#wordpress 2019-06-08

2019-06-08 UTC
[manton], gRegorLove and [pfefferle] joined the channel
[jgmac1106] is WordPress really removing mf1? That would be really sad! In my opinion mf1 is still a good backport and works nicely with at least with the WordPress Webmention plugin... If they remove mf1 we really NEED a working alternative... and both plugins: mf2 and mf2-feed are not ready yet... the mf2 plugin has a huge problem with output escaping and mf2-feed is not heavily adopted and needs work on client and server side 😞
[tantek] the by-name „feed“ was only added because it is an extra/alternate file... the idea was to also support rsvp and all other usecases...
I understand, that mf1 breaks all usecases except the reply/mention... but removing mf1 could break all reply/mentions except for some smaller formats like RSVP... In my eyes there is no generic way to add mf2 to a theme with a plugin, except the mf2-feed „backyard“ format... and this has to be adopted by parsers and plugins has to extend the format JSON with it‘s custom data...
I fear, that in the end, the WordPress Webmentions again look like the pingback „summaries“
[tantek], jeremych_ and [jgmac1106] joined the channel
[pfefferle] I will look for the issue where it is described. Found this https://github.com/andpiazza/remove_hentry_wordpress
[grantcodes] and [chrisaldrich] joined the channel
Unless there's a really huge and long Trac page for it with tests, I can't imagine core removing mf1 any time soon. That github page with only one star can't mean much.
Simply the number of themes that improperly have css styling for mf1 is such a large breaking change they'd never do this for backcompat reasons...
[jgmac1106] and [pfefferle] joined the channel
That’s clear but it works nevertheless... at least for the basic use case
@gwg am I making this up? Could have sworn you shared an issue in a Core repo that marked removal of mf as upcoming in roadmap...
gwg has 89 karma in this channel over the last year (171 in all channels)
As I am reading WP tickets I see you have been steadily asmdvocating for four years
[Rose] joined the channel
I didn't. They said no
The issue was for the _s theme that is a popular start for many themes
[Rose], [grantcodes], gRegorLove, gRegorLove_ and [asuh] joined the channel
It looks like _s did remove .hentry from their main styling: https://github.com/Automattic/_s/commit/a52ca7441d8bb70bb4e63c50a5d15b4a8c27d441
rubenverborgh and [infominer] joined the channel