#wordpress 2019-10-25

2019-10-25 UTC
[tantek], tcpman, [Lewis_Cowles], [dougbeal], [snarfed], [Michael_Beckwit, [tonz], [chrisbergr] and [frank] joined the channel; tcpman left the channel
In what logfile or what place on the webserver would I find information on the incoming webmentions from other sites to mine? Does that depend on the sort of server or CMS you're using?
[Rose] and [Sebastian_Grass joined the channel
I like that answer
Well, for example, WordPress does not keep a log of webmentions..it only stores the verified ones
We also don't log outgoing
There's an issue for it
jeremych_, [jgmac1106], [KevinMarks], [tantek], cris2, [Lewis_Cowles], [snarfed], [qubyte], [Rose], [schmarty] and [tonz] joined the channel
[frank] your server log will show incoming webmentions
tsrt^, akierig, gRegorLove, akierig_ and jeremycherfas joined the channel
That there was one yes, but typically not details
akierig, akierig__, speedster and t-mo joined the channel; jacky left the channel
I replaced a caching plugin and QA is concerned that before(prod) there exists a cache-control header and now (dev) there is not
Should I even care? It seems to be loading from cache
[Rose], [qubyte], [schmarty], akierig_, akierig and [dougbeal] joined the channel
@GWG: had the same behavior in Safari, where Iā€™m suddenly logged out and my post is lost. At least in Safari I could go back and copy the text.
@GWG: I wonder if it could be the auto hashtagger
[snarfed] joined the channel
Try a few tests?
[KevinMarks] joined the channel