#wordpress 2019-03-20

2019-03-20 UTC
[kevinmarks] and [jgmac1106] joined the channel
Hey GWG, do you know if your plugins work with the built in Wordpress support for multiple resolutions to do multiresolution photo posts?
They should
And if so, how are you marking up the mf2 on those posts?
Got any examples?
Well, I think only with the u-photo. But the problem is there are 5 different ways to do photos
I have this gigantic problem with it
So, you can insert a URL photo into the content block
You can add a photo as a featured image.
Or you can attach photos to a post.
It gets confusing.
[chrisaldrich], gRegorLove_, [eddie] and [tantek] joined the channel
Got test cases for each?
Test cases?
Trying to figure out a better way to address is on my list.
So much to do
[jgmac1106] joined the channel
my random thoghts as I am workign way too late: url in content block is just image, photo attached to post is u-photo bc post is about that(those) photo(s)-u-photo already syndicates, if it a featured img u-featured, but I could be wrong about the u-featured, on syndication I do believe the featured image gets treated as a u-photo and the syndication behavior is the same.
[jgmac1106]: The issue is accounting for every way that people doing it when using the system.
or you can focus on doing it proper and I will help write the tutorials to teach the people...I just wouldn't be the person to ask what is proper
You do see some weird title behavior for syndication. Even I mess up photo posts in Known because I know only the title syndicates to Twitter not content
The other problem is that anything in the wordpress gallery can only be associated with one post by default
then just ignore the gallery for now
if people want an IndieWeb photos collection post kind they can make a plug-in. It can't all fall on you...
[aaronpk], [tantek], jamietanna and [Rose] joined the channel
Hmm, my slugs don't match, grr.
[pfefferle] joined the channel
Hmm, importing all my posts is not working nicely. Around 40% don't get imported
[kevinmarks] and [jgmac1106] joined the channel
[Rose]: Any clues?
No, none.
It's most puzzling.
If I can get my "micro" posts to upload then I think I'll do the other ones manually, it's only a hundred or so - I can live with that.
https://core.trac.wordpress.org/ticket/36669#comment:19 - We can't even update a simple dependency. Feh
[grantcodes] joined the channel
This is why I get frustrated with WordPress core development
Now I just have to figure out if I want to handle empty titles in notes with say for example using the date, and if so how to do that
This is a subject of some debate
What should the slug be?
Empty titles are correct technically on notes but some people like them
I decided with Grav that my slugs would be date/time if there was no title. So I'd like to maintain that
[Rose]: I think we can swing that
For now, send in mp-slug
But will see about auto setting
As someone who tried to migrate his blog and write redirects... I sow wished I used dates in my slug
Not sure if it belongs in Micropub though
mp-slug, aha. I need to wipe this install and start over anyway I think, lots of incorrectly created posts.
I no some people grab the first few set of words and display that for titleless post and then use post ID number in slug
ah, simplepie. the part of WP I sent a one line patch of $x = trim($x) literally ages ago
still not merged or even looked at
is getting closer and closer
btw I tried some of the events/booking managers in WP, dear god, the amount of spam those receive o.O
(this is offtopic though)
WordPress is ontopic though
the short summary is that I could migrate a site off from Wix to WP - except the booking system. Interestingly enough, Wix has an Event and a separate Booking/Appointment system, and this latter is rather unique. It has the notion of courses/classes, staff, spaces, and 2 way syncs with Google Calendar. I've been trying to find a replacement via the WP ecosystem, no luck so far, and the ones I tried are insanely spam prone.
[stefp] joined the channel
Slugs are now working as expected, I ought to read the specs more thoroughly
Post ID is the default slug if no title is set.
So, we could write code to set it to something else on default
A little 5 line plugin
Handy to know, I'll make sure to use Shortcuts as my MicroPub client for the time being for now as that's an easy way to set the slug.
I always consider it as I don't like the post id as the final part of the slug, but what?
I mean, the date does make sense in general.
What is slug?
A slug is a series of words in a permalink URL, usually at the end, that are from or representative of the name or text of a post, and thus part of an overall URL design https://indieweb.org/slug
The standard WP url is /year/month/day/slug
It is the last part
So, I already have the date in the permalink
Hmm, I always change WordPress to use categories in the default URL instead
It is within the day
Mostly because if I go back and change the post and date then the URL would need redirecting.
I rarely use categories in posts
But good point
Why do you change the date so much?
I rarely do. But there's also the automatic "this was posted a year ago so it's out of date" mental connection I prefer to avoid.
Argh, 1 post didn't import, 1.
Also I then have feeds for my regular blog vs my personal stuff, etc.
Which are logical when people look at the feed urls compared to the browser ones
[aaronpk], [kevinmarks] and [kimberlyhirsh] joined the channel
I'm using InoReader & trying to get custom sharing going with Post Kinds URLs. But when I use the URL variables I get a weird editor window that only has a title box and a response properties box but nothing else, and the response properties box only has the "response properties" title and no content. Before I file this as an issue, any thoughts on what might be going on here? Here's an example URL I might give Inoreader, where [UR
If I do it with just kind=reply without trying to use the Inoreader URL, it's a normal editor with reply selected and a blank response properties box as you'd expect.
