gRegorLove, DaniellMesquitaD, [snarfed] and [Michael_Beckwit joined the channel
#[Michael_BeckwitReasons why i doubt WordPress core will ever support webmentions out of box: 1) “We have pingbacks already” 2) Look at how much attention pingbacks get…ever
#aaronpkWe have to demonstrate how much better webmentions look, and that they're for a lot more than just blog post comments
#[Michael_Beckwiti like to believe we could whisper in Mullenweg’s ear saying “web mentions have a web standard”
gRegorLove, vika_nezrimaya, Anouar, [KevinMarks], [Rose], [jgmac1106], [christophe194] and jeremych_ joined the channel
#GWGI am trying to move forward with a major webmention update still
#[chrisaldrich]Regarding webmentions and WordPress core, the fact that they're standardized, look better, and (from a business perspective) could allow WordPress to be the next Twitter or Facebook and eat all that market share should be the argument.
#[chrisaldrich]In fact it's the business argument that will win them over, particularly because they're so enamored of their 35% website market share. Particularly when they look at the internet and realize that most think Facebook *IS* the web.
#[chrisaldrich]We shouldn't be using arguments that include the words pingback/trackback because they have so much baggage. We should probably be framing them as website to website @mentions.
[Michael_Beckwit joined the channel
#[Michael_BeckwitI’m kind of at that point where i’m cracking jokes that WordPress can also be used as a blogging platform
#tomk0I have a problem. I want to add categories to the Woocommers store. They must be displayed only in the store. How can i do that? I'm using Genesis Framework and Child thems. It's about something like the picture:
[Rose] joined the channel
#[Rose]You’ll probably need a menu for that. But this WordPress channel is generally for IndieWeb related questions 🙂
#[Rose](The Genesis folks have forums, and I’ve always got fast answers there, so you might want to try that too!)
#[chrisaldrich]Many of us are doing the "next thing" and generally calling it IndieWeb, but I'm curious what word do we give to this that doesn't have the "baggage" of the word but also isn't technojargon?
#[Michael_Beckwit“what do you have there Watson?” “It’s a word wide web logger” “Too long of a phrase.” “It’s a web log”. “Still too long, think small Watson”. “It’s a blog” “Perfect”
#[Michael_Beckwitfor some reason I was thinking Sherlock and Watson with that, but my head was hearing Baldrick and Blackadder
[dmitshur], dopplerg-, gRegorLove, [LewisCowles], [Michael_Beckwit and galetsDiscord[m] joined the channel