2019-03-17 UTC
[aaronpk] and [jgmac1106] joined the channel
# 01:02 Loqi gwg has 82 karma in this channel over the last year (172 in all channels)
# 01:02 GWG [jgmac1106]: What about IndieAuth?
# 01:08 GWG [jgmac1106]: Nothing really spectacular though.
# 01:09 [jgmac1106] You never see the spectacular and rarely get thanked for security
# 01:36 GWG But IndieAuth is a very stable project.
brokaw, [aaronpk] and [tonz] joined the channel
[aaronpk], [kevinmarks], [Rose], jeremych_, [jgmac1106] and [frank] joined the channel
# 13:04 [frank] Yes! Thanks [tonz] You got me on the right track. The thing is, the test script in the Indieauth plugin is somewhat confusing to me. I wasn't sure what to fill in as an URL. Turns out it had to be the exact URL of the page itself. I'd reckon that could be automated for the user... But then I got on the track how to solve the authorization header for Apache. And now it works! Well... I hope it keeps working...
# 13:09 GWG I will see about changing the text
# 13:16 [frank] That would be great GWG. I might not be a ninja-programmer but I can definitely think about improving workflows and user experience on several areas.
# 13:17 [frank] [tonz] I think your microformats are f-in up our systems again 😆 . This should be an in-reply-to to your URL above. Somehow it churns out tweets...
# 13:22 GWG Workflow suggestions are always welcome
# 13:24 GWG Lots of things that I want to improve
# 13:38 GWG Always. That's where I go for one when I am working on something and want to remember what else I might do
# 13:38 GWG I try to give a little attention to each plugin periodically
# 13:42 GWG I am doing some Post Kinds work at the moment, handling some bugs on data saving, then I will be in Webmentions. Although sometimes I do change my plans
# 13:43 GWG I am also going to Indiewebcamp New Haven and need a project that I can complete in a day
# 13:49 [frank] The Post Kinds plugin is working with the Yoast SEO plugin again. I don't know if you changed anything, but they work nicely together now.
brokaw and [tonz] joined the channel
# 14:10 [tonz] [frank] Odd, I received the webmention ok. That it shows Aldo de Moor’s twitter stream is very odd. The only sort-of thought I have with that, is that the latest webmention before your’s came from Aldo’s twitter via Bridgy.
# 14:10 [tonz] But that webmention had nothing to do with the tweets shown in your screenshot.
# 14:17 sknebel I think that is the reason. Your recent comments widget has "u-url" on the author names, so franks website thought the canonical url for your post was "https://twitter.com/ademoor", and fetched info from there
# 14:17 sknebel at least that's my theory, GWG can tell me if there's logic that'd do that
brokaw joined the channel
# 14:37 GWG That would be stock WordPress. Probably classic mf
brokaw joined the channel
# 14:41 sknebel GWG: the widget has "u-url" on the authors, but no h-card, so it leaks to the article h-entry
[jgmac1106] joined the channel
# 14:47 [jgmac1106] okay gwg, I think this going to work and people don't need to be serious theme editors...download your theme, search for hentry hreview or other top level h stuff, delete them. THEN use the microformats2 plugin....it comes out really nice in testing
# 14:47 sknebel so my theory was that the other page when trying to make a reply context fetched the post, saw the first "u-url" pointing to twitter, followed that link and parsed what it found there
# 14:47 [jgmac1106] hoping to have some time to get back to making this h-event plugin,.....got so close..just injected an h-entry somewhere along the way...gonna start over
