[snarfed][Michael_Beckwith] cambridgeport90 just fyi i use https://wordpress.org/plugins/wp-uf2/ , with a few tweaks, with a non-mf2-specific theme. definitely not perfect, but it is doable
cambridgeport90[I mean, why does it require special coding to include support. Why can't they just be built in? asking for a friend who's a PHP developer.
cambridgeport90[I am hooing more themes support it in future that don't already. But some could work under the if it ain't broke, don't fix it mentality.
[tonz]coming back to the earlier discussions on language, I’ve now added lang= declarations to the ‘main’ sections of language specific category pages, and to individual postings where I use the category to determine if a language declaration needs to be added to the ‘main’ section of that posting. (I use a category for the two languages other than English, and English is set as the default in the html tag.
jeremych_, [Lewis_Cowles] and [Rose] joined the channel; snapDiscord[m] left the channel
dougbeal|imacGWG: is wp_parse_url the right function to use to get rid of mailto:? php -r """var_dump(parse_url('mailto:foo@bar.com', PHP_URL_PATH));""" looks promising