#[asuh]GWG, with a little modification, it solve a problem I was trying to solve for the last couple of years 🙂
#[asuh]I do think the slug can be a bit long with a long excerpt so my preference would be date or post_id instead. I modified your changes to use post_id and the result is perfect
#[asuh]I use a custom permalink structure `/%postname%/`. When I make a post without a title, the post ID always gets the dreaded `-2` so that they all look like `123-2` instead of `123`.
#GWG[asuh]: So what would you suggest as settings/behavior?
#[asuh]excerpt as default is a good start. i personally prefer brevity like post_id or date. I imagine this will be up to personal preference so options to switch between the three could be a good way to go
#GWG[asuh]: Well, there is also how much of the excerpt.
#chrisaldrich[jgmac1106] I was playing around with Reclaim Hosting last night. It looks like their PressBooks set up is $125/month which seems pretty steep. Did you see it somewhere else in their installatron at one of their smaller tiers?
MorningMoon and tbbrown joined the channel
#[jgmac1106]Yeah... Makes no sense didn't know that I can ask Jim and Tim but pressbook is a theme. When I am in cpanel and click on all Apps Pressbook WAS an option. Maybe that changed
chrisaldrich joined the channel
#chrisaldrich[jgmac1106] They only added the functionality around November from what I can tell. Most managed versions are at least that expensive if not more. Running pressbooks usuallly takes some additional dependencies that most hosts don't support or which require some additional gymnastics.
#chrisaldrichFrom what I can tell from prior reading, pressbooks is a WordPress install with a bunch of additional code and dependencies as well as custom themes. It's not simply a plugin or simple thing to manage, which I suspect is why folks charge so much for it.
#chrisaldrichI get the feeling it's the type of thing a department or an institution would build and maintain for dozens or hundreds of books. None of the install stuff I've seen so far makes it look like the type of thing you'd set up as a hobbiest for just one book.
#chrisaldrichOn the positive side I've now got my own version of /Wallabag installed and I've got my own personal wiki set up!