# 14:50 GWG I could write a fork of the recent comments widget
# 14:51 GWG Or see if there is a way to edit it
# 14:51 GWG Specifically with the deletion, it will work, but there are built in issues
# 14:52 GWG sknebel, is it a u-url or classic?
# 14:52 GWG I need to look closely. Away from a computer though
# 14:53 sknebel I think I've seen that before... did the uf2 plugin cause that? was it a bug in a theme at some point?
brokaw joined the channel
# 14:56 sknebel [tonz]: are you running the microformats2 plugin?
# 15:05 [jgmac1106] yes I also was doing find and delete for the vcard and other stuff but I don't know enough about backcompat and pfefferle recommended just the top lvele h properties, will start with my charity site and see if I can find minimal amount of deletion
# 15:05 GWG The uf2 plugin is adding it to all authors
# 15:06 [jgmac1106] best suggestion only use the widget on homepage, not in sidebar of article
# 15:07 [jgmac1106] two things happen the leaking u-url sometimes and other times problems with two h-cards each having minute mistakes
# 15:35 sknebel other options: wrap a fake h- around the widget. potentially: fix the plugin?
# 15:36 sknebel [tonz] seems to run a theme based on sempress, so presumably he doesn't need the plugin at all?
# 15:36 [jgmac1106] For some reason something makes me think it happens on SemPress but not iwc16
# 15:37 GWG sknebel, we can propose to pfefferle he make modifications, but not as quick a fix as looking to do something in the uf2 plugin
# 15:37 [jgmac1106] that could be the reason, I know I often have to tell people to make sure they don't have the plugin on any post siderbar
# 15:38 [jgmac1106] gwg ohhh I thought the issue was the h-card widget, you think it is the uf2 plugin sticking in the u-url, mu mistake
# 15:39 [jgmac1106] yes nobody running SemPress should even have the uf2 plugin active
# 15:42 [jgmac1106] honestly nobody should have the uf2 plugin installed unless they really know what they are doing, maybe it shouldn't be bundled or add a note saying if you use an Indieweb theme do not use this plugin note
# 15:51 GWG Well, it is supposed to deactivate if used with a theme that doesn't need it
# 16:03 [jgmac1106] hey but this makes me think, once microformats are stripped from core, maybe the uf2 plugin will work for more people
[pfefferle] joined the channel
# 16:08 [pfefferle] Not really... there are other problems if the theme uses output escaping
# 16:10 Loqi [jodumont] #41 wrong rendering for span p-author
# 16:32 GWG [pfefferle]: What do you think we should do?
brokaw joined the channel
# 16:45 GWG [pfefferle]: UF2. We started to think about going with MF2 Feed as an alternative, but we backed off a bit after some pushback
# 17:00 GWG [pfefferle]: So did I, in a way. I created two new theme forks to solve this problem
# 17:00 GWG [pfefferle]: Whcih this? Just UF2 or more.
# 17:00 GWG Just want to know what I shouldn't ask you about
# 17:02 GWG I know you are making great strides in ActivityPub
# 17:03 GWG I know I have no idea how to continue with blocks plus Microformats
[jgmac1106] joined the channel
# 17:14 [jgmac1106] pfefferele, ohh okay that is why I see that all time, thx for the link
# 17:17 [pfefferle] I made some changes to the Webmention recently... and I am still interested in merging the SL plugin into WM
# 17:28 [jgmac1106] the question can up a lot and now I know why every Indpeendent Publisher theme looks that way. I got kinda close on my hacking around, but leaning to just going with SemPress and seeing if I can get all the features people want with a Page Builder
# 17:33 GWG Just making sure as I want to do some PRs to WM and SL
# 17:41 GWG I think I need to do some fixes and migrations to get it to a point it could merge.
# 17:41 GWG I have to fix Webmention moderation
# 17:44 GWG jgmac1106, I made some fixes to my Independent Publisher fork to try and address it
# 17:47 GWG I still am procrastinating on the work needed to get it in the WordPress repo
# 17:49 [pfefferle] GWG I am not sure if it is a good idea to merge both plugins... I would prefer to start over, because SL feels very hacky
# 17:49 GWG pfefferle, I would agree with that thought. But incorporate some of the code
# 17:50 GWG pfefferle, if I want to try and build it, where should I
# 17:52 GWG As a new repo? A webmention branch?
# 17:55 [pfefferle] Why not directly merge into the master, for example with a features-switch
# 17:56 [jgmac1106] no, pfefferle, haven't come across anything, mistakes are usually people adding uf2 plugin or the h-card widget in article sidebars
# 17:56 GWG Okay, I will set up a branch in my fork and start working
# 17:57 [pfefferle] Should we start with a checklist or a small concept? So that it fits all needs?
# 17:57 GWG Pfefferle, could you add a branch in the main repo for me to request merged to? A developer branch? To keep master clean?
# 17:57 Loqi [Modern Tribe, Inc.] Description
Create an events calendar and manage it with ease. The Events Calendar plugin provides professional-level quality and features backed by a team you can trust.
