#wordpress 2019-05-21

2019-05-21 UTC
[jgmac1106], billbennettnz, chrisaldrich, [Rose], doubleloop, [tonz], [jeremycherfas] and [frank] joined the channel
I just installed a fresh WP instance on Digital Ocean to test some stuff. One thing I noticed is the mf2 plugin from [pfefferle] gives the incorrect output on the author byline at a post. See issue https://github.com/indieweb/wordpress-uf2/issues/41 But the conversation in this issue has me confused. Is the plugin deprecated and should we _not_ use it? Because if so, why not take it off the WordPress plugin repository?
It's a hacky fix that works or doesn't work depending on theme etc
Hmm.. I see there's a reference to another plugin, https://github.com/indieweb/wordpress-mf2-feed/
If you have a theme with mf2, ignore those plugins
It looks like the default WP theme already parses OK
This is a vanilla WP with no plugins. It parses some mf2 https://frankmeeuwsen.xyz/2019/05/21/hello-world/
Probably backcompat from the mf1 pieces they still have
[pfefferle] joined the channel
[frank] sorry for the confusion, the mf2 plugin was a good idea back in the days, but most themes now use output escaping that breaks the mf2 output
No problem [pfefferle]. I'm glad I have some time to test it now for myself 🙂
Yes, I found that with my Genesis child theme in DUS
And then I changed to using Autonomie as a parent theme
[pfefferle] Is there a right sidebar in Autonomie? I couldn't get it working?
[Rose] no there isn’t
Oh, you may want to update the keywords on the git repo then 😉
(And no harm done, of course)
I build Autonomy to be Gutenberg compatible and to use the complete with for images and othe media
oops 😳
Fair enough! And I built a child theme, because I liked your base but wanted to make it my own 😛
btw. I am open for sidebar merge-requests 😉
I see there's a WordPress usergroup Meetup in Utrecht tomorrow. I might visit to secretly gospel the word of IndieWeb plugins during drinks
Because drinks
I hacked the pure-css-grids in as a second css file
But I'm having a width issue I need to fix
And then I can consider it
[jgmac1106] joined the channel
[pfefferle]: Do we want to reopen the issue of removing the mf2 plugin?
[tonz] joined the channel
for my understanding [frank], you use the independent publisher together with the mf2 plugin, or does your theme have its own mf2 support already?
[pfefferle]: Also, not sure if the latest load addressed the concerns
and another thing [frank], I’m setting up 2 test instances of WP (triggered by [neil] ’s test instance at IndieWebCamp Utrecht), which I dubbed Proto and Meso. So I can test sending stuff back and forth, compare things, etc. As you are setting one up too, and Neil has one as well, maybe we can treat it as a test network between ourselves (so you no longer need to sms me late at night to warn me of another onslaught of webmentions on my
testing stuff.)
[tonz]: What are you trying to test?
I also have a test site which I would be happy to add to that network
Or rather, a sample site for demos at IWCs, and for testing my scripts against
hahaha [tonz] Sure thing. My testinstance is on https://frankmeeuwsen.xyz.
It has all the indieweb plugins activated
Mine is the cleverly named sample-wp.rosemaryorchard.com
For my main website, I use independent publisher but without the extra mf2 plugins
@gwg it’s just to have generic test-bed, e.g. building themes, or setting up AP or whatever, without have to do it on my live site.
[frank] [Rose] [neil] mine will be / are at http://proto.tzyl.nl and http://meso.tzyl.nl
@gwg in other words a place where it’s ok to break things
[frank]: I have a fork of Independent Publisher that adds better support
By the way GWG, your listen functionality is perfectly implemented as expected
I think I have that one @GWG it's indieweb publisher right?
No wait, I tried that one but for some reason got back to the original theme. I don't know why exactly
Yes. I did a bunch of backporting and stripping of things
raamdev seems to have stopped maintaining the original
So I tried to create a version that could be maintained
[Rose]: Glad to hear
I don't have the skill to design a theme from scratch. I can handle refactoring one
I like the idea of a test network
I currently have solarsailer.doubleloop.net and bit.doubleloop.net
I’ll make a list 🙂
I tend to tear them down and spin them up later again from time to time though. But maybe something like that could in itself be part of the testing..
The trick with designing something "from scratch", is to steal 😛
We can have a WordPress chaos monkey
gives Loqi a WordPress chaos monkey
throws the WordPress chaos monkey
Chaos confirmed
Now it's a flying chaos monkey
Even more chaotic
Now, back to tracking down that rogue 900px of width that's appearing _somewhere_
Here’s a list Neil solarsailer.doubleloop.net and bit.doubleloop.net
Rose sample-wp.rosemaryorchard.com
[tonz] How do you give specific Post Kinds a specific category when using a micropub client like Quill?
I can't seem to get it to work
The tag will be matched to a category if there is one of that name
When I make a like-of, it gets into the indieweb category every time
what Rose says
With a like-of I can't send a tag
Check your WP default category
Mine is now set to uncategorized.
what Rose says, again 🙂
We should listen to Rose more
What Frank says!
I feel like I have learnt many WP things the hard way over the last month or so 😛
Hmm... I can only choose one default category
That is the problem in a nutshell
That was a dumb thing to say
The good news is, you can fork quill, to add a tag box.
