jackjamiesonJust submitted Yarns Microsub Server to the WordPress plugin repository. First time submitting a plugin there so hopefully it's approved quickly
jackjamiesonGWG, This week mainly catching up on writing etc. And I might start doing some research to figure out how to add websub to Yarns. At IWS I was playing with adding a feature to automatically create follow posts, so I might work on that. But I also liked cleverdevil's approach of a follow page.
jackjamiesonI hear that. Happy to hear your thoughts whenever you have time. Mostly I'm planning to enjoy using Yarns, and then I can take time to figure out next steps more thoughtfully (based on my experience, itches, etc.)
jackjamiesonGWG The big limitation I've had doing mostly academic software development is that it's usually fairly self-contained, and I've developed some bad habits as a result. Seeing how the IndieWeb plugins work together has helped me understand modular design, which means (1) I'm writing better code now than I used to, (2) I can better understand how IndieWeb building blocks fit together, which is good