[grantcodes]The main reason there is no micropub markdown editor is that the micropub spec doesn't specify any way to store or return content in another format
[grantcodes]You could modify your own micropub endpoint to only ever to use markdown formatted plain text and use a plain text micropub client - of which there are many.
[kevinmarks]going back from html to markdown can be lossy (in principle markdown can contain arbitrary html as html, but the translators aren't perfect)
petermolnar[jgmac1106]: plain text is awesome, as long as you want a person to read it; if for any reason, you dare trying to process one with an algorithm, you're in a bad place
petermolnaryou have 2 options: capture calls to post_content and use post_content_filtered, store markdown there, convert to html whenever changes, etc
aaronpkyes my point is if *you* know you're writing markdown, then all the micropub clients can treat it as plain text and your backend can render it on the server
jackjamiesonI saw that, I'll update Yarns with the changes when I get time. Probably can do a bit of coding this week - been busy with writing recently
jackjamiesonAh, actually I didn't realize there was a difference. I followed the microsub spec when I was writing my parsing, but hadn't compared to jf2 more generally
jackjamiesonaaronpk: I like that. Having photos etc as arrays makes it clear that clients should always be able to handle multiple. Makes a lot of sense, but I remember having some confusion previously when I was working on the pre-microsub version of Yarns