#wordpress 2019-08-31

2019-08-31 UTC
[snarfed] joined the channel
Worth trying out, especially if that runs before the zero spam hooks
patrick042, [Michael_Beckwit, [fluffy], [frank], gRegorLove and ircuser joined the channel
Is http://microformats.org/wiki/rel-license [already] supported?
jeremych_, lnh^, [jgmac1106] and [pfefferle] joined the channel
Perhaps you can add this to the faq of the readme?!?
[frank] and jgmac1106 joined the channel
[pfefferle]: Got attachments working, but it doesn't seem to automatically send them. Still working on it. May add a setting.
If I manually send the mention it works.
Probably will add the ability to set support for any post type
[KevinMarks], dopplergange, [Nicolas_Hoizey] and [jgmac1106] joined the channel
Gonna give my kid a WP site for his podcast.... Getting tired of being in trouble for not getting his podcast up quickly.
Where will you host?
my account on reclaim
been doing https://stuffedworld.dogzone.jgregorymcverry.com but it is hand rolled and doing the xml for Apple PITA
Yeah, that is for sure. I use the blubrry plugin to create the RSS and host at S3. Works very well.
snarfed started a brainstorming issue for the length and file size for mf2->rss in granary but I have to still do it
he can upload to Known but people want to follow in their podcast catcher...and I don't want to teach his grandparents how to manually add an rss link
so WP IndieWeb theme with really simple podcasting plugin it is
I have a few Kirby licenses and really like the podcast plugin but don't have time to build it out
I have been putting his on s3 as well, but I upped my hosting package to 100 gigs so I got room
I figure I don't have the right to openly license his work, let Ben decide that later when he is older
On Known the audio is funky and the xml won't please the Apple overlords
[Ben McVerry] Episode 7:Hipster
dougbeal|mb1, [jgmac1106], gRegorLove, [Michael_Beckwit and [fluffy] joined the channel
Is there some spam protection in the Webmentions plugin? Fiddling with brid.gy - worked fine for ~50 comments on a recent blogpost. When I tried to sync some older posts I get 'Giving up this target. {'body_json': {u'message': u'Pings are disabled for this post' [....] 'http_status': 400}'. They are, in fact, not disabled. Tried enabling comments, and repeated. Still no dice. Pingback and Comment settings
are exactly the same as for the posts where this worked. Target URL looks fine.
justme and abaiste^ joined the channel
hello all
installed wordpress and activated indieweb plugin along with listed extensions - is there anything else i will need for indieweb?
my first learning experience
Oh yeah. It's a rabbit hole and you get to select what you want and USE πŸ™‚
I would start with what do you first want to do to enhance your indieweb involvement
for example, do you want to start with webmentions?
do you just want to get an hcard set up?
something else?
still learning and trying to understand indieweb
i posted one note and one photo
i know how that feels i'm still wrapping my head around some parts
Afraid this will take some time. I'm learning this for weeks now. There's so much to discover beside the basics.
how do i interact with others
how do i connect with others
those are my first two questions
my initial thoughts is that while the technology sounds good, getting started and understanding what to do is not so simple
post-kinds (classic editor) is your best bet. Use e.g. reply-to and add the url of a site _supporting webmentions_ and it will do the rest. You can fiddle with own webmentions by adding mf2 according to descriptions as HTML to a blog post. This helped me a lot: http://indiewebify.me
thank you for the suggestion. where do i get a list of supporting sites to interact with
the only potential list that i know of would be on the wiki, but it's not guaranteed to be a comprehensive list
some people participate well with the indieweb without even realizing it or showing up here. they're just doing their thing
i'm getting No rel=me links could be found
i don't have social networks so does that mean indieweb is not for me?
Why do you need social networks? That's just if you want to seamlessly integrate with your presence elsewhere
the indieweb is for everyone, social media presence or not
I am not really on social networks even though I have accounts
perhaps as a beginner i'm getting the wrong impressions
on http://indiewebify.me a guide to getting you on indieweb
then step 2 Set up Web Sign In
should i simply ignore the "something went wrong" error?
that page is confusing because it comes off as sounding like you need to do those steps to participate
which is not the case
That's powered by IndieAuth. You do not need it if you do not want to use it. Yeah.
