#wordpress 2019-10-24

2019-10-24 UTC
Uh,.. this is hard 🙂
[snarfed] joined the channel
Would having the background in gray be a better contrast, then?
Or light blue .. that would be pretty.
Such vivid backgrounds are always distracting the eyes a lot. especially when you read a lot of text on it.
Do you have a suggestion for a good one?
I'd suggest you to make the background of your header red with white text on it. For the content section just choose a decent light gray with dark gray next to black text on it. Highlight the links with a royal blue.
and the headlines can also go with blue or red
That is perfect! I need to use that link you sent, so that ought to be useful.
Or, if you don't look for the maximum saturated red, you can use a lighter, less saturated red as the background
Are there any links you can think of that puts this into a WP context?
I check if I can find anything.
This is going to be fun, I think. Don't be surprised if you see a post about a blindy's adventures in CSS.
There's nothing like I hoped it would be. Apparently it's always assumed that those who make adjustments to the layout can see. There are some Pages like https://codex.wordpress.org/Site_Design_and_Layout but this is way to generic and focus on other things. https://codex.wordpress.org/Developing_a_Colour_Scheme here is a list of a lot of external pages providing some nice colors. But all that doesn't help if one don't know the
classnames to add the colors on.
I'd love to read the post about your adventures in CSS btw 🙂
shweet. Thanks for all this stuff. You have no idea how helpful this is. More fun than hiring someone.
Glad I can help a little. My offer stands, if you need the list of the relevant classnames, I do that gladly. But tomorrow. I need to go to bed now, it's 2:33 AM now 🙂
I would love them. And get some sleep.
Okay, read you tomorrow. bye
RenDiscord[m], EdEdorEddyDiscor, captain-nemoDisc, [jgmac1106], [schmarty], dougbeal|mb1, chimo and [Lewis_Cowles] joined the channel
I am also curious which plugin people are using to bring their social networking activity into their site? tried Lifestream, and the activation causes a fatal error. I would have to get it again, but I don't have the exact text right now.
[xavierroy] joined the channel
Social networking activity? You mean tweets and instagram posts?
Indeed. For those times when I can't use my site first for whatever reason. I might try the keyring plugin as well.
I use the keyring plugin a lot especially for Instagram
and fitbit (though i've been having trouble with that)
ffgvv joined the channel
Surprisingly it isn't the first one listed on the wiki.
[Rose], tsrt^, [tantek], [Lewis_Cowles] and [frank] joined the channel
guten morgen
[KevinMarks], [jgmac1106], [tantek], [jeremycherfas], [qubyte], [Lewis_Cowles], [Rose], [snarfed], [xavierroy], [frank] and gRegorLove joined the channel
Afternoon folks.
[xavierroy], [schmarty] and akierig joined the channel
Well ... I would no longer recommend the LifeStream plugin for Wordpress, and I am going to edit that Wiki page. Twitter account for the plugin last tweeted nine years ago.
[SE_NOVEM], [schmarty], [snarfed], [mapkyca], akierig, [Rose] and [chrisbergr] joined the channel
good evening everyone
Katherine around? I'd like to share something with you, hopefully something helpful.
gRegorLove, [grantcodes], [qubyte] and [dougbeal] joined the channel
GWG: Do you write posts in Firefox? I’ve found if I’m editing, previewing, and edit in another tab to copy some text, firefox/wordpress looses my post with no draft created.