#wordpress 2019-09-01

2019-09-01 UTC
[Michael_Beckwit joined the channel
miss: "Pirate RSS"
hit: "YarrRSS"
[fluffy], [tantek], [timothy_chamber, [Michael_Beckwit, [jeremycherfas], gRegorLove, [pawel_madej], [KevinMarks], [jgmac1106] and tsrt^ joined the channel
good morning
Hoping to figure out why manual webmentions for attachments are working but not when a post on my site sends them.
Sometimes debugging is hard.
[tantek], gRegorLove, [jgmac1106], [timothy_chamber, [Michael_Beckwit and [pfefferle] joined the channel
Are you sure it was sent?
Do we set headers for attachments?
gRegorLove joined the channel
In some wordpress plugin was mentioned a handy plugin to hide categories or post kinds from "all posts" stream so I could add a link for only this specific post kind to the navigation. I just don't remember where. Any ideas?
[pfefferle]: Bingo
That must be the answer
[pfefferle]: I also need to add a bunch of settings around this
bekomotion[m]: I have a way to generate a custom stream, but not to override the main stream
Yeah, it was some different plugin that would allow this and it was mentioned somewhere but I really can't remember.
I read _so much_ new stuff over the last days 😆
[pfefferle]: You can't set headers in WordPress for files in the content directory
bekomotion[m]: Probably ultimate category excluder
GWG: Will give it a shot, thanks
[pfefferle]: It would have to be done server side, wouldn't it?
So, for it to work, might require some additional work
jeremycherfas joined the channel
zoink92Discord[m joined the channel
[pfefferle]: I suppose I will just document it as experimental then, but enable webmentions to attachment post types
[pfefferle]: You can't add it without an htaccess or nginx config
npfossDiscord[m], PamileissonDisco, jeremycherfas, BossMANDiscord[m, nilocDiscord[m], thestevewayDisco, codynhatDiscord[, KarlDiscord[m], snapDiscord[m], EdmundMDiscord[m, braditzDiscord[m, ptonerDiscord[m], doodlemaniaDisco, RealSnazzyDiscor, zcopleyDiscord[m and Dazuck-3BoxDisco joined the channel
GWG: Looked that plugin up. Will pass on it. It'll probably just work but will produce a lot of needle in the haystack loops written in an illegible way (like not using an RecursiveIterator), has a lot of copy & paste code instead of using functions. It's also using $_POST to store an [empty] Array. That's a lot of code smell for a few lines.
bekomotion[m]: If you just want a custom feed, but it not being the main feed, that is built into Post Kinds
That's fine, thanks 🙂 I was just looking for a way to declutter my main page
[jgmac1106] joined the channel
Bekomotion I did this by using a page builder. Some use edcluse category and add categories to thinds they don't want in feed
Yeah my wife wants me to do that as well but I've a deep antipathy on such 😆
zwelsternDiscord joined the channel
i have issues with hacking the main feed
koalalorenzoDisc joined the channel
One of the cool things about gwg taxonomy approach is you can build any view you want
So I built an alternate feed
thatguyDiscord[m joined the channel
It is.
[KevinMarks], Lolicon[m] and cesarosum[m] joined the channel
So if you know how to use them...
johanhermanDisc4, cannabysDiscord[, deltaDiscord[m] and oed3[m] joined the channel
I ended up doing Elementor. I wanted a ton of customization in the feeds I displayed on my home page
postablesDiscord joined the channel
I was able to sort by kind and category.
That's exactly the one my wife uses as well.
npfoss[m], dpinnerDiscord[m, JerbsDiscord[m], farhad312Discord, jessicaschilling, [tantek] and Jean6739[m] joined the channel
I didn't renew my license so not sure how it looks but I was archive.jgregorymcverry.com
jamiedubsDiscord and Rick[m] joined the channel
I have a bunch of tutorials from when I taught using Elementor and IndieWeb WP if you go that route
Gwg if you know how to write the filters for different feeds I can scope out common use cases
Sure. I'll forward this 😉
TeamIanDiscord[m, ArunDiscord[m] and bitspillDiscord[ joined the channel
It's a standard format p-name, u-featured, p-summary, border width,
ad87657Discord[m joined the channel
Then allow you to sort by kind and category and/0r tag... This part works well..
Then on front end present that as h-feed
sanderDiscord[m], johanherman[m]1, snapDiscord[m], eddyDiscord[m], gtsDiscord[m], nellkate1[m], corylDiscord[m], EdmundMDiscord[m, felixschlDiscor4, JeffMaherVegas[m, bushido711Discor, JeffMaherVegasDi, HeysteinDiscord[, NatoBoram[m], drshamoonDiscord, TristanDiscord[m, CarboClanCDiscor, Luna14Discord[m], ScottSmileyDisco, tobowersDiscord[, M4eekDiscord[m], KubeWorshipperDi, CantiTurtleCoinD, AuHau[m], nijynotDiscord[m, test123Discord[m, freethinkingawa4, PhillmacDiscord[, DiscordBridge[m4, chmanieDiscord[4, msena3Discord[m], abhi_Discord[m], msena3[m], thomasDiscord[m], RickDiscord[m], rittmeDiscord[m], Lolicon[m] and aswiththewildDis joined the channel
I wonder… I can't make `e.g. /kind/reply/` my start page, or? Not without plugins.. That does only allow static pages as alternative. Could mayhap write a html 302 rule tho.
maparentDiscord[, JordanKrageDisco, vasaDiscord[m], wcharginDiscord[, card[m], Tianyi[m]1, johanherman[m], l^discordDiscord, marcocastignoliD and dy5es41Discord[m joined the channel
[jgmac1106]: It's in the readme
that's interesting as an idea
Ja3oodDiscord[m] joined the channel
I will have to look at how WordPress does the redirect
DaekiDiscord[m] joined the channel
Can someone open an issue with that idea?
sander[m] and itsmekntDiscord[ joined the channel
fexra|TRTLDiscor and NebulousDiscord[ joined the channel
raised #288
CantiTurtleCoinD joined the channel