Packed with loads of useful features, The Events Calendar by Modern Tribe is r...
# 17:57 GWG I would like add a milestone and such, but I think only you can do that, pfefferle
# 17:58 GWG pfefferle, I waa going to start with the storage planning.
# 17:59 GWG Because how the data gets in can come later
# 17:59 GWG Probably needs an issue to brainstorm, which I will create.
# 18:00 GWG And if we hook in processing, it could be anything
# 18:02 GWG I will also reference it in an issue
# 18:05 GWG First step, if comment type is reply/like/etc, a key for source type
# 18:05 [pfefferle] GWG I started using namespaces, to remove the prefixes... any preference on that?
# 18:06 GWG Minimum PHP bumps to 5.5 next month, so fine with it
# 18:07 GWG And source type would be Webmention
# 18:08 GWG pfefferle, that's what I meant by source
# 18:11 GWG Yes, that was what I was thinking
# 18:13 GWG I believe we are close in our data storage thoughts
# 18:14 [pfefferle] Perhaps we should collect all keys in the wiki, so that we can discuss it with others
# 18:14 GWG I also want to build a version of the proposed templating system
# 18:15 GWG pfefferle, sounds like we are building custom comment types
[Rose] joined the channel
# 18:15 Loqi pfefferle has 24 karma in this channel over the last year (30 in all channels)
# 18:15 Loqi GWG has 83 karma in this channel over the last year (173 in all channels)
# 18:15 [pfefferle] GWG yes! Would also be interested in the templating stuff... would love to support that in my themes
# 18:17 GWG pfefferle, I may put together a repo for file to add to both plugins that does that and use it as a dependency like we do php mf2
# 18:17 GWG That handles the storage and templating
# 18:18 GWG First, writing this up for feedback
# 18:18 GWG I have time later today, should be doable to lay this out
# 18:18 GWG Analyze your activitypub work, Webmentions as they sit today...
# 18:20 GWG Abstract the storage into a set of functions
# 18:25 GWG And just include that in both so we can keep both updated without two sets of code.
# 18:26 GWG As for the Parse This question, it doesn't do what is needed yet anyway
gRegorLove joined the channel
# 18:58 GWG [pfefferle]: Maybe I should come back to Germany to work on this. Can I talk you into an Indiewebcamp?
# 18:59 GWG I have an urge to visit a Nordsee
# 19:06 GWG pfefferle, I am thinking about Berlin again in May
# 19:06 GWG If you come, it will go from thinking about it to confirmed
# 19:07 GWG You and KevinMarks are the two community members still active I have talked to the most and have never met
brokaw joined the channel
# 19:16 GWG This may be better for data structure
# 19:29 [jgmac1106] gwg has been to Berlin before, and there are many adjacent event to Düsseldorf
[tantek] and [frank] joined the channel
[Rose] joined the channel
# 20:09 [Rose] I would love to run into some more WordPress IW folks! I'm going to Berlin and Düsseldorf, still have to book Utrecht
# 20:28 [Rose] I'm hoping that between those 3 I'll see some people
# 20:29 [Rose] Perhaps we should aim to have a WordPress track at Berlin?
# 20:29 [Rose] Does WordPress MicroPub ignore JSON encoded data?
# 20:30 [Rose] Because I'm sending it that and it's ignoring the content and creating empty posts
brokaw joined the channel
# 20:31 [Rose] (I'm probably creating the request wrong actually, I need to check)
brokaw joined the channel
# 20:32 GWG You can try to push me over the edge and return to Berlin
brokaw joined the channel
# 20:36 [Rose] Aha, posting form encoded works. I'll use that
# 20:36 [Rose] Whichever you think is going to be more fun and easier to get to! I have no preference, I'm attending both 😄
# 20:40 [Rose] Except the title, that's probably formatted wrong, but progress!
[jgmac1106] joined the channel
# 20:54 GWG I wonder why the json encoded didn't work
# 21:14 [Rose] I'll try that tomorrow, I'm actually not very well right now so I'm probably making a silly error
# 21:35 [Rose] And unsurprisingly, the MicroPub plugin is up to spec 😄
# 22:18 GWG There's no markdown in the standard
brokaw joined the channel