2019-03-24 UTC
[eddie], [cleverdevil], gRegorLove_, [Rose] and [schmarty] joined the channel
# 12:21 [Rose] Well, I just switched everything over, and I'm crossing my fingers it all works out
# 12:35 [Rose] That one's done - but I just found some posts dated incorrectly.
jeremych_, [Rose] and [kevinmarks] joined the channel
# 14:46 GWG [Rose]: What is still on the punch list?
# 15:04 [Rose] And fixing the menu not being highlighted in the blog and microblog category pages
# 15:05 [Rose] And setting a default slug if no title is set, I'm 100% sure that's doable
# 15:17 [Rose] also needs to look into syndicating to her Reddit profile and Mastodon
# 15:25 Jeremycherfas Well, not quite exactly. Typing has gone to pieces after a morning gardening.
# 15:41 sknebel remember though that many subreddits and to some degree reddit itself don't like people submitting from their own sites, or at least doing so predominantly
# 15:42 sknebel (POSSE-ing bookmarks etc as submissions, or comments, of course wouldn't be self-submissions)
# 15:45 Loqi Reddit is a link aggregator and bulletin board site where community members may submit links and text posts, vote on the submitted entries, and post comments on them https://indieweb.org/Reddit
# 15:50 [Rose] As they're intended as Facebook profiles type things now it seems to make sense
# 15:57 GWG [Rose]: Maybe I should add it into a plugin
# 15:57 GWG Question is...what should the slug be if there is no title?
# 15:58 [Rose] I would like to be able to specify a date format
# 15:58 GWG It seems like this is a pretty short project.
# 15:58 GWG Well, this is a discussion I'm happy to have
# 15:58 GWG I use a date based permalink structure, but I don't like the last number being the post_id
# 15:59 GWG Post Kinds has the most data, so tempted to do it in there quickly.
# 16:01 [Rose] I would try bribing you with chocolate, but post takes forever
# 16:08 GWG [Rose]: I've been on a diet for 2 years now.
# 16:09 GWG Hasn't worked, but the thought is appreciated on the chocolate.
# 16:09 GWG [Rose]: I enjoy adding simple things for others, but as I said, that is probably one on my list as well.
# 16:09 GWG The last one I added in that vein was replacing the (No Title) in the admin with a summary of the actual note content.
# 16:09 GWG I should be able to hook into that code.
# 16:10 GWG I want to do something about this as well.
# 16:14 [Rose] I need to modify hidden titles in my themes if there is no title, I just want to show the relative date for the last 3 days, and then the date beyond that.
# 16:19 GWG [Rose]: Asuh suggested it, I think. But I love it as well.
# 16:19 GWG and I'd love doing something about the slugs, although I think I would need some settings as you want date, I want something generated from context.
# 16:20 [Rose] Unfortunately my current code does not work as I would like 😛
# 16:20 [Rose] I would agree settings are great. I definitely do not want the post ID
# 16:22 GWG I should be able to bump up a simple filter based on the title code I have.
# 16:54 GWG [Rose]: Feature implemented save for tracking a PHP notice
# 17:13 GWG It can't get at anything but the excerpt and summary because the other information hasn't been saved yet.
# 17:21 GWG I could get it to work for a draft.
# 17:22 GWG I may need to do something in Micropub as well.
# 17:27 [Rose] I wonder how often people specify the date through micropub
# 17:28 [Rose] Because if it's rare then the current time and date might also be an option
# 17:31 aaronpk It's definitely an exception rather than normal. Ownyourgram does though since it's often posting backdated posts. You definitely want the micropub endpoint to use the current date if the client doesn't send one
# 17:31 [Rose] Indeed, I just wonder if we could use the current date for the slug as well, as that doesn't require information not already available.
# 17:33 GWG I'd want it as a setting, for reasons mentioned.
# 17:37 [Rose] And it should be a setting, and considering WordPress' default permalink settings, the date shouldn't be default preference for a slug
# 17:39 Loqi [colin-walker] wordpress-blank-title: Replace blank WordPress post title with the date/time
# 17:40 [Rose] Why did this not show up in my duck duck go research?
# 17:43 [Rose] I don't need to set the title, just show it. But this is a great help.
# 18:12 GWG I will contemplate micropub options
# 18:16 Loqi [dshanske] #196 Set Slug based on properties
# 18:35 Loqi GWG has 81 karma in this channel over the last year (173 in all channels)
[frank] joined the channel
# 19:01 [frank] I am somewhat familiar with Genesis. Not all the nuts and bolts.
# 19:03 [Rose] I'm just wondering why replacing the genesis_do_post_title function isn't working and was wondering if anyone else had run into that
# 19:04 [Rose] (Whatever I return the title is empty right now, I suspect my code is wrong, but I copied an example)
An1, [jgmac1106], [Sadik_Shahadu], [cleverdevil] and tw2113 joined the channel