maxwelljoslyn, petermolnar, [schmarty], gRegorLove, [Michael_Beckwit, mattl, Kaja____, [dmitshur] and [tantek] joined the channel
#GWGLooking at the Micropub Indieauth implementation
[tonz] and petermolnar joined the channel
#GWGI am trying to figure out how to maintain two IndieAuth implementations, one for a local endpoint, the other for a remote endpoint
#[tonz]@GWG sounds interesting. To what purpose? Would it be usable for a set-up like keeping my Yarns microsub server in a separate WP install, while micropub publishing from a microsub client targets another WP install?
#GWG[tonz]: If it were up to me, everyone would self host their endpoint
#GWGBut enough people don't want to that I need to address
#GWGSo if you don't install the IndieAuth plugin, there is an authorization class in Micropub and Yarns
#GWGBut it is duplicative, so I am thinking of how I can reduce that