[Rose]If it's not developmentally difficult, I would start with just what you've got - and then consider Pingbacks, Trackbacks, and Refbacks afterwards?
jackjamiesonAnd I'm hoping to do some testing of indieweb publisher this week. Seems like it's time to fix up my site a bit and I think that theme would work well
jackjamiesonGWG If I spot any low-hanging issues I can flag them to you and/or send a PR if you like. At first glance, it's looking quite good, but I'll take a closer look and let you know
[Rose], [frank], [tantek], [schmarty], drkokandy and j12t joined the channel
[frank]Question on Bridgy. When I publish my blogpost and use the Syndication Links plugin to post to Twitter, I get an error on Bridgy saying: I Couldn't find link to brid.gy/publish/twitter