[grantcodes]You can also use stuff like acf or carbon fields to do it all in PHP, but they end up working a bit differently and are better for custom sites, not generic plugins. But maybe a good way to start understanding them from the php side
beko[m]What's the best strategy for mention someone in a blog post for ActivityPub? Adding links manually? That's not automatically handled like in the Mastodon webclient.
mojisun, kingpapa, [KevinMarks], kingpapa_, [frank], [Rose], [aaronpk], jeremych_ and [tonz] joined the channel
[tonz]I normally don't want masto links or twitter mentions in my posting, as I use hrefs there, so if I want to mention someone I send the excerpt to M or T instead and have it there. M and T handle that on their own side.
Oclair_, akierig_, llllllDiscord[m], akierig, [grantcodes], [Lewis_Cowles], Oclair, [snarfed] and [dougbeal] joined the channel; JamesLefrereDisc left the channel