#wordpress 2019-03-19

2019-03-19 UTC
[kevinmarks], [tantek], [cleverdevil], [jgmac1106], [aaronpk] and [frank] joined the channel
How weird. This morning I published a few articles. One gets syndicated to Twitter without a problem (https://diggingthedigital.com/bookmark-the-fork-in-the-road-for-social-media-and-our-society/), another gives the same problem as yesterday (https://diggingthedigital.com/kranten-over-de-live-tv/) in the Bridgy logfiles. How is this happening? Is there anything on my end of the process or is it somewhere in the microformats?
I like how the Syndication Links plugin automatically adds text to my article, but when it fails to publish, it shouldn't show. Now it just shows the text "Doorgeplaatst op:" ("Also published on:") but no Twitter link. How to fix this?
https://brid.gy/publish/webmention) everything just works OK. I don't understand this.
[Rose], [aaronpk], [jgmac1106] and jeremych_ joined the channel
[frank]: Do you have any caching enabled?
[kevinmarks], [Franco_Scarpa] and [frank] joined the channel
GWG Yes, I use Cloudflare caching
[frank]: Is there a way to invalidate the cache? The publishing link doesn't get added till after initial publish
[jgmac1106] joined the channel
You mean disable the cache?
[frank]: Disable would work, but what we'd want to do is make it so the cache is refreshed
does the user get sent to the initial version? otherwise I'm not sure why it would ever end up in a cloudflare cache
I can flush the cache from the Cloudflare interface but that's not really a durable solution is it?
but from a quick look at the logs, it looks like the initial version got loaded by bridgy
sknebel: Exactly
It doesn't add the link till a minute later
Is there a WordPress plugin that manages Cloudflare caching?
There is, and there is an option to flush the cache when a page is updated.
So, I need to trigger an update
OK, let me get into that for the plugin
I missed that when setting up the site
[frank]: next time you see this, can you try to capture the webserver logs for accesses to the post? if Cloudflare is caching it, I'd expect to see no request from bridgy making it to your server at all, which would confirm what's going on
And then I _really_ need to work on my companyplan...
I can check the webserver logs from this morning as well.
There should be a setting to automatically purge when the page is updated
And what I'll do is trigger the edit post action to tell it the post is updated.
[dshanske] #108 Cache Busting
I installed the Cloudflare plugin, enabled Automatic Cache Management. I will create a new entry, enable Syndication to Twitter and see what happens next.
The likelihood is I'll have to make arrangements to trigger it.
Ah OK, so it'll probably fail then? Which is OK, that's a conclusion as well 😉
[frank]: I didn't think about caching as an issue. Now I am.
I may ask you to test a fix in the future
No problem, glad to help!
It's one of the best ways to help.
OK, here are the results of the first test GWG
I published https://diggingthedigital.com/openbook-is-live/ with the Syndication Link for Twitter. Sidenote: The UI shows an extra checkbox without text
The Syndication Link plugin in the Gutenberg editor
It did not publish through Bridgy on Twitter
I don't see any reference to Bridgy in the logfiles as well, so that works out
When I purged the cache, enabled the syndication to Twitter and save again, everything works as expected and a tweet is posted.
Access logs are available on request 🙂
I think I just need to trigger the purge
I checked and I just have to tell the system the post was updated
Know that Cloudflare takes somewhere around 30 seconds to complete the purge. At least that is what they say on their own site.
[tantek] joined the channel
GWG: can you have wordpress send a no-cache header for the temporary state of the post?
[kevinmarks], [jgmac1106], dougbeal|mb1, [schmarty], [frank], [Rose], [tantek], gRegorLove and chrisaldrich joined the channel
uploaded /File:WordPress_Alt_image_field.PNG "A UI example of the WordPress image selection process which includes a field for the alt text. https://indieweb.org/File:WordPress_Alt_image_field.PNG"
chrisaldrich, [tantek], [schmarty] and [Rose] joined the channel
Does the WordPress micropub plugin ignored the "updated" field?
[tantek] joined the channel
Wait, published works just fine
[jgmac1106], [chrisaldrich], chimo and [schmarty] joined the channel
It should not ignore it
It definitely is in the code
chrisaldrich and [Rose] joined the channel
I think my problem was I was only sending updated - not published.
Let me read the code on that
No, we aren't
Need to fix that
[tantek], [kevinmarks] and [jgmac1106] joined the channel