#wordpress 2019-04-25

2019-04-25 UTC
miklb, [tantek], [jgarber], ichoquo0Aigh9ie, [Rose], [frank], [grantcodes], [jgmac1106] and [eddie] joined the channel
I just found out I can't favorite something through Quill to my WordPress blog. Well, I cán but in the WP blog it doesn't pick up the URL I favorited, just the title. I use the latest Micropub plugin. What is the best way to start debugging this? I can't see any information in the raw access logs as well. Which is kinda weird. I expected to see some kind of JSON popping up between Quill and my WP installation...
Micropub or Micropub+Post Kinds?
Micropub + Post kinds
I just tested it and it worked.
That is strange
Do you have a URL for your post?
I just deleted it. Just a moment, I'll make a new one again
[Frank Meeuwsen] How to Read the Internet • Robin Rendle
You'll see the link goes to the permalink of the post itself
In the editor I see this
You want the URL to appear?
Seems logic to me
That isn't in the design
A link to it appears with the title.
If you wanted the URL displayed, you'd need to customize the display
Well...the link to the original URL is not there, since the original URL is not available
When you hover over the title in https://diggingthedigital.com/2649-2/ you'll see it goes to the same page instead of https://robinrendle.com/notes/how-to-read-the-internet/
[Frank Meeuwsen] How to Read the Internet • Robin Rendle
In Quill, I favorite the robinrendle URL. It would make sense it is available in my post. It doesn't have to be visible, as long as it's available under the title as a link
It actually goes to href="_" for some reason
Yep. So how do I start debugging this?
In my logfile I see - - [25/Apr/2019:07:32:28 -0500] "POST /wp-json/micropub/1.0/endpoint HTTP/1.0" 201 603 "-" "-"
Let me explore this.
It may be a Post Kinds bug
In the meantime I manually edited the post above to show the URL, author and short summary
The page has no microformats, so it is falling back on meta properties. Will see that case
I understand. But I wodner about the absence of the URL. How could that happen?
If the fact there is no URL property is overwriting the supplied URL.
But I give an URL on https://quill.p3k.io/favorite so how can there be no URL? And it seems somewhere along the line it picks up the title of the given URL.
I have to look at the code on the WordPress side that tries to get a title
What plugin would that be? The Post Kinds I think?
And how do I see what actually goes from Quill to my WordPress installation? It should be serverlogs right? Or something else?
I tested some more with Postman on my local dev WordPress. It is weird actually. When I do a Micropub like-of of https://robinrendle.com/notes/how-to-read-the-internet/ it doesn't give back the URL in the response.
My suggestion would be to always give back the URL in the response, whether there is a microformats or meta properties.
It should. It's a bug
Thank god it's not a feature 😉
Should I add it to the Issues at the github repo?
[jgmac1106], [Rose], [eddie], [schmarty], [josh_nadas] and [cleverdevil] joined the channel
Up to you
jackjamieson and [chrisaldrich] joined the channel
GWG, saw your ping. I'll try to install and test out later today.
miklb joined the channel
GWG I tried a version of the Parkeology challenge yesterday, but using Swarm at Knott's Berry Farm. Only managed a dozen rides on a slow day with a slow 8 year old. 🙂
Choose your team members bettert
[kevinmarks], [schmarty], [Rose], [cleverdevil], [josh_nadas], [tantek], [frank], [eddie] and gRegorLove joined the channel
I'm searching the WP Codex but thought I'd ask here in case someone has a quick answer: what early hook for the admin area is similar to `template_redirect`? I need a hook before any headers are sent to the browser, for the admin area.
[tantek], [manton] and [schmarty] joined the channel
I used `plugins_loaded`
miklb, [kevinmarks], chrisaldrich and [jgmac1106] joined the channel