#wordpress 2019-11-13

2019-11-13 UTC
Ok, I'll try
[chrisaldrich] joined the channel
[chrisbergr] According to the designer of 2020 it's feature set is locked, but they're open to adding proper microformats via PR
Got URL to that?
Here's his statement an hour ago about the release... https://twitter.com/andersnoren/status/1194387272004702210
WordPress 5.3 ”Kirk” is out today, and with it, the new Twenty Twenty default theme! https://wordpress.org/news/2019/11/kirk/ A ton of people from the community helped shape Twenty Twenty through design, code and feedback during the past couple of months. I’d like to highlight some of them. https://pbs.twimg.com/media/EJNQ046XYAANP4-.jpg
Can't we build a lobby that advocates that microformats become standard for wp, at least in the official themes?
I tried once
I guess it needs more people combined.
@andersnoren @melchoyce @photomatt @MrIanBelanger @carolinapoena Do you think you could add #microformats 2 markup by default? Ask @t for how
Thx [chrisaldrich]
I'm heading out to some combinatorics lectures at the moment, but if there isn't an issue filed already, I'll post one later along with some details about a potential fix.
@GWG: In my case I can not use simple location out of the box. I would add some additional css to my theme to make it more fit to my overall layout.
But one suggestion: .sloc-icon-location is just a span but the following .sloc-weather is a p. I guess it would be better to do both as paragraph to avoid strange margin/padding differences (paragraphs are often styled different to root text)
[Amber Saunders] The first time I stole so that I wouldn’t starve, yes. I lost many assumptions about the simple nature of right and wrong. And when I traveled I learned the fear before a crime and the thrill of success. But I never became one of them. Home https:/...
Will have a look at the markup
I did a bunch of stuff there
Is that pushed to the repo? I've just uploaded a fresh clone of the master branch
Some of it. I have more coming
In 'Your Profile' the button 'Use My Current Location" does not change any value.
[chrisbergr]: Interesting. I'll have to check. Are you using the HTML5, or the dummy optioon?
Is it an SSL enabled site?
It worked in the meta box for new post. But on that profile page there is still the old data I've added manually some days ago
yes, ssl is enabled
letsencrypt if that matters
No, but some browsers don't like http for the HTML5 geolocation settings.
Oh, interesting. I cleared the values manually too, saved the form and pressed the button again and now it worked.
[jgmac1106] joined the channel
I have this odd recurrent default issue
Another consideration: In the providers settings, maybe you can enable only the api keys fields for the providers set above via javascript. I guess it will be a shock for some users to see the need of so much api keys.
In the last version, I hid them. Then someone suggested I should unhide them.
And I'm not sure if the descriptions of map provider, geo provider and geolocation provider are making it clear what those are doing. I guess there will be a lot of users that don't know those names.
That I would like some suggestions on.
Why unhide them? What is the benefit of a confusing huge list of form fields, while I only need 3-4?
I completely redesigned the page to the tabbed version you see. I may do a bit more.
I guess it may be great for a developer who knows all those services and want to see all possibilities. But for the "real users" only show them what they need. The lesser the better.
I would like some suggestions on the descriptions. I will see about removing some options.
[snarfed] joined the channel
[chrisbergr]: I think some of the choices have confused people.
I have a lot of providers
Map Provider: Provides Static Map Images according to your coordinates to be displayed in your posts.
Geo Provider: Translates the coordinates of your location into an address for output in your posts.
Geolocation Provider: Receives the coordinates of your location according to your phone/browser or a 3rd party service (required by map provider and geo provider)
No guarantee for proper english 🙂
[KevinMarks] joined the channel
[chrisbergr]: It actually isn't, because you could manually enter your coordinates
And maybe you reverse the order, because geolocation is the most important one (I guess)
I thought map was
Okay, then just strip the (required by...) thing
[bradleyallen] joined the channel
It is oddly enough, my most and least Indieweb plugin
I have to go for today. I'll follow the repo and come back with more feedback after you pushed new code 🙂
Trying to get to release
matschafferDisco, [LewisCowles], Ruxton, jeremycherfas, jeremycherfas_ and [jgmac1106] joined the channel; M7022[m] left the channel
[fluffy], M2colorDiscord[m, [Rose] and [KevinMarks] joined the channel
so… wordpress 5.3? :)
who felt lucky?
beko: I know, I backported them to Simple Location
Simplified some code
I also submitted a ticket to improve comment date time functionality in the same way
[tonz] joined the channel
Did not update to 5.3. yet, however I did update Postie plugin which broke the site. Also happened on other sites, so if you have Postie, don’t update it.
[jgmac1106] joined the channel
it seems to have worked for me (5.3, not postie)
anyway, have a snapshot in case there is trouble :)
[KevinMarks], [tantek], [Yulia], jeremycherfas and [manton] joined the channel
I am going to have to continue with Simple Location for at least one more tweak before release
I think I will punt on imperial measurements
How important are feet to people anyway?
poofDiscord[m] joined the channel
[Rose]: Got a minute to represent Compass users who also use WordPress?
I'm at dinner. After?
[Rose]: I will ask and you can answer at your convenience
I implemented historic Compass lookups in Classic editor. It doesn't work in Gutenberg because I didn't learn how to get the publish date yet. I need to add it into Micropub as well. But I am looking for use cases around historical location data when posting
E.g. I create a post with a historical date?
gRegorLove joined the channel
The first thing that occurs is I'm "latergramming" - photo and/or check in posts done after the event. Either for personal security or because I was too busy having fun to do it.
What is latergram.
latergram is a hashtag commonly used to denote a (typically photo) post where the post is or is primarily about something in the past, usually at least a few hours ago, more often a day or more, popularized on the Instagram silo which has the implicit assumption that posts are "instant" https://indieweb.org/latergram
Does that help?
Yes. If you think of anything else, I want to finish 4.0 and move on
I am milestoning
Let's start with that, because I'm sure it's the most common use case.
[schmarty], [tonz], [tantek], GWG, [dougbeal], [chrisaldrich], [benatwork], [jgmac1106] and [grantcodes] joined the channel; gray00Discord[m] left the channel
[chrisaldrich]: Do you have any location based thoughts for 4.0? I want to finish it this week if I can
jeremycherfas, [LewisCowles] and [bradleyallen] joined the channel