It does show you the idea of it tho.
thanks Michael that was confusing me
realistically, the easiest way to participate...simply have your own domain that you control
the rest is decoration of varying degrees
when posting a photo running into this The parsed name name is longer than the content, which is usually a sign is it malformed due to being implicitly rather than explicitly parsed.
very confusing as a beginner
using the sempress suggested wordpress theme and indiewebify.me to test
sounds like something that may be coming from the test website more than the theme
since i have the theme locally and am not seeing that error
no error if title is used
I use the same theme now. There is not really much choice with proper mf2 support πŸ˜•
i think that may be the issue?
This helped me as well: http://php.microformats.io
let me test it
success after entering title
regarding some of your earlier initial questions...how do you connect with others?
not the easiest question ever, because you need to know they exist first πŸ˜„
seems like a required field for successful h-entry
I started drawing this on paper. Seriously. This feels like setting up a mailserver.
i know last week or so i went through my twitter list, and started clicking through to links in their profiles
started subscribing to those who had RSS feeds and I wanted to potentially hear more from
skipped some who just weren't posting much or for years
i know just recently I joined the IndieWeb webring, which will provide a decent little list
thanks for the microformats site. way beyond me!
I simply used other websites mentioned in the Wiki and compared, until I got the idea. Fiddled a lot with Webmentions to myself as well.
ircuser joined the channel
sorry to say it's very technical for a beginner
onboarding a bit too difficult
there are definitely a lot of higher end topics that still need to be iterated on to make it easier for "Joe Internet Citizen"
I now start to get comfortable with this and just used it to reply on a Github issue via Reply-To from my Blog using https://brid.gy/ - and that is freakin awsome imho
it's a work in progress
That's true.
[grantcodes] joined the channel
Not a huge fan of YouTube videos to learn about stuff but in this case it's probably a good idea to look some up. Navigating the Wiki is… okay-ish I guess. Not that I could assemble this any better.
i think the best way to learn these topics, is just check out posts by others in the chat rooms here or the wiki, who are talking about the topics and ideas behind them
why you should consider some of these things
not giving up just yet - hopefully my beginner experience will somehow improve future implementation of indieweb
it's not a topic that's necessarily just going to suddenly click in your head or click as the tools evolve
onboarding is important for us beginners or it'll just be another tool for devs
it's not personal
thanks for taking time to assist all
Hm.. currently reading up on micro.blog - they seem like a good way to start with a nice user experience
regardless, you're here, you've started, just a matter of continuing to take those steps, big or baby sized
for what it's worth, i'm mulling over a presentation for internal to my employers and coworkers talking about the topic
I wonder about the same for my own peers :)
we're a bunch of web developers so that hurdle won't be too high for me, but i could potentially adapt it for a laymens terms idea
we say h-card/microformats
what does that mean to Joe User...contact information/basic information about me
we say webmention...what does that mean? an interaction
we say indieauth....a sign in to a website
I'm more concerned about the "why". Why even Joe should use this. I get the idea but I do work in tech *shrugs*. That's a battle to win first. What's in for Joe.
Anyway. Time to catch my Zs. later πŸ™‚
here you go bekomotion[m] https://twitter.com/tw2113/status/1167919293259890690
Hey #indieweb Let me introduce you to "Joe WebUser". He's just heard this term for the first time ever. How should collective "we" inform Joe about the IndieWeb? For example, why he should care in the first place? How to participate? Lets talk.
gRegorLove joined the channel
RTed your response, cause i'm not above sticking to just twitter still, and that's where the audience I'm hoping to reach is πŸ˜„
Geez.. still a lot of work on this o0 That was not how I intended this to show up =)
well live and learn I guess
i need to take off, be back later
[KevinMarks] joined the channel