#wordpress 2019-10-10
2019-10-10 UTC
Oclair, dougbeal|, [schmarty], [dmitshur], gRegorLove and [Rose] joined the channel
[tonz] joined the channel
[Michael_Beckwit joined the channel
[Michael_Beckwit can't say yes [tonz] but i'm not multi-lingual either. At best, piglatin 😄
[jeremycherfas] joined the channel
Loqi language may refer to human (or natural) languages or computer (often programming) languages https://indieweb.org/language

[tantek] [tonz] see linked page: https://indieweb.org/multilingual_blogging 🙂

Loqi It looks like we don't have a page for "multiple languages" yet. Would you like to create it? (Or just say "multiple languages is ____", a sentence describing the term)

[tantek] multiple languages is /multilingual_blogging

gRegorLove, [Lewis_Cowles] and [Rose] joined the channel
beko[m] <[tonz] "Anyone here posting in WP in mul"> let me know if you find a way to mark posts for languages that plays nice with post-kinds and alike [tonz] . Really looking for something simple that let's me set this _by post_ and not mess up the whole website and it's treams. Not looking to seperate things but I'd like to have semantic lang tag set correct. The major plugins all fail on that. too many features.

[grantcodes] joined the channel
[grantcodes] I only found one multilingual plugin I liked. I think it was called polylang. No idea if it would work with indieweb plugins though

[pawel_madej] and [pfefferle] joined the channel
[pfefferle] [chrisbergr] is posting in multilanguage

[chrisbergr] joined the channel
[chrisbergr] Yep, I'm using polylang (free). The pro feature that I cant have the same slug for taxonomies in different languages is sad, but in my case (german, english) I can handle it 🙂

jeremych_ joined the channel
[chrisbergr] The only thing I don't like is the lack of possibility to write a post without language definition, so that the post will be displayed in all languages. e.g. why should I post a "picture only post" 2 times? Maybe I'll do a little extension someday,.. But that's pretty low on my list.

[Lewis_Cowles] and [jgmac1106] joined the channel
[chrisbergr] @beko[m] Of course, different Twitter profiles for different languages is extreme. But that also depends on the readers. Germans who understand english is relatively simple. For example I follow netanyahu. If he twitters in Hebrew, I am completely out.

[chrisbergr] And on the website it also depends on the target group. Tech-savvy people can usually speak English. But if I want to publish contributions that are relevant for my family and my environment, it is absolutely necessary to translate them into German.

[Rose] joined the channel
[chrisbergr] True. My plan is to have every single text translated in german and englisch, except for the replies to other posts (post kind reply)

[tonz] joined the channel
[tonz] I recognise a lot from what is said here. I post in 3 languages, two of them infrequently. Those two have a separate category I use, so I can also provide a single language overview for them. English is the default and not currently explicitly marked. I’ve used multilingual WP plugins in the past, still do for my company’s site, but as mentioned it assumes replication of posts across languages, and taxonomies etc. My main hoped for gain

beko[m] I'd simply like to mark it and leave it to the reader what to do with it. A dropdown would be enough [for me]. The lang tag seems to be a good place for this. It does not work good for the feed tho since language is only added to the channel and not to it's items 😕 This is, of course, WordPress related and does not take MicroPub into account. So yeah, just my tiny corner case

[chrisbergr] Yes David, that would be great. This is pretty much the case if you're using polylang and write a new post. But built in into core would be so much better.

[chrisbergr] And the current phase is 1?

[chrisbergr] I guess everybody knows your thoughts about Gutenberg 🙂

[JHSheridan] joined the channel
[JHSheridan] Hi everyone... I'm just getting ready to officially launch my indieweb wordpress site with an intro post outlining why I chose the indieweb. I think I'm only going to POSSE to Twitter (which will then duplicate to mastodon), but I'd like to backfeed some of my Instagram posts. I don't care about importing comments or likes or anything. I just want to grab my stuff from there and post it on my site. Anyone have an easy way to backfeed
[JHSheridan] instagram to WP?
Loqi OwnYourGram.com is a service which streams your Instagram photos to your own site in real-time https://indieweb.org/OwnYourGram

dopplergange joined the channel
[chrisbergr] Sorry David, I haven't worked with Simple Location either. I don't think that will happen until December.

