#wordpress 2020-01-31

2020-01-31 UTC
[jgmac1106], gRegorLove, [LewisCowles] and [dmitshur] joined the channel
Is anyone running IndieAuth on a multi user site?
kiiind of, there's multiple users but nobody uses them
Ruxton: I am working on IndieAuth on and off
[Michael_Beckwit joined the channel
another 5FTF contributor day tomorrow, good chance i’ll be around more than normal, unless I end up finding something else to work on 😄
Right now, scopes are handled by Micropub and Microsub. I want to have them handled upstream
[Michael_Beckwit: Any specific plans?
I am trying to map IndieAuth scopes to WordPress capabilities
So it is mostly deciding what capabilities go in what scope
no, i’ll figure something out tomorrow 😄
No ideas?
I have too many
[Michael_Beckwit: What would you say are your strengths?
bengrue joined the channel
php in my mind
as usual, my bigger problem is i can get dug in to things for part of a day, and then i’m not digging back in again for weeks 😄
[Michael_Beckwit: I meant... what sort of things do you like to create, and maybe I might have an idea?
haven’t thought about that recently, if ever
Okay, if you need a sounding board... message
will do
[Marlin_Forbes], [mapkyca], bishop_b_, [snarfed], Loqi, [dmitshur], [tantek], jgmac1106, JOX, [KevinMarks], jeremych_, [jgmac1106], [AlisonW] and [Michael_Beckwit joined the channel
aha! GWG I know a project I could try to take on a bit. Adding compatibility support for Syndication Links and wordpress.org/plugins/wp-to-twitter/
[Michael_Beckwit: Syndication Links has some easy hooks and a class to inherit for the syndication provider
good, good
welcome Chrispian
I should write a... how to add support document
The goal is to save the tweet url or support Twitter via that plugin in Micropub?
i could too, as i figure it out
it would be to save the generated url coming from WP to Twitter
gotta relocate, be back shortly
[Chrispian_Burks joined the channel
Look at the plugins file in Syndication Links
[Evan_Hildreth] joined the channel
semi formal intro [Evan_Hildreth] and [Chrispian_Burks] to GWG
he’s David Shanske and you’ll see his name a lot on the WP plugins that i highlighted earlier this month
we also have [pfefferle] Matthias as well, though I haven’t seen him quite as active in here, at least not while i’ve been logged in
he may also not be a slack person
Gotcha. I'm working on getting the plugins setup on my site now.
GWG, Evan and Chrispian are coworkers of mine from the last year and a half or so, and expressed interest in the Indieweb Community, both before my talk as well as after. My hunch is they knew the concepts, just not a name to call them
[jeffpaul] joined the channel
[chrisaldrich] joined the channel
Morning folks! 👋
i brought friends to work today chris 😄
Friends has 1 karma over the last year
GWG thoughts on introducing a namespace in a new file for Syndication Links? or would you prefer just staying in the global namespace at this point for consistency?
What is backfeed?
Backfeed is the process of syndicating interactions on your POSSE copies back (AKA reverse syndicating) to your original posts https://indieweb.org/backfeed
ok, I added "https://boffosocko.com/2020/01/30/manual-backfeed-in-the-blogosphere/" to the "See Also" section of /backfeed https://indieweb.org/wiki/index.php?diff=68100&oldid=64882
[Michael_Beckwith]++ for introductions
[Michael_Beckwith] has 2 karma in this channel over the last year (3 in all channels)
gRegorLove, AltFreqDiscord[m and borismusDiscord[ joined the channel
woo, 2 PRs for Syndication Links today
Just got back online. Will look
[KevinMarks] joined the channel
[Michael_Beckwit: I do have a question
go for it
[Michael_Beckwit: Syndication Links has no namespacing...are you proposing it adopt it?