I don't want to fork quill. My brain is still in pain of the nodejs import thing
Or, you can make a bookmarklet or service that specifies the category
checks how far she got with installing Quill on her server
OK, here's my solution then. I make one default category. I exclude it from the frontpage. In my navigation I already link to specific post kinds pages. Which will show my likes and bookmarks
Sort of like problem solved me thinks
Cool. I even have a feed for my likes. https://diggingthedigital.com/kind/like/feed
Why do you want to match a kind with a category?
A poetic permalink
@GWG I don't want to show my likes on the frontpage
I believe we had the discussion Sunday?
Yes, just confused about where categories come in
You want to exclude by taxonomy
Yes, because I can't exclude post kinds itself on the homepage, so it's a small hack to get it done
Except sometime you may want that. So I too use categories to determine where something is visible, regardless of kinds. And attach default categories.
I may just have to break down and give people a main feed excluder
Hahaha...It's not a big deal @GWG
I preferred the option of having a separate feed that excluded.
This already works
I may have to document how I suggest someone implement it
If you need some usecase ideas, I'm happy to help
@gwg I use a perfectly well working category excluder, which also let me exclude it from feeds etc.
[pfefferle] joined the channel
woops, how long was I away 😳
Fun fact: I thought I installed quill but I installed monocle 😆
When you play with the main feed, weird things happen
Either way, if I do something, I'll post about it
Hi, [pfefferle]
I have a lot of questions for you, I think
I have a non WP question: are you planning on coming to the summit (remote) in Åmål?
Everyone here, including you
when is it?
When is the next IWC?
IndieWeb Summit 2019 is June 29-30, 2019 (Saturday & Sunday), in Portland, Oregon; the ninth annual gathering for independent web creators of all kinds, graphic artists, designers, UX engineers, coders, hackers, to share ideas, create & improve their personal websites, and build upon each others creations https://indieweb.org/next-iwc
Same dates for Sweden
I don’t get the Åmål thing
Ah, I see!
It's not just remote viewing, we'll do our own sessions and hack day too
do you live in sweden?
No, Vienna
oh, not that far away 😉
I thought it would be fun to have some WP sessions
I am at the WordCamp the week before…
[Rose]: I am going to look into travel options - I think my travel budget might make IWC Brighton the next one for me, but a Moose Ranch visit is very appealing!
I want moose ranch photos
[pfefferle]: I still want to meet you in person someday to discuss stuff
I am not coming to Amal though
Sorry, don't know where the correct letters are on my keyboard
I hope that is possible some day soon!
[pfefferle]: I am down to you and Kevinmarks at the top of my not having met in person list
sorry for not be able to participate berlin/düsseldorf this year and last year, but the Indie events are not that interesting for my employer YET!
How do we make them so?
perhaps brighton?
or the next berlin/düsseldorf camp
I won't be at Brighton. Conflict. Maybe next German one. I pulled it off twice
I meant how does Indieweb become interesting for your employer?
It never will for mine
But you work for a company that could potentially have interest
it is a big german hoster… can be interesting…
but the germans are not that good in identifying Open Source and Indie Projects as potentials
at least the big companies
sadly yes
[pfefferle]: To change the subject slightly to those two questions...
1. Should we revisit removing mf2 as a recommendation in the Indieweb plugin until a new maintainer volunteers to take it on?
Personally I would like that plugin to have a short list of "this works with these themes" if it is going to stay there.
It needs someone to work on it
That's if it stays there. Otherwise I think it should be removed.
GWG I have no preference here
Maybe open the issue and do a request for comment from more people
Last time the objector was miklb,. but I know he has moved away from WordPress for Indieweb. So maybe someone will have a passion for the issue
[pfefferle] #119 remove uf2 plugin
[kevinmarks786], [jeremycherfas], ichoquo0Aigh9ie, GWG_, Kaja_, jackjamieson, [eddie] and [grantcodes] joined the channel
^ Shall we comment on the pull request then?
[Rose] joined the channel
If it only works with some themes and works incorrectly with others, my vote would be to remove it (and keep it in the Themes section of Getting Started, but moved to the end as kind of a 'last resort' option)
GWG: the 'If checked, this will replace the author page URL with the website URL from your user profile' in IndieWeb / Options - does it refer to the value used in a generated rel=me link somewhere?
Asking just to check that it isn't intended to add a redirect from https://doubleloop.net/author/neil to https://doubleloop.net
The ActivityPub plugin needs that author page, and I had an issue because Yoast was redirecting it
gRegorLove_ and [grantcodes] joined the channel
It isn't a redirect. It just replaces it where linked
GWG++ great thanks - I've left it checked and all is working well. Just Yoast's redirect needing changing.
GWG has 90 karma in this channel over the last year (174 in all channels)
[tonz], jackjamieson, [tantek], [Rose] and [frank] joined the channel
Interesting [pfefferle] re: "output escaping that breaks the mf2 output" - I am seeing markup in author names in feeds, e.g. following snarfed's site in Monocle. Could this be the reason?
[schmarty] and [pfefferle] joined the channel
[tantek] yes, this could be the Problem
The new IndieAuth test script nag is a good idea GWG
[jeremycherfas] joined the channel
There is another idea that I have on that for future
[manton], jackjami_, [jeremycherfas] and [kimberlyhirsh] joined the channel
GWG_++ for the nag, worked a treat for me.
GWG_ has 91 karma in this channel over the last year (175 in all channels)
tbbrown and [tantek] joined the channel
Any time
I have to fix that underscore
Hyro, [Melanie_Richard and [ldavid_ensiie] joined the channel