[JHSheridan] [Rose] yeah... I was going to PESOS from ownyourgram originally, but not that they're cracking down, I'm assuming that's only gonna get worse, so I'm just gonna leave it all together
[JHSheridan] now*** that they're cracking down
[JHSheridan] So I think I'm just gonna to one big backfeed, then post on my own site moving forward... POSSE those posts to twitter and just leave instagram behind
[grantcodes] joined the channel
[grantcodes] I can give you a micropub request GWG (although I don't know how much is already supported or how much work it would be)

[grantcodes] If it supported a wide set of the experimental query stuff you could almost use together as the CMS and never need to touch Gutenberg 😛

bekoDiscord[m] Ping
bekoDiscord[m] Hm… Discord-Matrix bridge seems to have issues. Replies from Matrix (and thus IRC bridge) don't show. Writing from Discord seems to work.
swedneck1 test
swedneck[GMT1]Di test back
bekoDiscord[m] really odd. seeing no ping and no pong here. Your test showed fine tho swedneck [GMT+1]
swedneck[GMT1]Di not entirely sure what you mean
swedneck[GMT1]Di did you test between discord and IRC?
bekoDiscord[m] nope. there's a bot that replies with a pong when you send a ping. This works fine when using Matrix. We had a lot of discussion in here today and basically nothing shows up on Discord beside your test now since ~ 9 GMT+1
swedneck[GMT1]Di 🤔
swedneck[GMT1]Di lemme check the systemd service for the bridge i guess
bekoDiscord[m] lemme reload my Discord xD
swedneck[GMT1]Di on which platform is the bot?
bekoDiscord[m] no idea, not mine
swedneck[GMT1]Di anything on IRC is entirely subject to matrix.org shitting itself
bekoDiscord[m] Well _my_ stuff didn't appear as well. Using Matrix.
swedneck[GMT1]Di you use matrix.org i presume?
bekoDiscord[m] I do
swedneck[GMT1]Di let's take this to #offtopic
Loqi Loqi is a friendly and useful bot/digital therapist present in the IndieWeb discussion channels https://indieweb.org/User:Loqi.me

[jgmac1106], beko, [tantek], [Lewis_Cowles], [schmarty], gRegorLove, [KevinMarks] and [arush] joined the channel
[arush] Morning/afternoon all.
[manton], [tonz] and [Will_Monroe] joined the channel
[Will_Monroe] Hello, I have a question for those of you who use feed readers. As a new indieweb practitioner (gen2+ you could say), I am intrigued by tools like Indigenous and Alltogethernow.io. But my track record using and troubleshooting these tools is mixed. Sometimes, I lose my authentication to the microsub server for reasons that are a little hard for me to troubleshoot.
[Will_Monroe] I have a self-hosted WP site with the Indieweb plugins that is working well. But I find it challenging to have my blog/feed reading stopped cold by something I did or didn't do. Do you feel that the integration of reading/commenting in one tool (e.g., Indigenous) worth the effort? If so, I'd love to hear why you feel that way.
[Rose] Change of topic (not to say we should not continue yours Will!): How do people feel about “by default I would like this post type to appear in this category?“, as in, something you can override but if you don’t specify a category then something in WP (maybe an extension to the micropub client) categorises it for you?

Loqi taxonomy is an explicitly curated, often designed, set of categories or labels, often hierarchical as well, in contrast to the folksonomy of tags and hashtags https://indieweb.org/taxonomy

[Will_Monroe] [dshanske] [Rose] thank you for those thoughts. [dshanske] I will keep the ease of one-click posting in mind as I try to troubleshoot my setup 👍
[Will_Monroe] [Rose] I'm using Aperture will Alltogether or Indigenous. Usually works well!
[Will_Monroe] Didn't even know that was possible!
[grantcodes] I need to try and get some converts from monocle to together 😛 it's pretty stable now and has quite a few more features

[grantcodes] 🤷♂️ I mainly assume that's because aperture and monocle are on the same server? Together has to do 2 jumps (this is probably more general chat though)

dougbeal|, [tmiller], [schmarty], [fluffy], [jgmac1106] and dopplerg- joined the channel