2020-01-13 UTC
[dmitshur], beko, [Marlin_Forbes], [tantek], gRegorLove, chrisaldrich, Kaja_____, M9672Discord[m], [LewisCowles], simons, [KevinMarks], [davidmead], xylanDiscord[m], [fluffy], [schmarty] and [jeffpaul] joined the channel
# 17:12 [jeffpaul] beko: back to your Gravatar issue, if there’s something that would help to build into Simple Local Avatars (https://wordpress.org/plugins/simple-local-avatars/ ) that better supports indieweb needs, please let me know and I can look into getting that work prioritized.
# 17:12 Loqi [Jake Goldman, 10up] Description
Adds an avatar upload field to user profiles if the current user has media permissions. Generates requested sizes on demand just like Gravatar! Simple and lightweight.
Just edit a user profile, and scroll down to the new “Avatar” fie...
# 17:12 GWG I haven't looked at Simple Local Gravatars in ages
# 17:18 GWG [jeffpaul]: Is it actively maintained?
[generativist] joined the channel
# 17:41 [jeffpaul] @gwg yes, part of the suite of projects my team maintains
# 17:42 GWG I have not looked at the code, is there a repo?
simons, gRegorLove, [tantek] and jackjamieson joined the channel
[Marlin_Forbes], [jgmac1106], jeremych_, [snarfed], jackjami_, simons and jackjamieson joined the channel
# 19:04 GWG [jeffpaul]: I will look at the code
# 19:15 GWG [jeffpaul]: I see some opportunities.
# 19:18 [jeffpaul] gwg: happy to review those and look at an updated release to accomodate those
# 19:18 GWG [jeffpaul]: Let me open an issue for discussion.
# 19:43 Loqi [dshanske] #39 Adapt to More Current Avatar Filters
chrisaldrich joined the channel
# 19:49 [jeffpaul] got it, will review with team and see about planning into a v2.2 release… thanks!
# 19:52 GWG [jeffpaul]: Hope they agree. You could cut a lot of code.
simons joined the channel
# 21:16 almostdvs does anyone know how to configure wordpress to offload images into s3 but for govcloud ?
# 21:17 almostdvs the wp offload media plugin seems to be configured for normal aws but can't change it for govcloud
# 21:48 Loqi [gboone] #399 AWS GovCloud region support?
# 21:49 almostdvs [jeffpaul]: Thanks, I have been reading through that, I'm trying to understand what he is saying.
# 21:50 almostdvs It looks like I have to build a new plugin and can use this function and filter
[KevinMarks], [snarfed], simons, dopplergange and kevq joined the channel
# 23:15 kevq Having trouble getting Webmention working on my site. Was hoping someone might be able to help please?
# 23:15 Loqi [kevquirk] #250 Webmention form not loading
[schmarty] joined the channel