#wordpress 2019-10-23

2019-10-23 UTC
damidam, kppDiscord[m], kppDiscord[m]1, PHiZiX, [KevinMarks], tadpole256Discor, artlung, [Lewis_Cowles], [Rose], [tantek], haiiokarin, aaronpk, [qubyte], [aaronpk], [jgmac1106], [tonz] and jeremych_ joined the channel; haiiokarin left the channel
My webmention endpoint vanished from DOM. This worked just fine minutes ago. I did a Posts Bulk Edit and set Pings to ALLOW. It's like this since. It's enabled for Posts/Media/Pages, Comments are ON, Pingback is ON. Disabling/Enabling plugin didn't help, there is no error in my php error log with DEBUG enabled. It is there for new posts again so I guess mass edit killed something in the DB.
PHiZiX joined the channel
okay, unrelated. I found it. It's bound to the option 'Automatically close comments on articles older than X days'.
Why is that?
[qubyte] joined the channel
I really dislike that I have to open that gorram comment box anyway. I want Webmentions without that comment box. May kill it with CSS but I'd prefer if that function is simply disabled while webmentions are still enabled.
[aaronpk] and [tantek] joined the channel
Mkay, killed it from theme. *todo: make proper child theme
[Sadik_Shahadu] joined the channel
I see.. some of this was a bad idea. either mass edit or disabling webmentions shortly. All post kinds lost their links/data groans *flips backup
dougbeal|iOS, joba__, akierig, AmineDiscord[m], damidam, [fluffy], dougbeal|mb1, [dougbeal], gRegorLove, [Lewis_Cowles], [KevinMarks], [tantek] and [snarfed] joined the channel
!tell GWG just fyi beko is looking at adding bridgy mastodon to the wp synd links plugin: https://github.com/snarfed/bridgy/issues/893
Ok, I'll tell them that when I see them next
[bekoli] #893 Can not publish to Mastodon via webmention
[Rose] and PHiZiX joined the channel
[snarfed]: Acknowledged
GWG: [snarfed] left you a message 37 minutes ago: just fyi beko is looking at adding bridgy mastodon to the wp synd links plugin: https://github.com/snarfed/bridgy/issues/893
GWG: bridgy mastodon Works like a charm with syndication-links plugin: https://beko.famkos.net/wp-content/uploads/2019/10/gnome-shell-screenshot-KNX99Z-768x487.png (now that the WebmentionGetHandler listens on publish/mastodon :D)
[schmarty], [jgmac1106], [Lewis_Cowles], [frank], [grantcodes], [tonz], arweave-sophie44, WesDiscord[m] and [qubyte] joined the channel; arweave-sophieDi left the channel
How hard is it to create an automatic syndication point for the syndication links plugin? I know enough PHP to define a variable and could possibly work off a template for now providing I knew what I was looking at.
[chrisbergr] joined the channel
cambridgeport90[: Automatic?
I can't words, apparently LOL. You know how the syndication links plugin has some things it supports where you don't have to enter the link manually? I am trying to see how complicated it might be to add another plugin's support for it. It currently supports both Bridgy and SNAP. We need more.
cambridgeport90[: What do you want to support?
[chrisbergr]: What am I making a plugin for?
The WP To Twitter plugin has everything except for that feature. I was wondering how to add it to syndication links.
You mean because I mentioned you earlier? I was surprised that there is no Sparkline plugin available for WordPress yet. With post kinds support like https://wordpress.org/plugins/activitysparks/
[Greg Jackson] Description Activity Sparks is a highly customizable widget to display a “sparkline” style graph in your sidebar indicate post and/or comment activity. This plugin leverages Google’s Chart API, so does not require the PHP GDI library. Customiz...
But I don't want you to do this, just let me do something 🙂
I'm not sure when I'll get to it
I have a lot of stuff on my mind
I want to push out a new Simple Location release this week
If it is quick enough, I might be able to pull one of my people off of our main project.
I have to understand spark lines
As a design
Is that a visual thing?
cambridgeport90[: Yes
I am not good at visual things
My design sense is limited
Most of what I do is text based
I have been adding additional APIs to my code
Same here. Being blind has a lot to do with that.
As I said, let me try to build this spark line thing as a independent plugin. Or do you want to integrate it to post kinds as a widget?
I guess it's "an independent"...
cambridgeport90[: People look at my prescription and say I'm blind, but I am not
I'm not surprised. A lot of people don't know what they're looking at.
cambridgeport90[: On a practical note, I hope my work is accessible. I really should test it more
You guys do absolutely fine. It's some other random ones that I've encountered where I've had issues.
Now I've read Interdependent for the first time. But yes, that's what I meant. New plugin, interdependent with post kinds.
@ accessibility: It's a shame, I always have it in my mind, but if I'm honest it's always way down on my priority list. I have to apologize and to do better! 😞
@cambridgeport90[ Is it intentional that you have 2 times "about me" in your main menu at https://cambridgeport90.net/, both linked to the home page?
Katherine M. Moss
<[chrisbergr] "Now I've read Interdependent for"> It is not intentional at all that I have two of the same link on my home page. Just haven't figured out how to fix it.
I guess the wordpress customizer is not the most accessible tool for that.
Has nothing to do with accessibility in that case. I just don't know where the option is. Friend of mine told me that it will show up like that because I used an existing static page as the home page.
Ah you have the static homepage link an the dynamic link to that page.
I guess you just have to remove the first item.
[chrisaldrich] joined the channel
cambridgeport90[ you might check /wp-admin/nav-menus.php where you'll find that setting. It's possible that you had one done manually and then WordPress has a toggle that automatically adds new pages to your menu and that doubled it up (unless you have your about page as your home as well.)
How do I get rid of the duplicate page without removing the content?
It's likely not a duplicate page, just a duplicate menu item...
If you remove the menu item you don't remove the page. Don't worry.
As [chrisaldrich] said, you can access the menu editor via https://cambridgeport90.net/wp-admin/nav-menus.php?action=edit
Sounds like I just need to then remove it from the actual menu. I also need to do something with the colors, as well; was shooting for the rred and light gray look, though I don't know CSS at all. At the moment looks like a cardinal shed everywhere.
There is no red on the page.
Dang. There should be.
I haven't figured out theme customization, that's for sure.
May I ask you how you imagine red? if I have understood correctly, you are blind since birth? I hope the question isn't inappropriate.
One thing I am lucky enough to have is color recognition in good lighting, particularly sunlight or Philips Hue lighting. My favourite colors have been red and blue mainly.
These are the two colours that give the most temperature. Warm and cold.
Are you able to inspect the source code of your website? -To find classes and ids of elements to modify their color via css?
If I know what I am looking for. I do have access to the PHP files.
in the customizer you have the option "additional css" (typically the last item).
There you can add definitions like
.entry-title{ color: red; }
Ah. So that is for the end-user facing pages?
Don't you need the color codes, though?
If you tell me what you want to define, I can provide you a list of classes if you wan't to do it yourself. Or if you want, I can create the whole css for you, than you just copy and paste it there.
Ah, entry-title...
you can use different color declarations. there is hex like #ff0000 or #f00; there is rgb rgb(255,0,0) there is hsl and others.. But if you don't look for an exact red value, you can just use the name red. There are a lot of color names
I am actually trying to learn how to do this, so I think just the classes will be more beneficial. I am going for light-gray text on a red background. In shades where the contrast is there but it doesn't kill the eyes.