#wordpress 2019-10-15

2019-10-15 UTC
dougbeal|mb1, [xavierroy], [snarfed], gRegorLove, [Lewis_Cowles], [fluffy] and [Michael_Beckwit joined the channel
Not specifically AntiSpamBee, but I had to do a workaround for WP Zero Spam https://github.com/tw2113/apiratelifeforme/blob/master/mu-plugins/plugin-hacks.php
Basically self-populate the $_POST global to have the hidden field which was being added at the last moment.
maybe antispambee is doing something similar?
[Rose], gRegorLove, [Lewis_Cowles], jeremycherfas, [jeremycherfas], jeremych_ and [KevinMarks] joined the channel
Google have always been bad at multilingualism. They ignore language tags and rely on ML, and assume one language per page.
[Lewis_Cowles] joined the channel
I tried to get them to listen a dozen years ago https://youtu.be/rqJdEMeyXZc
[grantcodes] and [tonz] joined the channel
Ha, with Stephanie Booth! Know her for over 15 yrs.
I wonder… ActivityPub plugin does not propagate updates of avatar / site image, right? The Mastodon instance I use never updated this in weeks. Wonder how long until cache is invalidated - if at all.
[KevinMarks] often talked about multilingualism on our blogs with her.
[tonz]: with the changes you described yesterday, do the translator services now manage to detect it? Or would one need to change the oagewide language to get recognition to work?
I’ve only tested with Google Translate / Chrome and [KevinMarks] is right, it only looks at the declared default language, and if not declared in the html tag uses CDL2 to detect language through machine learning. So my added language mark-up seems to have not many takers if any.
site wide default is basically the only thing you can really influence language detection with.
page wide, not site wide, right?
[jgmac1106], Eats3601[m] and HerculanoDiscord joined the channel
yeah, it could be page wide. But it’s based on adding a language marker to the <html> tag. Wordpress treats it as a sidewide preference, not a page wide one, unless you use the WP Multilingual plugins (which assumes you want to present the same content/taxonomies in different languages, and doesn’t assume different content in different languages, nor does it countenance the possibility of having mixed language content in the same spot )
Page wide also fails if you’re looking at e.g. overview page, search results or front page with last x posts, or mixed languages in a single post (e.g. discussing Japanese Haiku on an English site). I’ll see if I can set a page wide preference for WP’s single post template, I wonder if the start of the html output gets created there though.
Sure, meant just for individual post pages
I’d need to influence the language_attributes function in header.php when using the single.php template.
[KevinMarks] joined the channel
It is daft that Google still does this, especially as Google had loads of polyglot employees
[grantcodes], [aaronpk], [tantek], akierig, [schmarty], [jgmac1106], jackjamieson, [manton], gRegorLove, [dougbeal], [snarfed], [eddie], almostdvs, [Lewis_Cowles], [fluffy] and M}Discord[m] joined the channel