "
#[jgmac1106]Then she could just use WP markdown plugins to exist that will go to html... But if people had desire to see the markdown
#petermolnaryou have 2 options: capture calls to post_content and use post_content_filtered, store markdown there, convert to html whenever changes, etc
#aaronpkyes my point is if *you* know you're writing markdown, then all the micropub clients can treat it as plain text and your backend can render it on the server
#petermolnaruse post_content as html, convert back to md on edit, then back to html on save
#jackjamiesonI saw that, I'll update Yarns with the changes when I get time. Probably can do a bit of coding this week - been busy with writing recently
#GWGjackjamieson, I have more coming, but I standardized a lot
#GWGI didn't realize until I talked to aaronpk that I was following jf2, not the stricter limits mentioned in Microsub
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#jackjamiesonAh, actually I didn't realize there was a difference. I followed the microsub spec when I was writing my parsing, but hadn't compared to jf2 more generally
#GWGBut some properties are always arrays in Microsub.
#GWGJF2 says that single properties don't have to be arrays
#jackjamiesonAh, I'm looking now and I see what you mean
#aaronpkthe goal with microsub is to have fewer different ways of doing things, so that it's easier to write apps
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#GWGaaronpk, I need to edit the wiki to explain that.
#GWGI doubt I am the only one who missed the distinction
#aaronpkI will add some text to the "design goals" section which talks about this
#jackjamiesonaaronpk: I like that. Having photos etc as arrays makes it clear that clients should always be able to handle multiple. Makes a lot of sense, but I remember having some confusion previously when I was working on the pre-microsub version of Yarns
#GWGaaronpk, specifically that it uses a stricter version of jf2