#wordpress 2019-10-26

2019-10-26 UTC
[fluffy], [qubyte], tsrt^ and gRegorLove joined the channel
Quick question while it is on the brain. Which of the two ActivityPub plugins for Wordpress are we all using in here, and why?
I've never used either, but I'm a fan of anything pfefferle does
I might swap it back. Though I would like to eventually help Jeremy Dormitzer with his library, as well. Pterotype uses that.
[tantek], [Lewis_Cowles], jeremych_, [jgmac1106], [KevinMarks], [Rose] and [manton] joined the channel
Another weird question f the morning: I added my GOG key to my profile via keybase (https://keybase.io/cambridgeport90/pgp_keys.asc), and it doesn't show in my H-Card now for some reason. Do I need to add something else to it to specify that it should be visible?
And wow I can't type, either.
[Lewis_Cowles], [KevinMarks], [tantek], [Ramiro_Ruiz], gRegorLove, tsrt^, hacdiasDiscord[m, jekpopulousDisco, bmiller59Discord, MachiavelaDiscor, M0zAND1z0837[m], MissLavenderDisc and michwillDiscord[ joined the channel; ZedDiscord[m] and michwillDiscord[ left the channel