The only reason it doesn't is I was targeting 5.2, as it was the minimum for WordPress at the time and didn't see a need to rewrite it
it can be a work in progress type detail, not saying implement across the board for everything right away
ChubbyBoyDiscord joined the channel
perhaps just start as we add new files etc
also it already lists PHP 5.4 as the minimum version https://plugins.trac.wordpress.org/browser/syndication-links/tags/4.2.1/readme.txt
Yes, I just upped it recently
I will eventually get to 5.6
that said, if you prefer no trickling in namespaces at the moment, i’ll amend the PR
i’m fine either way, especially with already existing plugins
[Michael_Beckwit: Not sure my opinion as to whether I should move from using classes to do the same thing to namespaces
I probably should
The other question is that isn't the compatibility file doing the same function as the class-social-plugins file and shouldn't we consider merging them?
that file to me looked like some sort of general helper class, but if it’s meant for integrations like this one, i can definitely move mine into that
I would like to write a new integrations section of the plugin with better documentation
May use your PR as an excuse to rethink that
That's why I am wondering if it is a good time to consider namespacing
I would like to encourage more integration, and a cleaner rewrite might do that
On the other hand, someone is going to ask if it supports Gutenberg one day
I'm not sure if it should
I still don't get Gutenberg for data added automatically to a post
hard to say if/when WP core may remove custom metabox support completely
They have a sidebar API for Gutenberg
It's more I can't understand how people visualize post meta added to a post in the new world
if you can recall, is this the official Medium plugin that you added support for at [chrisaldrich]’s request ? https://wordpress.org/plugins/medium/
[A Medium Corporation] Description This plugin has been closed as of August 28, 2019 and is not available for download. This closure is permanent. Reviews Worked fine, until it didn’t. czn1 March 21, 2019 ...
chrisaldrich joined the channel
room to remove support for since they closed the plugin, unless Chris is still actively using it 😄
I'm not and others may not be. The question before closure though is where did the syndication links get stored?
If I recall, the plugin used the Medium storage and not it's own, so disabling that plugin (now shuttered) means all those syndication links disappear even though they still exist on medium.
wagle joined the channel
I believe I may have copied them.
i’m not seeing any spot where they’re stored, but i could be wrong
chrisaldrich: Find a post with one, disable medium, and see if it is still there
I remember doing it for SNAP when I dumped it
I'll run a quick test tonight when I'm back home. I seem to recall they lived in Medium's storage space and disabling that plugin made them all disappear.
I could be wrong.
If so, I could write the necessary migration code
I remember doing it once
[Michael_Beckwit: Block templates might be an option for Syndication Links
would make it easier to choose where to display
instead of just appending to the end of the_content
wouldn’t necessarily change how they’re added though
[Michael_Beckwit: For now, I am going to finish some projects
I have webmentions and IndieAuth at least
And some guy suggested refbacks
as always, zero rush on the PRs
unless Matthias swoops in
Matthias? Not on Syndication Links, he's not a contributor
I jump around
Syndication Links, Post Kinds, and Simple Location are ones he's not a user or contributor on
He created Webmentions and Semantic Linkbacks, but I became a major contributor
He abandoned IndieAuth and I took it over in the IndieWeb repository, but he's still my primary reviewer.
Abandoned in the sense he had always meant to make it an endpoint but had not gotten to it
I keep wanting to iterate on IndieAuth to make it more robust
I wish it could enter Core
But they want to go another way
I simply mentioned refbacks. I couldn't recommend you spend a huge amount of time on it. It is an interesting notification mechanism, but unless there's de-duping, it's more trouble to use than it's worth.
tttDiscord[m] and [jeffpaul] joined the channel
GWG: if we were to add backfeed support to our Autoshare for Twitter plugin, is https://indieweb.org/backfeed#Twitter the most current source of how to actually go about doing that?
and in terms of adding Syndication Links support, is that just adding rel-syndication/u-syndication links when tweets are sent out from those posts/pages/cpts?
[snarfed] joined the channel
[jeffpaul] just fyi twitter is one of the hardest silos to backfeed for, since the API doesn't support fetching a tweet's replies _or_ favorites
consider starting with a different easier silo if possible
[jeffpaul]: You can link into my Syndication Links plugin easily for the links
[jeffpaul] feel free to borrow code from https://github.com/snarfed/granary/blob/master/granary/twitter.py, particularly the `fetch_replies` and `favorites_html_to_likes` methods
[LewisCowles] joined the channel