chrisaldrichI remember there were some issues with allowing Jetpack proxying facebook,, et al. login causing some issues, but I thought they got fixed.
petermolnar, [Rose], DigitalOilDiscor, [jgmac1106], [fluffy], [dmitshur], gRegorLove, [tantek], [schmarty], [jeremycherfas], [Marlin_Forbes], armaniferranteDi and simons joined the channel
beko[m]GWG: I want own avatars without any gravatar. If a photo (via comment) comes from gravatar I want it cached on the server. I do not want cookies / requests to gravatar because this is a privacy issue for visitors. Whenever I find a comment with avatars from any CDN that drag in cookies I kill it right off with mystery-man.
Infamousguyhey all i keep getting this error in wordpress editor and can't do anything there, Uncaught TypeError: d is not a function at Q (react.min.js?ver=16.9.0:11) i have disabled all plugins and still get that error
[Marlin_Forbes], [Rose], simons, [jgmac1106], [tantek], matsugenDiscord[, [schmarty], [kimberlyhirsh], [davidmead], [KevinMarks] and [asuh] joined the channel
[asuh]maybe it adds to database bloat, but in my mind it makes that a webmention will just save the user’s avatar in my database, only serving that. i don’t think the avatar itself has to be controlled by webmentions plugin, right?
beko[m]other avatars are tricky. I don't mind pulling em in from the original site. It's their usecase anyway. Just don't want any cookies coming along. Some CDNs do this and sometimes I asked the author to make sure it does not happen for the avatar or remove it. That's work tho ☹︎
beko[m]Twitter is weird. Posted some trivia reply and got over 100 likes within hours o0 Anyway, I notice that not all backfeeded comments are rendered any more. Is there some comment limitation in WP I'm not aware of? Say "latest 100"?