2019-09-27 UTC
jgmac1106, [schmarty], [aaronpk], [jeremycherfas], [Michael_Beckwit, [tantek], [KevinMarks] and [jgmac1106] joined the channel
[schmarty] and [Rose] joined the channel
# 11:58 [tantek] because your post doesn't have the image marked up as a u-photo
# 11:59 Loqi [Rosemary Orchard] We had avocados, and so I decided to try growing avocado trees from the pits – one is sprouting! The other is still being stubborn but I’m seeing cracks in the shell!
# 12:06 GWG I am trying to decide how many WordPress and/or PHP versions back to support
[tantek] joined the channel
# 12:41 GWG For PHP, I bumped my minimum to 5.4, but WordPress is at 5.6 minimum in its latest
# 12:42 GWG I figured that matched the minimum for Php-mf2
# 12:42 GWG And got a bunch of stuff to adopt
# 12:43 GWG For WordPress versions, I picked 4.9, the last version before Gutenberg, which I don't support
# 12:44 GWG But WordPress actually closed a few tickets post 4.9 to my benefit, so now I have to backport some stuff
# 12:44 GWG Core WordPress backcompat is forever.
# 12:44 [Rose] Hmmm, I need to debug the pictures not getting u-photo attached then. I was hoping it would be something I could quickly fix
# 12:45 GWG For most plugins, they try to cover at least two major versions back.
# 12:48 GWG Simple Location does extensive time work to display posts in location time
# 12:49 GWG My parsing stuff normalizes datetimes from incoming urls to get published date
# 12:50 GWG My themes do some gymnastics because of WordPress date functions not returning a timezone offset when expected
# 12:50 [Rose] If there's a good reason for it (like this) then I'm all for dropping support for previous versions
# 12:50 [Rose] There will still be an old version of Simple Location people can use, so it's not like they'll lose the plugin.
# 12:51 GWG I just am trying to come up with a support statement I can post
# 12:53 GWG I am thinking of.. I will support two major versions back, but will not bump version requirements without a reason and will accept requests to support further back on a case by case basis
# 12:55 GWG For this date thing, I will probably audit all use of old functions and see
# 13:00 GWG Some of that code was clunky anyway
[dougbeal], [jgmac1106], [tonz], [frank], [dominik], [snarfed], [aaronpk], [schmarty], FranklinDiscord[, [Lewis_Cowles], radio_aliceDisco and dougbeal|imac joined the channel
# 21:47 beko[m] Ooooo. I just syndicated my first WP post to Okuna using a Webmention. Still a lot ot duct tape but damn this makes me happy 😁
# 22:30 beko[m] How can I debug the Custom POSSE provider plugin? It doesn't seem to find or like my custom endpoint.
# 22:31 beko[m] may be missing https. I just forwared the localhost port to my local dev project for testing via ssh.
# 22:39 GWG Webmention uses it... unless you turn on WP_DEBUG
# 22:40 GWG It doesn't allow access to localhost
# 22:41 beko[m] f***e o0 how can anyone stand this? Now I have to add a proxy ott?
# 22:44 GWG It is designed that way to protect against malicious code
# 22:44 GWG You could also just write a custom syndication provider
# 22:50 GWG You just have to write a simple function
# 22:50 beko[m] This should work just fine. It's just for dev. Needs a lot more polish before I can put it up somewhere.
# 22:53 GWG There's also the port issue possibly
# 22:54 GWG If you want to file an issue, it is a webmention problem, not a syndication links probl5
# 22:56 beko[m] No idea what it's going. I guess I've to poke around in the source. I see now that a cron executes, I get 2 Request on / where my endpoint is listed but nothing more. After that it added the POSSE provider link to Syndication-Links of the post
# 22:56 beko[m] * No idea what it's doing. I guess I've to poke around in the source. I see now that a cron executes, I get 2 Request on / where my endpoint is listed but nothing more. After that it added the POSSE provider link to Syndication-Links of the post
# 22:57 beko[m] Will do some digging on my server, thanks for your help.
# 23:00 GWG It doesn't take it off until you return the link
# 23:00 GWG How much do you know about webmention posse?
# 23:01 beko[m] I added a queue that returns a Location instantly but I think it's found it. Testing
# 23:01 beko[m] * I added a queue that returns a Location instantly but I think I found it. Testing
# 23:05 beko[m] Okay, this is cool 😁 Now it shows the ID it got from my queue. More duct tape tomorrow. Time to catch my Zs.