#wordpress 2019-10-16

2019-10-16 UTC
[jgmac1106], [dougbeal], [KevinMarks], gRegorLove_, [tantek], [Lewis_Cowles], [Rose], [grantcodes], kingpapa, [tonz], [xavierroy], kingpapa_, [schmarty], matyas_mustohaDi, [manton], akierig_, akierig, mojisun, [snarfed] and Yed joined the channel; competentcuttlef left the channel
hey all-- helping some friend re-create their existing wordpress website. idk Web stuff too much (more of a back-end person) but I just setup a staging wordpress site on digital ocean and suggest they build new changes there and then export to the live site when ready. Does this sound like an okay flow/process? Or is there a better way? The live site is being used for a bunch of stuff so I didn't
want to mess with that.
I have done that
Also, I set the staging site up just as a bare-bones install of WP and didn't copy across the current live site, suggested instead building up from scratch and then copying across (as the live site is rly messy with loads of stuff that's gotta go). Does that also sound ok?
Does the flow sound okay to you GWG ?
It is how many developers do it
Just wanted to check this wasn't totally the wrong direction re staging.
yeah, cool.
Depends on how complex the changes are
it's more like a site re-skinning and custom theme changes.
If they are simple, this will work... more complex, you may need some other tools
Then it will work
^ _^
thx for the reassurance!
akierig, [frank], [Rose], [fluffy], [Lewis_Cowles], [snarfed] and [dougbeal] joined the channel
@GWG: is it possible to loose syndication links if bridgy and I are both updating them?
It shouldn't
webfx777 joined the channel
What if I had posted, and was still on the edit view… so it wasn’t updated with the latest syndication?
I changed my workflow so I do instagram first, and add the link, then publish
Anyone familiar with loading pages through ajax, so the header doesn't have to reload when you click a new page?
[KevinMarks] and kingpapa joined the channel
anyone alive in here?
webfx777: Just got here
ave been here, though I listen more than talk.
fingers also aren't working, apparently.
[grantcodes] joined the channel
Sooo, I had a very, very, very early go at mf2 in gutenberg. And it seems 100% doable.
It would need a lot of thinking and almost certainly won't work with the existing plugins, but it probably could
webfx777 left the channel
But gutenberg is actually kind of perfect because you can pull the block values out of the html attributes or content (hello microformats)
[grantcodes]: I'm curious to see it
Then the other thing you would probably do is you can easily make something like an in-reply-to url a single block. And then you can make a "reply post" template which is an in-reply-to block + a content block
And the core blocks can be modified to add mf2 classes. So no need to rebuild some of the complex uis
[grantcodes]: I've been putting it off because I'm not big on JS coding
[jgmac1106] joined the channel
I like the simplicity of PHP
Ultimate basic mvp
Can I see the code? I'm curious
Eh, it's not worth committing yet. Maybe I can paste some to a gist
[grantcodes]: A gist is fine. Just curious design wise.
[Sonny] joined the channel
There's 2 things in that gist. An in-reply-to block and reply template
Also a bunch of boilerplate I've not removed
I definitely need to learn a bit more
Yeah. There's also a lot of stuff that is technically possible with mf2 but that you probably shouldn't do, that might be hard to lock down in gutenberg - like a repost generally just has the repost-of property and nothing else. So if that block is used it would be nice to prevent adding more and I'm not sure you can do that.
[grantcodes]: That's why I've focused on not using the editor to some degree. Micropub and such seems a good long term option.
Then there are photos, which might sometimes be part of an article or it may be a photo post.
It seems to me that aside from article posts, a simpler editor would work better
[grantcodes]: What do you think about trying to build a simple like editor?
You can disable stuff and make it pretty much as simple as you want, but you wouldn't want to disable everything just to get indieweb functionality
I wouldn't disable. I am just thinking of offering a simple interface. That doesn't exclude having another interface.
in general i think the more you can work within the Wordpress Way the better. fewer stuff people have to install, fewer things to maintain
aaronpk: The WordPress Way seems overly complex for a like.
every interface is overly complex for a like
likes should be posted from a reader via micropub
or from a reader without micropub, i don't care. point is there shouldn't be an authoring UI for a like
Well, I support that workflow well enough now
Well I think the WordPress way would end up having a way for authoring a like - even if it isn't very useful.
I suppose you can make blocks that you can't modify but that doesn't seem right
[grantcodes]: I could also just enhance QuickPress
The thing that allows you to post from the Dashboard
That would work fine for a URL