#wordpress 2019-11-29
2019-11-29 UTC
gRegorLove and [jgmac1106] joined the channel
# [jgmac1106] I log in and my feed is full of everyone attacking Yoast for an automatic Black Friday ad
gRegorLove, [tantek], [dmitshur], takev[m], [KevinMarks], jeremych_, [LewisCowles] and [grantcodes] joined the channel
# [grantcodes] Haha yeah that was a bad one
[Khurt] and [dougbeal] joined the channel
# [dougbeal] What is yoast
# Loqi It looks like we don't have a page for "yoast" yet. Would you like to create it? (Or just say "yoast is ____", a sentence describing the term)
[jgmac1106], Anouar1 and [dmitshur] joined the channel
# jeremycherfas Yoast is Toast, as one wag put it.
[Michael_Beckwit joined the channel
# [Michael_Beckwit hiiii
# [Michael_Beckwit cool
# [Michael_Beckwit I should probably spend part of today re-reviewing and re-testing https://github.com/pfefferle/wordpress-webmention/pull/230
# [Michael_Beckwit the ides of webmentions are upon us
# [Michael_Beckwit GWG trying to mentally parse out your comment from a couple days ago regarding WebMentions data structure
# [Michael_Beckwit “Current data structure stored the webmention type in meta and the protocol as the comment type. It should be the other way around”
# [Michael_Beckwit at least according to my local dev install, the comment_type gets set as “webmention”
[LewisCowles] joined the channel
# Anouar1 Hi
# [Michael_Beckwit and then my comment meta for it, just has the created at, source, and target urls
# [Michael_Beckwit if i need to keep semantic_linkbakcs_ meta keys in mind too, then I have source, canonical, and type there
# [Michael_Beckwit ahh
# [Michael_Beckwit if i’m understanding right, the comment type would be in line or similar with post kinds but sent to the remote site with that data
# [Michael_Beckwit i add your post as a like on my site, you get a webmention saying “you received a like from michael”
# [Michael_Beckwit if I reply to Chris, he’s notified of a reply from me
# [Michael_Beckwit etc
# Anouar1 My name is Naili Anouar and I am a developer on .Net technology and I join you after the meeting by email of Christophe Ducamp by email
# Anouar1 My name is Naili Anouar and I am a developer on .Net technology and I join you after the meeting by email of Christophe Ducamp by email
# [Michael_Beckwit welcome Naili
# Anouar1 @Michaelthanks
# Anouar1 I am new to you, can you get me to a better understanding of indieweb, indeed the goal and the production of indiewb
# cambridgeport90[ Speaking of that, we need a simpler way to do person tagging. I haven't figured it out yet.
# cambridgeport90[ Only thing I can think of is a potential dialogue similar to a hyperlink in session. Not sure what will need to be added to have the proper HTML be rendered. I wish I knew more about this.
[tantek] joined the channel
# Anouar1 @GWG I was looking for a contribution to an open source project and Freelance work when I met with Christophe Ducamp
# Anouar1 @GWG i have my own website hosted at appspot : https://lpgtesoft.appspot.com
# cambridgeport90[ I’ll have to keep an eye on that one. It’s so easy to make a mistake in writing in HTML.
# [Michael_Beckwit assuming a “recommended naming convention” from codeclimate isn’t a blocker, I think https://github.com/pfefferle/wordpress-webmention/pull/230 is ready and as good as I’ll manage at the moment.
[dougbeal], sarahDiscord[m] and [Khurt] joined the channel
# [Khurt] Hi all. Webmention facepiles do not display when JetPack feature "Let readers use WordPress.com, Twitter, Facebook, or Google+ accounts to comment” is enabled.
# [Khurt] I have an open ticket here: https://github.com/pfefferle/wordpress-semantic-linkbacks/issues/222
# [Khurt] Is there are workaround for this issue?
[tantek] and [Michael_Beckwit joined the channel
# takev[m] Details of the hack: https://charlotteallen.info/2019/11/27/indieweb-delete-hack-for-wordpress/
chrisaldrich joined the channel
# chrisaldrich welcome takev! that looks pretty cool.
# chrisaldrich I suspect it may make more sense to have something like that integrated into the webmention plugin directly: https://github.com/pfefferle/wordpress-webmention
# chrisaldrich I know GWG has been hacking away at redesigning it for a while.
# chrisaldrich takev++ for "Sitecore and IndieWeb probably form some sort of contradiction. 😛"
# [Michael_Beckwit g’day Chris
# chrisaldrich It would be kind of cool if sitecore had indieweb support.
# chrisaldrich What are building blocks?
# Loqi Building blocks are key design-patterns, technologies, and methods for building and improving your independent website https://indieweb.org/building-blocks
# chrisaldrich good morning Michael_Beckwit
# chrisaldrich What is sitecore?
# Loqi It looks like we don't have a page for "sitecore" yet. Would you like to create it? (Or just say "sitecore is ____", a sentence describing the term)
# chrisaldrich Sitecore is php right?
# chrisaldrich Alas... the original version of the WordPress plugin was written in pure PHP and was later converted to dovetail more directly with WordPress. Could have made doing that a lot easier....
# chrisaldrich what is .net?
# Loqi It looks like we don't have a page for ".net" yet. Would you like to create it? (Or just say ".net is ____", a sentence describing the term)
# chrisaldrich What is NET?
# Loqi It looks like we don't have a page for "NET" yet. Would you like to create it? (Or just say "NET is ____", a sentence describing the term)
[KevinMarks] joined the channel
# chrisaldrich can't think of anyone off hand who has done IndieWeb building blocks in .NET.
# chrisaldrich Surely someone has tinkered around though.
# [Michael_Beckwit i haven’t touched .NET since my weird college phase, er i mean classes
# chrisaldrich Given the user base of Sitecore, I'd suspect they'd love to have Micropub support. Could make it easier for clients to input posts/data into the CMS with a broader variety of prettier user interfaces.
# chrisaldrich What are you working on today Michael?
# chrisaldrich plurality++
# [Michael_Beckwit did some review of my Webmention PR this morning, but mostly just trying to type up presentation content for IWC internal discussion
# [Michael_Beckwit so far I’ve touched on the POSSE/PESOS terminology, HWC, IndieWebCamp and the slack/irc community facets
# [Michael_Beckwit may have to publish this content via Gutenberg like Mullenweg did last month at WCUS
# chrisaldrich takev: Out of curiosity having never worked with it directly, what would it cost me to have a sitecore site on a personal domain?
# chrisaldrich I've already seen one or two people doing that sort of presentation work with Gutenberg at other WordCamps since.
# [Michael_Beckwit i believe it
# chrisaldrich opensource++ :)
# chrisaldrich So I think I'm not going to quickly spin up a sitecore site just for the entertainment of it...
# chrisaldrich I have only ever known larger multi-million dollar companies to have used it...
# chrisaldrich Michael_Beckwit, I can't wait to see the presentation when you're finished.
# chrisaldrich Darn it Loqi. I didn't mean to create a sitecore page!
# chrisaldrich takev, I noticed that Anouar1 is a .NET dev who was chatting in the #dev channel earlier.
# [Michael_Beckwit i may have to post my current content slides to my site instead of relying on just a markdown file in dropbox 😄
jgmac1106, Anouar, [fluffy], [KevinMarks] and [dougbeal] joined the channel