If I type the URL in the browser bar manually and replace the [URL] variable with the URL of the thing I'm trying to reply to, I get the weird editor again.
All of this is in Chrome; about to go try Firefox and see what happens.
[grantcodes] joined the channel
Same thing happens in Firefox.
If I do it with only kindurl and not kind, I get the same thing.
[frank] joined the channel
[kimberlyhirsh] I'll go see if I get the same thing with Inoreader. brb.
Worth noting I'm getting the same outcome whether I go through Inoreader or directly through the browser.
This is weird. My browser keeps redirecting me to wp-login.php from the URL.
But I am logged in
Yeah, first it did that to me but eventually I got it to stop doing that. Don't know what I did, logged in through the redirect with "Remember me" a couple times and eventually it seemed to take.
Trying deactivating a bunch of plugins to see if it makes a difference...
Didn't seem to.
[cowglow] joined the channel
Same here. Do you use the Gutenberg editor? Maybe it has something to do with the changes in that?
I have a plugin that lets me use the Classic Editor.
But I suppose it might be related to that, since I'm using the most recent version of WordPress.
I'm sorry I can't be of any more help
No worries. Thanks for trying! It's not breaking my site or anything. Just an obstacle to owning my replies etc.
Because right now it's a bit labor intensive to copy & paste everything manually, which means I just reply to fewer things than I would otherwise.
Maybe the Quill bookmarklet or Omnibear is of use for you?
File the issue
Quill can be found on http://quill.p3k.io/
I haven't tested the kindurl variable in WP5.0 yet
I am always happy to fix things
Especially if I broke them
Still working on making Micropub happen with my host, so for now I'll just file the issue and keep doing things manually.
Looking at the issues I see something similar happened with indiebookclub as of June 2018, but I didn't even get the full response properties box.
[tantek], [grantcodes] and [chrisaldrich] joined the channel
I've seen [frank]'s issue of redirect to login because of an issue relating to switching between http vs https before.
Yep, I figure that was my problem.
I just switched to https a couple days ago.
In your admin, check that you have https set in settings >> general for WordPress address and site address...
I did that before I ran into this problem.
Did it yesterday maybe? And had the problem today?
Then I think it's possible the URL I was feeding Inoreader I forgot to put the s in.
So maybe that's what fixed it? Can't remember now.
I set up kinds with inoreader in the past but haven't used it much recently. I'll try to test later this morning when I get to the office.
[jgmac1106], jackjamieson, [kevinmarks], dougbeal|mb1 and [kimberlyhirsh] joined the channel
Yaaaay just worked with my host to get IndieAuth/Micropub working on my WordPress install (after delaying for months because I'd have to go through a Live Chat instead of supporting a ticket).
chrisaldrich joined the channel
[kimberlyhirsh] I'm not seeing the same issue on my end with Post Kinds, but this may also give a clue as to potential issues as GWG knows I'm still running the older version from pre-Summit 2018.
gRegorLove_ and jackjamieson joined the channel
[frank] I agree with [chrisaldrich] that it might be an https/http issue. I had the same problem for a long time. IIRC the solution was to edit my .htaccess to always use https
jackjamieson, sorry I haven't gotten back to you about your email yet. I'm totally in. I'm just finishing up some work on a class and have a monkey on spring break this week, but will get back to you shortly.
Let me know if you're in any sort of rush and I'm happy to help facilitate that if necessary.
chrisaldrich Great! And thanks! I'm not in a big rush so take your time
Hi all
On a break
See some things worked out
The kindurl issue sounds like my problem to fix
Hi, jackjamieson
Hi GWG, how are you?
Busy busy busy
I have some bug fixes to do
Then starting work on a project to improve Webmentions
Likely pausing for more bug fixes
The webmention thing is a multipronged migration and update project
Wouldn't mind more eyes on phase 1
GWG Sounds good - I'd like to take a look at webmentions if it could be helpful. I don't know the plugin code very well but it can't hurt
That is not the question we are looking at first
jackjamieson joined the channel
Changing the data format
I'll take a read tonight
Got a meeting now, but I'll be back later
Okay. Me too
[eddie], jackjamieson, mattl, [davidmead], [tantek], jackjami_, [Rose], [schmarty], gRegorLove_, [kevinmarks], [jgmac1106] and [pfefferle] joined the channel
Moinsen [chrisbergr]
[pfefferle]: Hello
[dshanske] #108 Cache Busting
dougbeal|mb1 joined the channel
Is it added to the_content?
[schmarty] and [aaronpk] joined the channel
No, it isn't
Regrettably no
[jgmac1106] joined the channel
Only metadata?
I add it in afterward
Because it doesn't need to be seen
It's just the webmention target
For Webmention syndication
I thought about triggering edit_post
But who knows what do_action edit_post might do
[kevinmarks] joined the channel