[jgmac1106]!tell pfeferrle I noticed on cambrideport90 site that the notes are showing (no title) in widgets. I forget the fix you used in SemPress if it was a date or snippet.
cambridgeport90everything is showing up like that except for long-form posts. I'm still trying to figure out how to fix it. I might have to edit the template itself, though.
Ruxtoncambridgeport90: if you look in wp-content/plugins/indieweb-post-kinds/includes/class-kind-taxonomy.php for the function the_title you'll see an is_admin conditonal in there before it filters, If you want titles everywhere, removing this will filter the title for front end too
RuxtonI was gonna send a pretty PR to multi-select kinds in the widget? so you can do a "Recent Activity" for things I intend to exclude from front page
[tonz]I add categories for things I don’t want to see on front page or someplace else, then filter on those (using the Category Excluder plugin in WP). So my bookmarks etc. only show on pages away from frontpage, and my check-ins only if you go directly to that category page. I also exclude check-ins from my RSS feed.
[jgmac1106]If you are looking for prio art Known does a nice job of letting you select what post types show on the home page, maybe something similar with post kinds
GWG[Rose]: Were you the one who asked recently about the user location functionality in Simple Location? Fixing a quick bug and wanted to see if there are any other quick fixes I need to put in
Webrockeris there a way to debug what the webmention endpoint is doing (thinking of something like the log at brid.gy)? with WP in debug mode I see (php)related stuff, but I'd like to monitor what happens event if there's no obvious error…? Or should I just dump all post requests in a log file?
Webrocker/[pfefferle] thx. I wanted to check if I have an issue related to some weird combination of (local) factors, or if that "duplicate comment" error is caused by the webmention plugin before I open an issue… :-)
Loqi[Rosemary Orchard] Adactio: Jeremy Keith (adactio.com)
Adactio is the website of Jeremy Keith, a web developer living in Brighton in southern England.
Hey! Just wanted to let you know the dinner plans for tonight: https://indieweb.org/2019/Utrecht#Schedule (19:30 at K...
Loqi[Rosemary Orchard] Adactio: Jeremy Keith (adactio.com)
Adactio is the website of Jeremy Keith, a web developer living in Brighton in southern England.
Hey! Just wanted to let you know the dinner plans for tonight: https://indieweb.org/2019/Utrecht#Schedule (19:30 at K...
[chrisaldrich]GWG I think heard Andy Fragen mention that wp5.2 should have methods for checking min php and minimum version of WP, ostensibly to prevent people from installing incompatible plugins.