#wordpress 2019-05-22

2019-05-22 UTC
[eddie], miklb and [tantek] joined the channel
!tell [Rose] Noticed a feed problem with your site.
Ok, I'll tell them that when I see them next
[cleverdevil] and [Rose] joined the channel
You did?
[Rose]: Feed discovery doesn't find them all
Uh oh.
I can fix that.
I hope.
Well, the easiest way is rel=feed
On the link to it
Yes, I'll do that but I want more in my header.
[tantek], gRegorLove_, [frank], [kevinmarks786], [jeremycherfas], [Rose], [eddie] and [pfefferle] joined the channel
Autonomie already sets the feed header
Which feed header?
the html site
[Rose] has separated her blog from her microblog. That's a customization
I've done lots of weird things 🙂
It isn't weird
I was just explaining why what the theme does isn't covering your usage
[pfefferle]: You wrote websub for WordPress. How could Yarns leverage websub for retrieving feeds?
[tonz] joined the channel
if you file an issue, I will reactivate the client implementation and write an action/hook documentation for that
I removed the client a while ago, because noone really used it
The code is still there?
In the current repo, I mean
[manton] joined the channel
Looking for it. Got a link?
[tantek] and [eddie] joined the channel
On my blog I post replies and bookmarks etc. in such a way that I show my content first, and the thing I’m replying to / commenting on after that. This is a setting in Post Kinds. This is useful to me as then, when I share that to Twitter, Mastodon, it puts my content before the cut-off and not the external content I’m reacting to. In my RSS feed however this is not happening: there the “Ton replied to a posting by X “blurb”" co
As I share my RSS feed to Microblog, there the external stuff is then shown before the character limit cut-off, and my remarks remain invisible. I’m trying to understand: is it PostKinds that also determines the content of what ends up in the RSS feed (it seems not), or is it something else? And if something else, how does it ‘know’ at all what post kind we’re talking about. Is the default shape of a post kind post in the database?
It does.
And could do so better
[jeremycherfas] joined the channel
GWG no I removed it completly
but I have to re-add stuff
[tonz] in my experience, both RSS and Atom feeds and classic readers do not handle showing reply/comment posts very well
Better to have a way to not send replies / comments to your RSS/Atom feeds, because that generation of feed readers doesn’t have any explicit handling of them and they just look bad
Perhaps more for dev, but this is a clear example of the limitations of the prior RSS/Atom ecosystem and why those technologies are unsuitable in practice for “social web” interactions and posts
[tantek] yes, I know, but I’m trying to pin down where the difference originates between the way the order reply-what’s replied to is shown on my page, and in my rss feed. As I can influence that order on the page with a postkinds setting, which doesn’t affect the feed. (Whereas the entire construct of showing reply and replied to bits is a Post Kinds determined thing)
If you’re able to figure out a way to make it work, I’m very interested
tbbrown, [grantcodes], [eddie], [tonz], amarcus, [tantek], jackjamieson, gRegorLove, chrisaldrich, gRegorLove_, [Rose], gRegorLove__ and [frank] joined the channel
I made a favorite on my blog with Quill (like-of). Which IndieWeb WordPress plugin takes care of parsing and displaying the received information? I want to test some stuff but I can't seem to remember how it works again...
!tell [pfefferle] Maybe the old code should be its own repo?
Ok, I'll tell them that when I see them next
[pfefferle] joined the channel
frank, it should be the Micropub plugin that handles receiving the data from Quill and parsing it out as mf2 to display on your site.
[chrisaldrich] I thought so too. So I made a request in Postman to my micropub endpoint to see what it would respond with. But I don't get any mf2 output...
[eddie] joined the channel
frank, iirc most of the data is stored in the wp_postmeta table for individual posts; some plugins like Post Kinds Plugin may do some handling for how the data is ultimately displayed.
what are tools?
Here are some tools that are helpful for building and debugging an IndieWeb site https://indieweb.org/tools
you might also find some useful pieces there ^^
[grantcodes] joined the channel
[chrisaldrich] Thanks. It's more I'd like to see how the payload and response is built up before it goes into the database. I'll see if I can find something to work with.
snarfed wrote the original for Micropub, but with the rewrite of the internals last year, GWG may be of more specific help to you when he pops up later.
[tonz] joined the channel
If Post Kinds is installed, it overrides handling of display. If it isn't, Micropub marks it up when created only
jackjamieson, [tantek] and [kimberlyhirsh] joined the channel
Getting missing_parameter redirect_uri error again. I was planning to wait to switch hosts until this account is up for renewal but my current posting hiatus might be an opportune moment for switching to Reclaim...
So tired of dealing with tech support.
I am sorry
I can't work around that or test for ot
I've just had them do the thing that fixes it and I trust they switched it back for some reason.
Accidentally,. maybe
Blargh they direct you to live chat and then there's no record of it in your support tickets so I won't even be able to tell them what we did last time. Yep, time to migrate.